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G8/G20 June 2010 Protest Watch

Skynews Australia is all over this story this am. It was the first thing up on the news at 0800.

The whole world is watching these fools, and is no doubt waiting for what Canada will do.

Whoa, even someone at the Globe & Mail gets it!
Claudia Calabro, a spokesperson for the Toronto Community Mobilization Network, said that police were to blame for any violence at today's protest. She said the excessive police presence made people feel trapped. So throwing golf balls and smashing windows is acceptable under those circumstances? "We are people against the G20, we don't comment on tactics," she said.

On Twitter, the "anarchists" feed has been going one step further, saying that police were directly responsible for violent acts. "Confirmed: @torontopolice left junk cars in streets to be torched by agents provocateurs."

Every side has its spin, I suppose, but I think it was pretty clear who started things today.
On the televised CBC, Peter Mansbridge asked the field reporter the usual questions.  She replied that the Protest organisers blamed the violence on a handful.  She called shens on that.  She estimated the "black bloc" at several hundred.  CTV showed their attempts to video black bloc members changing clothes.  The thugs formed rings and tried to force them back.  In one hilarious segment, he got up to those who had changed, and now without masks, asking why they changed. 

Anyway, the field reporter for the CBC also reported that contrary to what the protesters were saying, she and her crews had absolutely no evidence of tear gas being used.  Sir Peter reminded the audience that if one ever smelled gas, you would know it.  Again, more BS called on the "peace demonstrators". 

And let us not forget that the police are the thin blue line between thugs and an ordered society.  When these thugs light up these cars like this, they are attacking our societal values.  They are not "victims", but the offenders.  Pure and simple.
I stand corrected about CBC's coverage based on TV's account - thanks for that.
I had just happen to see it prior to booting my 13 year old off the computer so I could get updates.  I was actually pleasantly surprised.  I guess when the violence happens in "Toronto the Good", it pisses even Peter Mansbridge off! ;D
Watching the BBC in Italy and their coverage of the G8/G20 spent more time on David Cameron's flight on Marine 1 than the protests. They showed a 10 second clip of protesters pushing a police car and the car on fire, while showing about the same amount on the "fake lake". The remainder of the segment was spent discussing Cameron's relationship with Obama.
When I was picking up some Lebanese food tonight, the family running the restaurant were watching some of the CBC coverage, sort of shaking their heads saying, "This happens at EVERY summit - why the excitement?"  I'm also guessing that the parents and grandparents working in the kitchen may have seen worse than a burning police car or two in the old country.

Meanwhile, funny how some of the protesters are suggesting the cops torched their own cars, while also being happy to show video of same burning cars:

Also, protester radio, starting at midnight on 88.1:
What’s going on in the city right now is decentralized – no one planned for this. It is the manifestation of the ubiquitous rage and frustration and love that lives in us all.
milnews.ca said:
When I was picking up some Lebanese food tonight, the family running the restaurant were watching some of the CBC coverage, sort of shaking their heads saying, "This happens at EVERY summit - why the excitement?"  I'm also guessing that the parents and grandparents working in the kitchen may have seen worse than a burning police car or two in the old country.

That's what went through my mind with 2010newbie's comment:

2010newbie said:
Watching the BBC in Italy and their coverage of the G8/G20 spent more time on David Cameron's flight on Marine 1 than the protests. They showed a 10 second clip of protesters pushing a police car and the car on fire, while showing about the same amount on the "fake lake". The remainder of the segment was spent discussing Cameron's relationship with Obama.

Depending on the point of perspective, Toronto hasn't even created what would be a newsworthy soccer-hooligan riot yet, let alone something worthy of influencing national or world politics.

You know GW, the sad thing is, when the dust settles, they'll be lucky to get a slap on the wrist by some judge.


Carcharodon Carcharias said:
You know GW, the sad thing is, when the dust settles, they'll be lucky to get a slap on the wrist by some judge.



EDITs this to add from www.news.co.au  http://www.news.com.au/world/g20-demo-turns-violent-police-car-burns/story-e6frfkyi-1225884766362
and never be able to get a job or work again, especially with children (ref slap on the wrist)


is that something i can post here? are links allowed on these forums?
i'm pretty sure i saw some.

maybe I will repost here and edit if its a problem...


i am concerned about hearing this young woman who got 'trampled' by a police horse (and rider) and was described as being 'badly bleeding and broken' ... if I were near her and her friend, them dragging her behind police lines, and noone hearing from her afterwards would seriously bother me. I mean, it does and she's a stranger, but that they create this situation... dangerous escallation of tension... but SOMEONE thinks this serves them, as they see an escallation in DIRECT conflict to their advantage... not necessarily the police, the grunts on the line who have to dish it out and take it, but some of them sign up for this, so they quite possibly 'get something' out of it... besides pay...
so someone fights to protect the person they care about being hurt... assaulting a police officer... take a weapon someone is being beat with... ooh, touching an officers weapon, VERY serious charge...
but the firing rubber bullets and targetting journalists and other people with cameras there seemed the most telling...

there is some good info on #g20reports i'm not sure who said the police cars burning being CONFIRMED agent provocateurs... there was no link or further information i could see to verify... nor who it was that was suggesting it was not confirmed... but the context i got from others on the ground texting/twittering gave me my opinion, which I posted elsewhere:

http://inner5pac3.blogspot.com/2010/06/some-g20-tweets.html which i've been editting because facebook has been hanging/ blocking/ requesting character verification on certain topics etc etc etc... anything shared, not sub-comments in deep threads on friends posts (that are actually showing up on my facebook - just confirming that fb is doing some intelligent filtering in a subtle way that I could not tell from inside facebook alone... was using external chat and it showed up a little more clearly... kind of to be expected based on their funding and all that, but without feedback its easy to lose site of how ... you are being played, or led... every time i question agent provocateurs, or like... can this be real? escalating violence so they can beat it down? i just go back to the montebello incident, where NONVIOLENT protesters outed the agent provocateurs - no one there knew them, and they were wearing special issue boots, same as cops... that was fortunately picked up on camera... and the police later admitted it...not sure if they admitted the number... there is deep cover, which may or may not actually be police agents (other orgs), than there's just folk who show up for the protest basically... and stuff in between.

Toronto police were protesting about being corporatized a few years back... basically turned into little more than a private security force... don't know how that has really changed the force, although there have been some brutality and killings i don't know that much about there...

anyways, i can't rule out fighting and violence as necessary, sometimes... but I'd like to be sure I'm fighting for the right things... protecting the right people...
that whatever damage I cause will be outweighed by the good it will do...

sometimes this is in fact hard to ascertain... except taking someone's word for it.
Or deciding for yourself.

I try to choose the latter... but you can't know everything for yourself...

The best i've been able to come up with, is trying to learn how to see what is said and unsaid, read between the lines, by understanding the people and their motivations... and listening to people I trust, with more history and context to the situation... taking away context is an easy way to be able to skew stories, mislead people... short snippets, true, mostly true, or entirely false, are harder to penetrate, question, etc... ie what is not said can almost be said to be the lie... or in court they say, the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth... meaning to hold back info that is important, maybe crucial, can be considered a lie in this context.

But lying is not illegal (unless you sign an affidavit or in particular circumstances - parliament's literal translation is interesting) and the news, at least in the USA, is not required to be factual... google fox news, monsanto, court or something... it was in the Canadian documentary 'the corporation' (the program from which they got the money to make this since being cut by the Harper gov't) basically relates it... its on google video and youtube, or was once anyways... youtomb if you want to see it still...

hope you don't mind me jumping in on your forums...

I'm not in the military, just got here from a search and thought I would be a little devil's advocate and see if some lies and some truth got stirred up and maybe we would both end up seeing some things we didn't before.

I have friends at the protest... hoping they are well. It gets frustrating trying to make non-violent change, when you can see all these instruments for supposed good, ngo's, mainstream media, getting coopted and people in despair...

but if you can sight it, you can fight it... when the curtains come down, you can see how sad the puppetmasters are... and so can everyone else... and people can start ignoring them and their idiocy, and finding REAL solutions, etc.

I guess I'm fishing for people who still give a dam.

To me its tiring, the whole 'gladitorial arena', where someone up high picks two people and says fight... would rather climb the stands and pull them into the pit and give them a chance to try giving orders then. That is to say, I know police officers who give a dam, etc, and have read about soldiers killing themselves because they signed up to make things better, not watch little kids get raped in afganistan with their intestines hanging out, or women and children being tortured in iraq, 'maybe' to make someone talk, if they actually did anything... while say, i was told to guard an oil pipeline as top priority, or patrol mined roads, while blackw@ter and haliburton are getting payed 10 times as much, and raping their own civilians working there in the company, and the state department not being willing to prosecute... and all these women thinking they are isolated incidents... some military people do bad shit, don't get me wrong... but apparently for jobs where people have to do really bad stuff, but won't sacrifice themselves... they higher mercs and 'security' folk.

They can stratify different levels of cooperation, for different levels of dirty job, ie |v|kultr@ and m0n@rch , ... as long as your neighbour thinks they are doing the right thing/ they will get something good out of it, they will spy on each other, etc.

The earthquake may have been a warning to the people who know about those weapons.
h@@rp history channel documentary weather anyways that should be enough. swallow whichever of the pills you can with your rational mind, where you're at now: there is enough of the very obvious, easy to find and understand that you don't need to delve that deep into the shadows... just see things in context, know who is saying what, and know that they are lying, even if you don't know, yet, what the truth is...

Find a few people you can trust.
This might be a great place to start
(people you fight together with, and would die to protect, etc)

good luck. I hope whichever side we all end up fighting on, it is the right side; that whereever possible, we fight using moral means; with worthwhile goals. reality will take its toll, but truth in the heart and the spirit will find ways to change reality, if we will let it.

just cuz i'm not sure i will get to post again... here is a little quote...

violent revolution is not revolutionary enough
we change the rulers, but not the rules
the ends, but not the means
Satygraha - truth force, is also a powerful weapon.


ok and a prayer:
i wish to love myself
stay in truth
fight with love

(love myself, because i cannot love others until i do)
(stay in truth, because my delusions and rationalizations allow me to do things i would not, and help me to do what i must)
(fight with love, because what is the point, otherwise? everything in existence is precious, exists for a reason, even pain and sorrow we cannot understand; accepting pain as a choice, through this will to protect others and endure, I will use this alchemy to transform the pain and sorrow I suffer into medicine for all those that would come after who would suffer the same.)

thanks for enduring that long rant ;)

paranoia aside about certain topics in this, looks like i was long writing the post and was auto-logged out when i tried to post, not someone 'watching me post and deciding not to allow it' heheheh
not this time i guess ;)
ModlrMike said:
Although we would never do it, we could solve things in three words: "shoot to kill."

Of course, that could make things immeasurably worse.

Try writing with some concern for reader comprehension, capitalization and structure,  You text is unreadable and you are not making any clear points.  Look around, you will find that we don't usually include stream of consciousness ramblings in our discussions. As it stands, you post is barely indistinguishable from spam.

Milnet.ca Staff
... Found this youtube link WRT the Summit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFzQGOrmn_E&NR=1

Very unique
I have just removed two posts by members espousing use of lethal force as preemptive "solutions".  Keep the discussion on topic or it will be locked overnight.

Milnet.ca Staff
                Is the rant above a copy of what you wrote on facebook or twitter and you found out
too late that it was all blocked out? Somehow it seems to look that way. I get alot of scammer
emails that are written in a very similar fashion. Especially with that added line that just seems to come right out of the blue.
Well, back to the subject matter.
I think it's a real shame to see what these simpletons do to get their FFs on youtube. Watching the
news coverage and seeing all the protesters walking around with their cellphones trying to get a short
video of some police brutality to post on the web. I wonder what they do when they see one of their friends throw a brick at a police officer, or torch a cop car. Do they rush to post those things? I guess not. I even notice the disgust in the faces of the anchorman on TV, and some of the more intelligent
protestors. I am truly discusted by the actions of these hooligans, and I hope that those arrested  pay their due portion of the enormous costs of security. Shame on you.......fools.
:salute: the security personnel for a job well done, and keep up the good work. :yellow:
not sure if this has been posted yet. But here are some excellent pictures I found on the CBC's Twitter account
