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The Mountain and Ironman Merged Thread

Bruce Monkhouse

Pinball Dude
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I was watching part of that series last night{Truth Duty Valour] for the first time while the commercials were on the hockey game. It was on something called the Mountion[sp] Run.
This was almost the same as the SSF Ironman Challenge that we used to do in Pet., except we used real canoes and not sandbags and combats not running gear. Anyways just curious if there is anyone else around from "those days" who did this race. [I did it in 84 and 86]
Originally posted by Bruce Monkhouse:
[qb] I was watching part of that series last night{Truth Duty Valour] for the first time while the commercials were on the hockey game. It was on something called the Mountion[sp] Run.
This was almost the same as the SSF Ironman Challenge that we used to do in Pet., except we used real canoes and not sandbags and combats not running gear. Anyways just curious if there is anyone else around from "those days" who did this race. [I did it in 84 and 86]
CHEERS [/qb]
My direct supervisor (E battery vet) did it on a number of occasions I believe. When the war stories get going around the office he usually brings up the SSF Ironman, although he keeps telling us he went out and got loaded the evening before!

Cheers Slim
We still do the Ironman here in Pet. The "Final" Final Ironman will be run on Sept 11 and is to supposed to include Pembroke area as well.

I did mine in 97, right after the Winnipeg floods. I placed 20th of 80 or so competitors. It still is a rite of passage.
For the less enlightened, what does the course actually consist of? :)
Does anybody have any info regarding MM2004? I spent 7 years in Edmonton, and laughed at the people doing the competition, and now that I'm in Gagetown, I want to do it. Strange, huh?!!

Anyway, if anybody here has done it before, I'd like to talk strategies, kit issues, training, etc. I've been doing a fair bit of running (I ran the Cabot Trail Relay last month..... 2 legs, 17.5 km each) and I want to keep my training geared for things like this to keep me motivated.

Anyway, reply here or PM me.

Being in Pet, I've done the Ironman in 97, can discuss a bit on training issues. But your 9er domestic probably has the same medical info.
What do you want to know about it?  I can probably dig up any info that you need.  I ran it in 01 and had a blast, and have wanted to do it again, but the real killer is the lack of training time we sometimes get.

I don't know if your aware, but they changed one aspect of it, the rucksack.  You still have to use the 82 pattern but you can't modify it in any way to make it more comfy for that fun 32 KM run.  Some guys had some varied opinion's on that one:)
I ran it last year - first time since Cgy (much better w/o cbt boots BTW)

Can't make it this year  ;)  but I have a couple buddies training for it.

We took a page out of the 3VP book last year and our team (1VP) won, we did hills, canoe, and running and running - no one added a ruck till the competition.  Some of the younger guys who were on their first race had trouble and say they wished they'd rucked more - but I think was just the fact they were inexperinced to rucking in general
- we no longer do the 2x10 or the 29km - I figure they is no point in practicing for a kick in the nuts so why run with the ruck.

I saw a show on tv about the mountain man challenge and wow, looks like somehting i would wanna eventually do, but first i'm gonna run some marathons as training, haha. good luck to you
The wind sucked, the cold sucked, the rain sucked, and the snow sucked.  Not having enough paddles for the canoes really sucked . . . but those small things aside, it still felt good to have been there (and I beat my time from last year).
Waking up to the snow, waiting in a fifty person line up to use a porta-potty, waiting for paddles, and the abysmal condition on the river made MM 04 the race to remember. And I ended up with only a  silver medal.  Damn you 3VP.  Next time I'll bring pants and a sweater.

Second to None
I ran it in '98 and again in '00 and would love to do it again.  In 2000 though, i froze my *** off on that river.  What also sucked was having to carry those 2 sandbags instead of the canoe !!!
question, what is it? some one said they did an iron man and can help train. Is it like an ironman?? all the talking of rucking, and conoeing, is it like a army triathlon sorta?
The Mountain man consists of;

1- 32 KM run with a 35 LB ruck(82 pattern, with no modifications),

2- 3.2 KM with the ruck and two full sandbags each to simulate portaging a canoe,

3- 10 KM canoe trip down the North Saskachewan river,

4- 5.5 KM w/ ruck to the finish line.

It's quite similar to the Ironman challenge that they run in Pet, however the Mountain man is ran in running shoes and athletic clothes vice boots and combats. 
There is a short video on the Army news site - http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/LF/english/6_1.asp?FlashEnabled=1&
Also Truth, Duty Valour ran an entire show on the 2003 race, you might be able to catch it on re-runs.
I agree, 32ks in boots vis runners. I have done 5 Ironman Comps. And loved ever one.
I saw the TDV Mountain Man Competition. Where was the 2004 held? Where/When is the 2005 going to be held? ;)
The 2004 MM Challenge was held in the Edmonton river valley.  It should continue to be held there each year.
Anyone out there do the Mountain Man in Edmonton while they were an OCdt in ROTP? I did it a few years ago when I was a reservist, and I want to do it again, but I'm wary of approaching my subsidized education manager unless there has been some kind of precendent set before. Don't know how easy it would be to get a few days off during the first week of school (although anyone who's been to civvie U knows that that is the time of year that the hippies decide on their new yearly protest strategy  :threat:).. Thanks for any info.