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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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So I applied to join an armoured reconnaissance unit. It was a part of a co-op program with my high school, I have failed the cfat twice. I have graduated high school and currently attending college for police foundations. I want to apply for the reserves a third time, but this time I want to join an infantry unit instead. Is it possible to write the cfat for a third time? and is it easier to get into infantry instead of armoured reconnaissance?
I'm afraid your S.O.L. as the requirements are about the same IIRC.

I hear Rotten Ronnie's is hiring.
mlogue1 said:
So I applied to join an armoured reconnaissance unit. It was a part of a co-op program with my high school, I have failed the cfat twice. I have graduated high school and currently attending college for police foundations. I want to apply for the reserves a third time, but this time I want to join an infantry unit instead. Is it possible to write the cfat for a third time? and is it easier to get into infantry instead of armoured reconnaissance?

How are you doing in your college program? Are you struggling or getting good grades?
mlogue1 said:
Is it possible to write the cfat for a third time?

"You will only be allowed to write the test a third time if you provide proof that you are registered in a college or university program, and that you are passing courses without difficulty.":
SharkmanSIX said:
How are you doing in your college program? Are you struggling or getting good grades?

Im doing fairly well in my college program, Im not failing anything.
Maybe you could go Intelligence; I hear the Navy has a Sub-Lieutenant line serial that just became vacant.  >:D
Unfortunately, an aptitude test is just that...a test of your aptitude (or lack thereof). As hard as this may be to hear, you do not have the required aptitude. Move on. Despite what your HS guidance counsellor/parents said, you cannot be whatever you want when you grow up.

Harsh? Certainly. Honest? Absolutely.
I would do more than two years. I would demonstrate that you have the capacity to learn and the desire/dedication to succeed. It depends how badly you want a career. Some people have gone to school for 4+ years to be granted a third shot.

Just because you failed to reach the cutoff for said trade twice does not mean you will fail the third time. Forget the CFAT for a minute. If you write the same test 10 times absent any practical preparation would you expect a different result?  The answer should be no. People do change. It comes down to your specific position and history.  The whole " you can't study for aptitude "  crap generally comes from those who are overwhelming introverted. The CFAT takes a snap shot of you as is ...in the present.  Contrary to some beliefs, people do in fact change! It's not a personality test.  :2c:

If it's what you want -  find a way. You won't be the first or last. 
skyhigh10 said:
The whole " you can't study for aptitude "  crap generally comes from those who are overwhelming introverted.

"aptitude: capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent:" (Definitions.com)

I agree that one should not think the CFAT is simply a test that you can walk into without studying. It does not simply measure innate skills. Granted one may be predisposed to understand math at a level higher than another naturally, yet obviously most who do not have this gift can still acquire the talent.

So I think it is wrong to say that some people simply do not have the aptitude to be in the army in the innate sense, a caveat being those specially challenged etc. Clearly it is just lack of trying or laziness which limits a persons success.

/end rant + conclusion...study more.
mlogue1 said:
Im positive, I don't find myself struggling

Is english your first language?  I ask because even after correcting your own post and being questioned on it by George, you still managed to forget an apostrophe at the beginning of your sentence.

I'll also be that guy to step up to the bat and say: Maybe you're not cut out to be in the military? 

Bonne chance.
How are people failing this CFAT? Jesus I passed this thing above the officer standard when I was 17. Normally I would say you don't need to study for the CFAT but YOU need to do some prep work. Download some IQ apps for your phone?

Edit: I'm going to edit this because I came off like a conceited jackass. You've written the test twice now. This means you know what is on it. Aptitude in the IQ sense is something that levels out and does not change over time. On the other hand, if you know what types of questions are on the test, you can prepare for them. This can mean you get a higher score on the test. What you need to do if you ever decide to redo this test is to practice questions that are similar to what is on the test. This doesn't mean read a book about math - it means do similar questions over and over again. Do the practice CFAT and understand why the answers are what they are.
Reaper-1 said:
How are people failing this CFAT? Jesus I passed this thing above the officer standard when I was 17. Normally I would say you don't need to study for the CFAT but YOU need to do some prep work. Download some IQ apps for your phone?

Maybe they're just not as smart as you.
Reaper-1 said:
Edit: I'm going to edit this because I came off like a conceited jackass.
Good work; your edit certainly removed that perception.    ::)
I think what leaped out at me was the fact that dude isn't even in yet himself. Now you definitely won't get in if you fail the CFAT, that's a given, but passing it offers no guarantees, either. Even in passing it, getting through the process to an offer and loaded on courses...you see where I am going here.

For anyone who is writing the CFAT soon and want to practice, I found a website with some tests on spatial, verbal and mathematical skills. The tests are pretty similar to what I've seen on other CFAT practice tests. And yes, you don't have to pay a penny.