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Many including you have made some very interesting contributions to this site since they have joined.  There is a old saying that goes something like this "Engage brain before opening mouth".  You all should try it sometime.

Edited so it is not a personal attack and hoperfully it doesn't offend the thin skinned people.
Quote today by Cluett
Alright, fair enough... No need to attack me, on any level at best. And I apologize for not meeting your quota. There's also another saying that goes with it. But I'm not going to say it out of RESPECT. Karma will kick you.

EDIT: And by the way, I was unsure about something, and didn't have the time to look it up. As I was at work when I posted it. So get off my back.
« Last Edit: Today at 12:46:22 by Cluett »

Everyone take a breather.


Try reading for awhile and stay off the keyboard. The single line comments are getting on everyone's nerves, and you're pissing them off. If you're not going to add anything substantial to a thread, don't comment. You've made over 50 posts (76 since June 13\09) in the last few days, and most of them weren't needed, on any level.

Reading your above comment, about karma, has put me in mind of a certain troublemaker we had here awhile ago, in a number of incarnations. I'm sure you don't want me to start digging too deep in that direction.

Milnet.ca Staff
I've been a smoker for about 8 years and I'm headin to bmoq in sept.  The only thing I'm worried about is keeping up (PT) I exercise regularly now and its been tough, but has anyone had a serious problem???? I really want to do well at bmoq and the only thing I'm worried about is my physical condition
downrightGuppy said:
Because I'll join LOG than and we all know about that!

Just what is it exactly that "we" all know about...?

Try thinking for once. Just a little bit at a time to start with. We do not want to strain you.

There are many Log types on this forum. You may wish to show them a little respect in future.

They will be looking after your leave requests, pay, and other personal administrative things about which you might care.

They will be issuing you clothing and equipment. You probably want that in the correct sizes and in decent condition.

They will be providing you with transport at times. You may want it to show up at the right place and time, and with enough seats for your butt.

They will be cooking your food. Cooks usually enjoy preparing the best meals possible, and take great pride in their jobs. I've known a couple who also enjoy preparing the best culinary revenge possible, and take great pride in that, too.

You have brought yourself to the attention of the DS here, and not in the best possible way.

You have now brought yourself to the attention of every rightfully-proud Logistics Officer, WO/PO, and NCO on this site. They are absolutely essential to your effectiveness (if any, and I have my doubts based upon what I have seen so far) in the field and your personal well-being.

None of us non-Loggies would function at all were it not for them.

There are probably DS in St-Jean who are members of this site. If so - guess what?

I cautioned you about drawing attention to yourself in another thread. You do not seem to learn very well.

You are not even IN yet, and you are already busily f**king yourself.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
Loachman said:
Just what is it exactly that "we" all know about...?

Try thinking for once. Just a little bit at a time to start with. We do not want to strain you.

There are many Log types on this forum. You may wish to show them a little respect in future.

They will be looking after your ...

{Quote edited for brevity}

Loachman - you have brought a tear to my eye.

17 years I've been waiting for this kind of public recognition ...

MANY times I have expressed my admiration for our "pointy end" friends and the job they do (mostly appreciated so that I don't have to do it ...), never to have that recognition returned.

I have stood by while maintainers were publically praised for the "extra hard work" after I spent all night finding, arranging for transport of, and receiving a part, without so much as a thank-you.

On behalf of all the loggies - Thanks for the praise and recognition! May ArmyVern give you a great big Loggie Hug some day when you're not expecting it (cause her hug's GOTTA be more appreciated than MINE - nobody wants a big squeeze from an old hairy-bag Bin-rat!)

And just so that THIS post remains on thread - I haven't smoked since I was 15 ... 7 years before I joined. But as soon as I retire to the West Coast and grow my hair long, I INTEND to!  ;)
Loachman said:
They will be cooking your food. Cooks usually enjoy preparing the best meals possible, and take great pride in their jobs. I've known a couple who also enjoy preparing the best culinary revenge possible, and take great pride in that, too.

"La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid".

oops. I quit smoking in Apr 1986.
mariomike said:
"La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid".

oops. I quit smoking in Apr 1986.

My French isn't the greatest.  But, isn't that the old Klingon proverb that tell us of how "Revenge is a dish best served cold"

Oh and I started smoking when I joined 25 yrs ago.  :)
My French isn't the greatest.  But, isn't that the old Klingon proverb that tell us of how "Revenge is a dish best served cold"

I think I heard in the movie "Casino" when Joe Pesci's brother added the extra "condiment" to the LEO's take out veal sandwiches.

Please do not smoke, chew or associate with those that do. ( joke ).

But, isn't that the old Klingon proverb that tell us of how "Revenge is a dish best served cold"

Unless the first Klingon visitation to Earth predated 1782, when Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderios de LaClos wrote "Les Liasons Dangereuses", and he wasn't as French as most people believe, no.
Hey everybody, I quitted smoking today !!!

I've been smoking for about 10 years now, and after many tryes to quit, I know this time is for good !

So proud of myself :)

I am on the patches, I should be on a BMQ in a month or two so I will be OK when joining. I whas smoking about 20 cigs a day. I will replace the habbit by doing 25 push ups each time I want to smoke.
Congrats, Blueone.  Keep it up!

Personally, I smoked through BMQ and am still smoking today and still did better at PT (at times and at later units) than non-smokers, some half my age .......not that I'm advocating smoking as a healthy life-style...... ;)
PMedMoe said:
Personally, I smoked through BMQ and am still smoking today and still did better at PT (at times and at later units) than non-smokers, some half my age .......

Yeah, drive and the ability to continue to perform though pain does take one far. But it had nothing to do with smoking. Fat and out of shape (which you are not) is still that regardless of the crap you choose to put into your lungs.

Smoking kills you slowly. While you may be able to be really fit in your 20's, once you are in your 50's you will not be able to run so quick attached to that portable oxygen bottle.
SFB said:
Yeah, drive and the ability to continue to perform though pain does take one far. But it had nothing to do with smoking. Fat and out of shape (which you are not) is still that regardless of the crap you choose to put into your lungs.

Smoking kills you slowly. While you may be able to be really fit in your 20's, once you are in your 50's you will not be able to run so quick attached to that portable oxygen bottle.

Yes, I know that.  As I said, I certainly wasn't promoting smoking as a good thing.  I really should quit but being posted in Ottawa makes it difficult..... ::)
PMedMoe said:
Congrats, Blueone.  Keep it up!

Personally, I smoked through BMQ and am still smoking today and still did better at PT (at times and at later units) than non-smokers, some half my age .......not that I'm advocating smoking as a healthy life-style...... ;)

Thank you !

I am drinking my cofee right now and guess what ? No need for a cig. I decided yesterday it whas enought when I woked up with pain in the lungs (the day before I smoked like a fireman!)

I encourage everyone to quit. It realy kills slowly in fact, I left the army 10 years ago while on the BMQ because my grand father whas at the hostpital, suffering from hempisemia, he died a couple days after.
One day at a time.  Then one week at a time followed by one month at a time......then a year. 

Good luck.