To the best of my knowledge and I'm sure some more experienced members of the forum will answer you also.
Barbarossa said:
In short, what the website is saying and the recruiting centre doesn't match sometimes.
The Canadian Army website is not updated as fast as the positions are closed. Lately, most of the trades in the CF closed because there is simply... no more rooms.
Your best option is to relay to what your recruiter tells you. He is the one who has the latest datas. keep in mind that if 10 positions open in i.e. RMS and there is already people with a full process completed on a merit list... obviously these positions will be offered to these people rather than to someone who's process is not even started.
Foreign references are acceptable although Canadian references are very much preferred.
I asked the same question... was given the same answer... therefor, you have your answer
1. I applied for the LCIS tech position and although it is closed now, he said that this position is security level 2 which means you must have resided in Canada for at least 7 years. I have only been here around 5 years. Is this true? I have browsed the forums for these and there was a thread that a naturalized Canadian wants to be an officer even though he is only been around here less than 5 years and I have not read from him that this is an obstacle. For an officer you are not required security clearance but for a NCM you must have one??
This is only a guess here but:
For some trades in the CF, you need a certain level of security regarding on the fact that you're an officer or a NCM. i.e. NCM working in psysops will probably need a higher security level than a Logistic Officer.
Please confirm this with someone else on the forum.
4. As a naturalized Canadian, I understand that I have more security to clear than those who were born here. Also, my father currently lives in the Philippines and works for the government there. What steps should I take to hasten up the application process?
It is not because you are a naturalized Canadian that you need to undergo a deeper security check. When you have relatives living in countries that are not part of NATO, this security check is required. This is the same rule for anyone. You could be a natural born Canadian and have a mother living in Ivory Coast... then you'd have to go through extra security check.
Now, I don't want to scare you as this is not my intention at all, but you should be aware that depending on the country your relative lives in, that security check could take between 6 to 18 months to clear out and the reason has nothing to do with Canada rather than with the Embassies to which your file might be sent in regards to that security check. They will actually not check on you for that part of the process rather than on your relatives.
Hope this helps a bit and all I can say is: BE PATIENT!
Edited for spell check