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US Military recruiting in Canada

If you want to go, go. I would rather have a soldier that serves his country, because he wants to serve. Not for cool kit, go kill things, look cool because I shoot something. I have shot a people, its not cool, kit does not make you a soldier ether. If that was,right even fat US soldiers would be on Army
Jutes, the only country that gets paid more than us is the Aussies.
We respect safety; I have been on a US range. ****, I would rather stand in front of the targets. US soldiers do not clear their weapons, when they should. The have fair personal soldier skills. A tank gunner does not have to learn AFV. They shoot each other if some one has a hate on for you. They are the most hated soldiers.
There are even gangs in the Army. On a Small Unit Exchange I was with a group of yng soldier went to a bar on base. It was all coloured soldiers. They were told they should leave. There are segregated shacks on some bases.
If that the Army one want to join Enzo, GO.
Originally posted by Enzo:
We are still, and I have to stress this, a fighting army. We always have been. [/qb]
I would really like you to elaborate on this point you have made. What do you mean by ‘fighting‘? Do you mean we have the ability to conduct offensive operations in anything more than the size of a few cities?

How would we get there?
How would we supply ourselves?
Where would the tanks, infantry, helicopters, artillery, and so on come from, and how would they be transported?
I will agree we can fight here in canada, but definitely not overseas.

I hope you are not suggesting canada has the ability to wage war, because if you are, you need to wake up.
F/Sgt Rose - Ability to wage war, no. In our current condition... much has been said, we‘re all aware, no point going into it. But the idea that one can join the CF with the expectation to not be placed in harms way. I don‘t agree with that. The Infantry continues to train to close with and destroy the enemy. Take and hold the ground, fulfill the mission, etc... I just have difficulty with the idea of someone joining the CF and expecting to only fire on the range.

Recce41 - What I "want" and what I may have to do aren‘t necessarily the same. I will do what I have to. My preference is to return to a Canadian Infantry company and do what I enjoy. What I once was, and I feel still am good at. I want to return to a Canadian regiment because I want to serve my country. I am not a fan of American policies, overall training standards and the politics that have tainted their personnel. But they are also our allies, as are the Brits and the Aussies. If I did decide to go work for them, then I would not expect to be vilified for it upon my return to Canada.

You do not know me, so do not judge me. If I had my way... but I don‘t and I‘m p/o‘d about it. As I said, if DND continues to deny my application, then what else would you have me do? I do not want to fly as a glorified bus driver for a regional airline and I‘ve no desire to return to either the aquaculture systems on the coast or the caribbean. So, I‘ll continue to fight for my return to the CF until I‘m either told to piss off permanently or until I‘m fed up with wasting my time. As I‘ve another year of school, then it‘s on with the fight.

And for the record, the Aussies or the Brits would be my preferences, good diving.
There must be a reason your denied?
Yes I do not know you, but "If the Yanks will allow me to fly something more than a Griffon or actually go in the field, it something to consider. If my own nation doesn‘t have the interest, then I may as well go somewhere that does. I‘m not ready to settle for a 9-5 lifestyle just yet". Sounds like you want cool kit.
Helo pilots are the fighting edge of the air force. Yea. Just a Griffon, but they are on every tour, and even a JTF flight. And you think US soldier do anything different in garrison? I have had more courses than a US Snr NCO. Our Cpls are there E5 Sgts. For every US soldier becomes an E5.
I am not knocking you for joining the US, just they are not everything, people think. I was going to join the British Army at one time. I have family with the Brits. And I have always been brought up with God/Queen/Country.

I am a certified AME. I was going to LOTRep to an air trade. I could not for I was over qualified. For in the forces, the didn‘t cross train (i.e. eng/frame) until now.
Any how Good Luck
I just have difficulty with the idea of someone joining the CF and expecting to only fire on the range.
Again, it depends on whether you want to go into infantry or a job in a hanger for example. Since i‘m joining as an Avionic Tech, do I expect to fire a weapon other then a fire range? NO, Is there the chance that I may?, YES. But i‘m not joining the CF to get a chance to fire a weapon.

I am a certified AME. I was going to LOTRep to an air trade. I could not for I was over qualified. For in the forces, the didn‘t cross train (i.e. eng/frame) until now.
My first choice as a Aviation Mechanic was unavailable so i have to take avionics. Can you take another trade in the forces once you have completed your first one?

Also, do you feel it is better to work in the forces or for an Airline Company. In otherwords, why arn‘t you leaving the forces, shouldn‘t you make more money and have a less stressful life in a civilian job?

R41 - We‘re going in circles here. I am currently only pursuing the CF re: employment. I am personally not pursuing any employment with another military. I‘ve discussed my situation in the past, you can look it up. Basics are, injured while in the Infantry. After surgery, I opted to get out to heal. I thought I‘d be out for 6-12 months. I was mistaken. Although I had an appropriate suitability upon release, I‘ve since been found medically unfit due to that injury. I‘ve repeatedly proven to the doctors that I am fit and CFRC Borden continues to hold up my application with beauracracy. It sucks. I‘m p/o‘d which is part of the reason I vent here. With luck, I should have this sorted out this month, I‘m trying to be optimistic.

As for your "cool kit" comment. As I said, you do not know me. I base my choice for a lifestyle upon my desires, aptitude, qualifications and skills. Not movies, video games or books. When I was in, I earned some respect. I‘ve noticed that doesn‘t count anymore (see: CFRC Borden).

The tone of this post was originally about the US openly recruiting Canadian citizens for US service in Canada. It was a surprise for some. Comparisons of "us vs. them" came to light. I thought to balance that out. I feel the bigger issues are why Canadians looking for a career with the military would feel that serving in the US would be preferable to serving here. There are many theories; political support, appropriate financing and accountability aren‘t a poor place to begin. For the individual, who can say. Maybe it is the lure of the equipment and the percieved support. Start a survey.

For the last time, I prefer to remain in Canada as this is my home. I returned from abroad last February and it‘s good to be home. I‘ve worked in a few countries and I‘ve no desire to leave. Especially the US, I prefer our freedoms. That is only my opinion, my desire and my intent.

If you choose to equate this with a gun fetish and an ignorant lust for violence without repercussion, then that‘s your perogative.

I have anger management issues combined with insomnia. Makes for an interesting read eh. :D

As for pay, haven‘t said anything on that yet, but if I made life decisions based on a paycheque, I‘d be doing so much better financially.

I wouldn‘t mind a Ferrari though?
Wow, "MAJ" S_Baker.. I find it interesting that you feel it necessary to come onto a canadian army forum and blanket state how you make more than a CDN officer... as if /you/ have the facts, without even providing any of your own.

Enzo.. I can appreciate your situation, and you have raised several valid arguments.
Each military has its own pros and cons. If you wish to join because you want to be frequently deploymed overseas, see combat, have all the newest hi-tech toys and generally have a large amount and variety of resources at your disposal, by all means join the US military. If you think that the military should be tool for helping people and keeping the peace, not waging wars, join the Canadian army, you‘ll have just as much fun training but you won‘t see much combat. I would join the USMC if I could, but only as an officer and getting a citizenship is quite a hassle.

With that kind of pay you should be able to afford a Beemer atleast. :D

By the way, what is your trade, i missed it earlier in the forum.
Yeah.. but taking orders from Bush? I suppose I‘d demand all that pay.. :-)

Joking... ok, well not really, but then I didn‘t vote for him, and its not my country, so I suppose I don‘t really have a say on who governs the US...
It‘s not really how much you make, but what you do with it I suppose. I‘m a starving student and yet I somehow managed to acquire my "dream" car a few years back (ok, I have a ‘89 Saab 900 Sport, I suppose I don‘t have great dreams eh :D ) But it works for me. If I were to make some serious coin, I‘d consider getting some new rims.

As for the pay, I can see both of the Major‘s points. Lower taxes and that pay scale sound fine from a purely financial incentive. But as East side mentioned, what do you want to do? Think about that before you begin the paperwork to join the US. All sounds fine on paper, but working abroad can be a real test unless you‘re prepared to make it a permanent situation.
Originally posted by Recce41:
[qb] There must be a reason your denied?
With all due respect how much have you worked in Recruiting? What Enzo has pointed out is sometimes true. There are many cases that pers are denied the needed medical category because the MO’s reviewing their file lack the specialization needed in that area. The MOs that have specialized training are rarely utilized by the military because they are needed to fill the role of an MO in some CFB.

Have you tried going to a Civi MD specialist? Getting one onside with you would help out your case, but in the end it‘s up to the MO in Borden. Anyways good luck to you, I know what you are trying to say about leaving not being your first choice. Hope you get to wear your green flag again.
Duff, I‘ve been to 3. Each were a step up in specialization from the one before (I.e. Sports Medicine/Muscle Specialist/Back Specialist) and they passed me without issue each time. Wished me good luck and passed me the signed papers. I‘ve also had no difficulty in passing my commercial aviation and dive medicals independently of the CFRC process (of which they are aware).

The only dissenting opinion out of the bunch was a GP who I went to when I first got out and he did my first series of paperwork for the CFRC. I should have known when he asked "why I was wasting my time with the CF." He asked me if I ever got any discomfort in my back, at the time I said,"I get the odd twinge." He wrote in one section, "experiences mild lower back pain." I asked if he should have written that as I didn‘t agree. He said that he was only covering himself and that it wouldn‘t be a problem. That‘s what the CFRC has focused on. Each time they tell me to go to another specialist which I have (3) and now they want me to go to an orthopaedic surgeon at great expense to me $1300-1600. Bearing in mind an ortho wouldn‘t see me as he "didn‘t feel that he was qualified to examine me for the CF as he specializes in the skeletal system and my injury was soft tissue." Told me to go to a Physiatrist (see. doctor of the body). CFRC told me to go to a physiatrist. I‘ve been to 3. I‘m on a merry go round, so now I have the OM Involved (they feel that there is impropriety here, but as I am no longer in the CF, they need me to continue the fight and keep them informed??) and an MP has written a strongly worded letter to the CDS & Min of D on my behalf. Awaiting the response to that which is due any day now.

And you‘re up to speed. Cheers...