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nowhere_man said:
OK i gotta ask what is field stripping Cigarette butts like do you cut them or bury them or what

field stripping a butt is simple...when finished with the cigarette, you flick the cherry out of the paper (MAKING SURE YOU GROUND IT OUT),  twist any of the tobacco that's left on the ground, and then pocket the butt, throwing it out at a later time...

Some guys will twist the filter out of the paper and leave it, as cotton is biodegradable, but I find it's easy to see if someones been there on a patrol if I find filters..
When you're on course, smoking is just another way your instructors can feed the cock to you. On my BMQ they played this twisted little game with us where we wouldn't be allowed to smoke for a day, then they'd give us a 5 minute smoke break on the condition that only 5 people could smoke at a time. I guess their point was to see if we had the willpower to take a few quick drags and pass the cigarette off and give someone else a chance.

When it came to the field, we were always told that we wern't allowed to smoke at night because it wasn't tactical. But I always went by the philosophy that if I can do it without getting caught by the instructors, then the enemy wouldn't catch me either so that really made "smoking tactically" OK. ;)

On SQ and BIQ it was a bit easier on smoking, just because I was feeding cigarettes to my section commander who had quit a few months prior. He started up again a couple days into our first field ex and so never had a chance to buy a pack. From that point on whenever we wanted a cigarette someone would just say "Sgt, you want a smoke?", which was pretty often because we realized that the more we got him hooked the more breaks we'd have. ;D

When you're posted to your unit though, people are pretty indifferent about whether or not you're a smoker. Especially if you're in a job that requires alot of sitting around and shooting the shit (read: infantry), smoking is accepted as long as it doesn't interfere with your job.
During the application process you have to write everything down you do. Im 17 and smoke occasionally usually cigars at partys or an occasional ciggerate with im haging out with my friends. Am I going to get penilized that im underage and smoke occasionally?
Kr3w said:
During the application process you have to write everything down you do. Im 17 and smoke occasionally usually cigars at partys or an occasional ciggerate with im haging out with my friends. Am I going to get penilized that im underage and smoke occasionally?

Yes and your interview will be halted and the local police will be called. You will have to give up your friends and the adults who bought them the cigarettes.

Seriously don't worry about it but you should worry more about your spelling!
kincanucks said:
Yes and your interview will be halted and the local police will be called. You will have to give up your friends and the adults who bought them the cigarettes.

So they disbanded the firing squad on this issue?  Pity.  ;)
Smokers... that's how rumors get started on a ship.

Because everyone goes to the same place to smoke and no group can not chat, there is always someone listening to half the story.
Realize that if your going to smoke, its really noticeable when you work in small rooms/offices, especially when you work with non-smokers, and especially rabid former smokers trying to reform those left behind.  Wash your hands and face afterwards if you have time, and a breath mint wouldnt hurt afterwards either.

For those who chew, at least clean up your spit bottles afterwards...
i am a chewer, is there a place on base to purchase it or do you have to go to a local gas station off base to get it?
A piece of advice for you all you "nonsmoking" young uns out there. "DON"T START" I smoke and I wish to hell I had never started 30 years ago. If I had to do it all over again, I would thrown that first pack of cigarettes in the trash and walked away!

Much can be learnt from another persons mistakes and that's not making the same ones.

Find another habit, preferably a healthier one.

"Cough, cough, hack, hack, pass me another pack".
Had my first pilfered cigarette with some buddies at the age of 10 from dear ol' mom's cameo's  :-X ( should of made me quit right there..). Then graduated to the ol' man's rothmans. Took up the unfiltered 'green death' in Cornwallis. Ended ( I hope) with PJ's. So have been smoking for 34 years; regularly for 27 years. I've tried to quit many times before: gum; patch, zyban, willpower, a couple of 'butt-out's', etc
Set a date of 01 June. So far it's been H hour + 1 day, 13.5 hours (but who's counting?  :D )

Haven't wanted to tear someone a new one....yet.. :D
My husband and I quit smoking about 4 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days ago.
It was one of the hardest things we have ever done and really put our relationship to the test.
It's scary to hear all the non-smokers and former non-smokers that start smoking during or after BMQ.
I can't imagine starting again. Could anyone tell me the reasons they started smoking again? Or the excuses they told themselves?
I'm hoping to avoid these trip-ups.
shlindz said:
My husband and I quit smoking about 4 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days ago.
Give or take a day or two, eh?

Congrats so far!
First mistake when quitting smoking is telling people about it.  Expectations can weigh heavily on you and you may start again just to alleviate the pressure because you are weak like me.
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Give or take a day or two, eh?

Congrats so far!
Thanks. I have a quit meter going on my computer. It acts as a constant reminder of our success.

kincanucks said:
First mistake when quitting smoking is telling people about it.  Expectations can weigh heavily on you and you may start again just to alleviate the pressure because you are weak like me.

I would never consider anyone weak that has gone through the initial quit. The struggle involved with the first three days alone merits recognition of true strength.
Started smoking almost 30 years ago, still doing it.  The trick is to cut back to 1-1.5 packs a week...
I have tried to quit smoking on numerous occasions, but something always bad happens and the first thing I do is go and buy a pack of smokes. Should have never started when I was in highschool, but it is just soooooo good.
I quit smoking cold turkey about 4.5 years ago now, I will on occasion puff a cigar or a colt like cigarillo if someone offers one to me, but thats it.
I will quit when I'm a civilian.Until then I smoke during the day and chew in tatical situations.