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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

For the record my wife is far from fat (Fit and sexy best describes her). But there are things you just should not say to a lady.

The fact that I am alive to post this is a reflection about how great my wife is.
Dissident said:
For the record my wife is far from fat (Fit and sexy best describes her). But there are things you just should NOT say to a lady.

The fact that I am alive to post this is a reflection about how great my wife is.

I'm glad....you might have ended up being in tomorrow's newspapers as another casualty.... ;D
Me:  I miss Afghanistan.  The sun was always shining, rarely any rain, the only rush hour traffic was us, and the smokes were cheaper.
Note my 14 year old son left on fridge after breaking into my house (he keeps running away) - "Hi, it's XYZ, I fine, just wanted to let you know I fine.  And get the missing report off me I fine."  This after he wrecked his window, left food all over the place, frigged around with 9D's treadmill and left his room in a mess.

BC Tourist in an Alberta Subway.

Woman to Cashier:
"Umm... Excuse me, why is there no PST on this receipt?"

I thought I was going to die from lack of oxygen intake, that's how hard I was laughing... Oh and I got my rump kicked after shooting a mouthful of Iced Tea in the face of my dear friend  ;D

What a wonderful evening  ::)

I can't wait to go back home and go on course... ugh... The military is already getting to me only after a year; I cringe at civilian life as a hobby now  >:D
The wife (and why I am lucky to be alive):

Dissident said:
The wife (and why I am lucky to be alive):

Good one!!  ;)

Making me relive the good old days when I told the training husband (ex) that although he could outrun me, that I outshot him every time ... and that my bullet would catch his ass-guaranteed.

Sigh. Now, I have a new model who runs slower too!! And, I am DONE this french course early!! Youpee!! Life is grand!!
Dissident said:
For the record my wife is far from fat (Fit and sexy best describes her). But there are things you just should not say to a lady.

The fact that I am alive to post this is a reflection about how great my wife is. shows that my wife does not read Army.ca

There, FTFY (fixed that for you).
Sigh. Now, I have a new model who runs slower too!! And, I am DONE this french course early!! Youpee!! Life is grand!!

I'll let him know about that....      ;D

I am DONE this french course early!! Youpee!! Life is grand!!

Means that we are going to read your post in the French section of the present forum ?

Sounds good  :)
A comment on the CBC story about Gary Coleman being on life support:

If he was 18 in 1986 how can he be 42 now? such great fact checking. how much of what is written here is correct if these simple things are not?

Ummmm, speaking of simple.......    ::)
"How about we don`t go to the Mess tonight?"


Like that`s going to happen.
Antoine said:
Means that we are going to read your post in the French section of the present forum ?

Sounds good  :)

De temps en temps, j'ai essayé.  ;)
Note:  The bold part is the dumb part.  ;)

Article Link

The Quebec Superior Court has upheld the firing of a police officer who was sacked for stealing evidence cigarettes and rejected the claim he had "a compulsive need to smoke while obtaining sexual gratification.”

Wow.  First sex-addicts and now nicotine-and-sex addicts?    ::)
You've got to have priorities.....

Article Link
Reginald Bracken,44, was convicted of threatening his partner when she refused to stop making dinner to get him more beer. He was given a nine-month conditional sentence to serve in the community under restrictions, the first four months under house arrest. Bracken's victim, in response to his verbal abuse, was attempting to call a cab and leave when he pulled the phone out of the wall and smashed a cell phone. The taxi dispatcher, having heard part of his tirade, called police.