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US Army officer won’t accept Obama as chief

You're so right, Vern, in that even when hundreds of thousands of people witness an event live and in person, as New Yorkers did on 9/11, some will still put on the tinfoil and claim that we were duped; however, for the majority of people, it is rather odd that there is no openness regarding his birth.  It may sound odd to us Canadians, who had a Scot as our first PM, that presidents of the US must be American by birth.  But, it's their rules.  I'm no consipiracy theorist (except about the secret of the Cadbury bar: pure evil!), but I just find it "odd" is all.
The issue with the birth certificate floors me ... in that he did produce a birth certificate ... just "not an original" and that is why people idiots are refusing to accept it's authenticity.

Holy fuck over. I couldn't produce "the original" of my birth certificate either today. Like the President's, my original birth certificate had the registration control number/signature hand written onto it in ink.

It went up in flames years ago when we had a fire in our house in Newcastle. I too now carry a re-issued certificate that was done in 1985 using a type writer. That does not "fake" or counterfeit documentation make, but apparently would not be good enough for the zealots out there who insist that I am not who I say I am, but hell - I could obtain a green passport with it.

Give me a freakin' break already.  ::)
The birthers do defy normal rules of logic, but then so do the JFK and 9/11 conspiracy buffs. Having stood on the 6th Floor of the School Book Depository in Dallas and been at the grassy knoll, there is no doubt in my mind that the shots came from the former place.

Now, Vern, can you really prove that you are you?
Old Sweat said:
The birthers do defy normal rules of logic, but then so do the JFK and 9/11 conspiracy buffs. Having stood on the 6th Floor of the School Book Depository in Dallas and been at the grassy knoll, there is no doubt in my mind that the shots came from the former place.

[ tinfoil ]
So you're saying we should trust a gunner on matters of ballistics?  What's the CEP on the magic bullet?
[ /tinfoil ]
Technoviking said:
You're so right, Vern, in that even when hundreds of thousands of people witness an event live and in person, as New Yorkers did on 9/11, some will still put on the tinfoil and claim that we were duped; however, for the majority of people, it is rather odd that there is no openness regarding his birth.  It may sound odd to us Canadians, who had a Scot as our first PM, that presidents of the US must be American by birth.  But, it's their rules.  I'm no consipiracy theorist (except about the secret of the Cadbury bar: pure evil!), but I just find it "odd" is all.

The birth certificate has little if anything to do with the issue, but it's something to focus on....the 800 pound gorilla in this is race.....a lot of bigots don't want a black man in the office....uh....too late fellas.... ::)
Ahhhh Haaaa!!

Left 60, drop 20 ...

Fire for effect and sit back and watch the bits fly off.

It wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald ... the shooter was Old Sweat!!  8)
ArmyVern said:
It wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald ... the shooter was Old Sweat!!  8)
And THAT'S how internet conspiracies begin........
All right, who gets to play Jack Ruby?  ;D
Technoviking said:
You're so right, Vern, in that even when hundreds of thousands of people witness an event live and in person, as New Yorkers did on 9/11, some will still put on the tinfoil and claim that we were duped; however, for the majority of people, it is rather odd that there is no openness regarding his birth.  It may sound odd to us Canadians, who had a Scot as our first PM, that presidents of the US must be American by birth.  But, it's their rules.  I'm no consipiracy theorist (except about the secret of the Cadbury bar: pure evil!), but I just find it "odd" is all.

Wait a minute!

A precedence has been set.  George Washington wasn't really an American by birth.  America didn't exist then.  Westmoreland County, Virginia was a British Colony.  I know it is only a technicality, but it is still a technicality that one may argue.
The most ironic part is that the "birthers' have not even read the statute. It says natural born Citizen at birth, not born in America. English Common Law defines natural born as "having a specified position or character by birth". So unless anyone is trying to say his mother's life in America was a forgery he was a citizen at birth no matter where he was born.

@George, Citizens at the time the Constitution was adopted were exempt.

The Lieutenant Colonel is simply a retard.
And to complicate matters, John McCain was not born in the United States. He was born in the Panama Canal Zone where his father was stationed in the USN.

I didn't shoot JFK. Now, don't ask about McKinley, or chaps.
Old Sweat said:
And to complicate matters, John McCain was not born in the United States. He was born in the Panama Canal Zone where his father was stationed in the USN.

I didn't shoot JFK. Now, don't ask about McKinley, or chaps.

So the possibility that you may have shot Lincoln is still on the table?
Nemo888 said:
he was a citizen at birth no matter where he was born.

Yes - a citizen of whatever country he was born in.
I'm still trying to figure out if he shoots (??) when in chaps? Shoots those in chaps? or what the HeII does chaps have to do with anything? except fond memories?  ;D
Not necessarily.  Birth in any given country does not necessarily confer citizenship - in fact if I remember right, the majority do not automatically confer citizenship by virtue of being born there, Canada and the USA are notable exceptions.

Being born to an American citizen parent, anywhere in the world, renders one a natural born citizen of the United States of America.

If 9D and I chose to breed, any of our kids would have that status automatically at birth, even being born in Canada.

Loachman said:
Yes - a citizen of whatever country he was born in.
Loachman said:
Yes - a citizen of whatever country he was born in.

By American law, since his mother was an American Citizen, he is a natural born citizen of the United States. Birthers, always too lazy to actually read the statutes. Prove his mom was not American, then you have something.
Got a reference?

I am English by birth. My three children, who were all born here in Canada, however, are not British citizens simply because I retained that citizenship.

And what effect does Obama's father's citizenship have in this matter? Dual citizens in the US cannot hold security clearances (the subject of another thread here).

Between you and the US Lieutenant-Colonel who is the subject of this thread, I'd pick his and his legal advisers' knowledge of applicable US law over yours.
Old Sweat said:
I didn't shoot JFK. Now, don't ask about McKinley, or chaps.

You shot McKinley while wearing chaps?

Seriously, though, if I want to know anything about chaps, I'll just go to the SME.