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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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Is that all participants of the December 9th selection will be informed before the holiday break whether they were selected?
Congrats to everyone who got the call! Best of luck on course. I really hope my paperwork gets sorted out soon. Old Man Murphy has been fighting with me every step of the way... Sad I'm not joining you  :crybaby: Time to wait some more.
I'm curious if anyone is in the same boat as me, I got Merritt listed around early November, and I applied for combat engineer Ncm wondering when the next selection date is for this. Thanks
Well, I just sent a express letter to the North pole :nod:, I wish you luck guys.
Hattie56 said:
I hope it comes this week! For me and you! I have a feeling it won't be this week. Lol.

Pretty sure they're closed until the new year, like Jan 6th or something. Not sure exactly but someone will probably jump on and correct me. DAA maybe. Good luck however and happy holidays
D!V3R-13 said:
Pretty sure they're closed until the new year, like Jan 6th or something. Not sure exactly but someone will probably jump on and correct me. DAA maybe. Good luck however and happy holidays

Yeah you're probably right. It'd be nice to know if i get an offer before break as i need to give my current employer 3 weeks notice haha. Guess Im just being hopeful.
Hattie56 said:
Yeah you're probably right. It'd be nice to know if i get an offer before break as i need to give my current employer 3 weeks notice haha. Guess Im just being hopeful.

Give them a call and ask for an update!  They should be open until this Friday (20 Dec) and then back to work on Mon 6 Jan or possibly even Thurs 2 Jan 14.
DAA said:
Give them a call and ask for an update!  They should be open until this Friday (20 Dec) and then back to work on Mon 6 Jan or possibly even Thurs 2 Jan 14.

I'll try bit out of a possible 20 times I've called the file manager, I can never get through.
DAA said:
Give them a call and ask for an update!  They should be open until this Friday (20 Dec) and then back to work on Mon 6 Jan or possibly even Thurs 2 Jan 14.

Note: Sorry about the wrong date, for CFRC Victoria it was December 19th that they are out of office.

Actually I got a call Dec 18th, like, last minute, to book my medical and interview in the new year (for this CFRC its January 6th) and I was at work!!!  :crybaby: All kidding aside, im sure if I call on the 6th they'll book me in by the 9th which is the first window the nice lady on the voicemail gave me. I didn get the message until literally 5 minutes AFTER they closed :/

Tried a few times today, every single line and extension on the automated answering machine and to no avail.

Onwards to the new year I suppose!!!
Yeah, I didn't hear anything this week... so, at least I can rest a bit easy and not have my phone glued to my hand for the next two weeks. 

So, I guess we'll wait until after the break and hopefully have a bunch of calls in the New Year!

Good luck everyone, and have a great holiday!  :christmas happy: :snowman:
Colta said:
Yeah, I didn't hear anything this week... so, at least I can rest a bit easy and not have my phone glued to my hand for the next two weeks. 

So, I guess we'll wait until after the break and hopefully have a bunch of calls in the New Year!

Good luck everyone, and have a great holiday!  :christmas happy: :snowman:

You'll probably get an offer for AVS Tech, because I'm in basic right now as a med tech and they only took me because I was a nurse. Right now they're only taking people who are actually paramedics through direct entry, so if you're not going direct then you'll probably get the air force offer. :) I know that most of the people getting into basic right now are air force trades so you definitely have a great shot.
Colta said:
Yeah, I didn't hear anything this week... so, at least I can rest a bit easy and not have my phone glued to my hand for the next two weeks. 

So, I guess we'll wait until after the break and hopefully have a bunch of calls in the New Year!

Good luck everyone, and have a great holiday!  :christmas happy: :snowman:

Yeah me either :( but, as you said, we still have a chance. I hope everyone hears some good news in the new year.
Hattie56 said:
Yeah me either :( but, as you said, we still have a chance. I hope everyone hears some good news in the new year.

I'm very much hoping I get some good news in the beginning of the new year. Waiting for a year sucks!  :threat: lol
Brandonfw said:
I'm very much hoping I get some good news in the beginning of the new year. Waiting for a year sucks!  :threat: lol

Yes, It does suck but a year is really not that long, when you really want it, I waited close to 18 months from start to finish, its worse when you know you are heading out soon, and your place of employment is DEAD (i am waiting on a new broom, as i have worn it out) and they are forcing you out as it is that slow, I managed to bide my time to around January 10th (I hope). I will go back to NB for a little break before swear in, as I have no family here in NS, come back for swear in, packing and finally get on that Q400 to Saint Jean.
marinemech said:
I will go back to NB for a little break before swear in, as I have no family here in NS

I am also from NB, I have only an Aunt living here in Halifax. I will be glad to go back to the country side, instead of living in this city.... haha.

Happy Holidays Marinemech, and best of luck!
Here's hoping for both of us Hattie, although at this point I wouldn't mind a later start date. I managed to catch pneumonia over the New Year and am still in recovery mode, so at this point... if they don't call till the end of Jan, I'm okay by that. The last thing I want to do is go to St. Jean still hacking and feeling like I got run over by a truck.
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