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Welcome new moderator - Danjanou

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
The moderator of the "Canadian Army Authors" forum, seeking further misadventures, has volunteered to moderate the Military History forum as well.

With 17 years of service in both the Regular and Reserve forces as well as an active interest in the Canadian Military, Danjanou is a great fit for the job.

Volunteers are key, but experienced and knowledgeable volunteers are irreplaceable.

Thanks for your help!
Lets not forget my other "outstanding" qualifications:

-#1 I actually have a degree in Military History. Which along with two bucks might get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

-#2 My big mouth.


-#3 I was dumb enough to take the job. (see #2)

Seriously I do have a love for military history, both Canadian and in general. Something from what I‘ve seen in my brief time here that I share with many others. There‘s a lot of talent and knowledge on the site. Someone posts a question or query here and bang literally dozens of responses come flying in.

I believe in a fair exchange of ideas and like most moderators will try stay out of things unless its obvious it has become nothing more than a flame war.

Questions/queries as always post them here or PM me.