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Social Insurance Number... need new card

Hey everyone,

Okay, I did a bunch of searches and couldn't find anything regarding S.I.N. cards, so here goes.  My friend is planning to apply with me, however he is in the process of getting a replacement social insurance card.  Now as far as I know, the recruiter wants the card, but if he has to wait 1.5 - 2 months to get it, he won't be able to apply for the september training program.  Does anyone know if there is a way of dealing with this?  He knows his S.I.N. number as far as I know.  Will the physical card be that much of a big deal?

Thanks everyone.
Although a piece of plastic is preferred, you should be able to provide a temporary number based on a receipt from Service Canada which would prove your permanent card is on the way. 
Thanks for the responses.  How would he go about getting the receipt from Service Canada?
When he pays for his replacement card they will give him a stamped receipt with the number on it.
Thanks very much everyone... Now if he was a silly person and threw it out or lost it, thinking that he didn't need it, is he up skite crick without a paddle?  Can he go where he went to pay for it, and get another?  I am not sure if this is the case, but I figure I better ask anyways.
If he were that indifferent with regards to such an important piece of document, I would question his integrity.  Hmmm maybe he really has no care for authority.

I smell something fish here, spidey senses tingling.

Was it really your "friend"?


hahahha, I knew that was coming up, I'd take a picture of my SIN card, but then I would be revealing some personal information I don't care to put on the net lol.... As the case is, hes a younger guy, 19, has a fulltime job, and wasn't contemplating enlisting at the time (about a couple weeks prior)... like I said, I'm not sure if he did lose it or throw it out, if he did either though, I would think it to be more of a he didn't need it at that time, maybe he didn't feel it was all that important as he would be recieving the real deal soon.  I wasn't able to get a hold of him for 3 days, and I called the recruiting center and they told us to get our crap together asap if we wanted to apply for september.  I finally got a hold of him tonight, but he was at work, so he asked me if I could find the answer to that question... I guess though if he doesnt have the receipt, I could take him down to the unemployment office (apparently thats where you do this stuff, at least here ?) and see if he can get some more proof.... I really hope he still has his receipt though.  It would be such a bother.  I would like the chance to train with him, however I don't want to postpone my training just because of a friend (I don't think thats a very smart thing to do)... So I hope he can get his ducks in a row.

Me too, good luck in the adventures of you and your "friend".

Remember the big end goes into your shoulder,



editing note, forgot the quotes to emphasize sarcasm...
*laughs heartily* I'll try to remember that one... It may come in handy  ;D Though perhaps I should let him know that one too  :mg:

Thanks again
Any time, my inquisitive friend



So I have an update, not that it matters in particular... My pal found his receipt, and will attempt to use it during the application should he not recieve his card in time.  Should it be a problem?  I mean, technically it is a government document showing his SIN information... Will it depend on the recruiter or is it even a question?  If it is not accepted by this recruiter, is there a way to dispute it?
SIN cards are not a required document to get the ball rolling.  The SIN card is only required at enrollment.  Your friend's receipt is good enough for now.  None of this is dependant on the recruiter.  The Privacy Act and rules on who can request SIN data determines that.  Yes you can file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner if you are not getting the service you are entitled.  All of this information is available on the service Canada Website.
Well, both of us handed in our applications today, at the local armoury, and there were no problems :D  My buddy's receipt was good enough, they just copied it and gave him the original back.  Thanks everyone for the feedback, it really helped us both out.  I absolutely cannot wait until BMQ starts.  We are hoping to get in for september weekend training, hoping there are enough spots left, as the quotas for recruitment are being shot to ****.  Which is definately a good thing.  Wish us luck, I know this is my calling.  Always has been, always will be. Just hope my dirty *** roommates' pot smoking doesn't cause a positive on my drug screen.  I know usually second hand smoke won't cause a positive, but I am living in the environment.  I talked to him about it, but he is extremely unreasonable.  I do have an ad in the local paper for a new roommate.

Thanks everyone