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Manitoba Majority Government, 2023-?

The Bread Guy

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Looks like Team Orange has a majority in Manitoba after yesterday's election - still only unofficial numbers as of this post
Screenshot 2023-10-04 101812.jpg
The Conservative party ran what may be the stupidest political campaign that I have ever seen.
Not to mention fairly sleazy.
If you're going to run a scorched earth campaign may I humbly suggest that you pour the gasoline on the ground as opposed to all over yourself, before striking the match.
In my opinion there isn't much wiggle room - as soon as one of his promises (health care) doesn't come to fruition he will be a pariah in the eyes of the electorate. Once he looks at the budget the promises may go out the window. I can pretty much say with certainty the landfills will be searched - cost be damned.
I wonder if he plans to beat the $24 billion dollars in additional debt the NDP racked up last time they were in power or does he have his eye on the near $80 billion the NDP racked up in a single term in AB? Searching the landfills would be a great way to start wasting taxpayers money.
Heresy!!! Blasphemy!!! How dare thou question the wisdom of the Wab!!!
The Conservative party ran what may be the stupidest political campaign that I have ever seen.
Not to mention fairly sleazy.
If you're going to run a scorched earth campaign may I humbly suggest that you pour the gasoline on the ground as opposed to all over yourself, before striking the match.
Yeah the Tories weren’t polling well going in, but it’s almost like they said “How can we come across as completely ham-fisted and make ourselves completely unelectable in Winnipeg?”

The next few years are not going to be fun.
I used be a straight Tory voter , until about three elections back. I currently vote for the provincial Liberals .
If only because I refuse to vote for stupid people.
I used be a straight Tory voter , until about three elections back. I currently vote for the provincial Liberals .
If only because I refuse to vote for stupid people.
Can’t disagree with that. A lot of stupid people in politics now and my side is just as lousy with stupid as the other sides. 🙁
Let’s see how long the honeymoon lasts.

Manitoba is about to find out.
IMHO, the NDP have painted themselves into a pretty tight corner. They ran on two primary issues: fixing healthcare, and digging up the landfill. While they may make some progress on the second, the first is going to be nearly impossible without a huge workforce injection. What most folks fail to realize, is that nearly every jurisdiction in North America is screaming for workers, not just MB. The public won't care that it's a workforce issue, they'll just care that the government didn't do what they promised.
I used be a straight Tory voter , until about three elections back. I currently vote for the provincial Liberals .
If only because I refuse to vote for stupid people.
Looking for a Sharon Carstairs revival?

IMHO, the NDP have painted themselves into a pretty tight corner. They ran on two primary issues: fixing healthcare, and digging up the landfill. While they may make some progress on the second, the first is going to be nearly impossible without a huge workforce injection. What most folks fail to realize, is that nearly every jurisdiction in North America is screaming for workers, not just MB. The public won't care that it's a workforce issue, they'll just care that the government didn't do what they promised.
Irony is half to to thirds of the RN's I work with up north aren't from MB - they've been poached from the East Coast, mainly NB
I hope Kinew is more Doer, less the guy that replaced him. We’ll see.

The PC’s deserved to get taken to the woodshed, but that doesn’t mean the Dippers are going to do any better.