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(SGT?) Franck Gervais (split from Walts, posers)

I've given this some thought and I think where this went off the rails was during the (fake) CT/OT he did.

It appears, originally, he was a (fake) PRes GWagon Commando Pathfinder.  Certainly, many of us have aspired for this role in the CAF.  :D

It appears that being a (fake) PRes Snr NCO GWagon Commando Pathfinder didn't get him the (fake) respect he felt he had (n't) earned. Even after adding a Sash to his (fake) DEU and the 'flashy gold braid thing'. 

Like his comrades in the (real) PRes do often, he must have applied for a (fake) CT/OT from PRes GWagon Commando Pathfinder to (fake) Reg Force, Infantry Jump Coy Pathfinder Commando killerninja Photoshop tech, but one who felt the Sash was hindering him.  Or, he might have traded it for the DEU items from The RCR he added to his DEU. 

More to the point though, I think he should file a grievance; it's obvious his (fake) CT broker did NOT follow the proper (fake) CT/OT processes...even someone who does a fake CT with an OT should NOT be able to retain their (fake) rank in their new (fake) trade!!

If only he had done a (fake) OT that saw him (and RIGHTFULLY so...it's detailed in [fake] CFAO 11-12!) relinquish his (fake) Sgt rank to (fake) Cpl on the date his (fake) OT was effective.  He wouldn't have been out of (fake) dress with no fake Sash to go with his (fake) Sgt's rank. 

Just another (fake) soldier screwed by the system!!!
We have a volunteer to be the first of pair boots on the ground to take on the evil forces of ISIS.
Eye In The Sky said:
I've given this some thought and I think where this went off the rails was during the (fake) CT/OT he did.

It appears, originally, he was a (fake) PRes GWagon Commando Pathfinder.  Certainly, many of us have aspired for this role in the CAF.  :D

It appears that being a (fake) PRes Snr NCO GWagon Commando Pathfinder didn't get him the (fake) respect he felt he had (n't) earned. Even after adding a Sash to his (fake) DEU and the 'flashy gold braid thing'. 

Like his comrades in the (real) PRes do often, he must have applied for a (fake) CT/OT from PRes GWagon Commando Pathfinder to (fake) Reg Force, Infantry Jump Coy Pathfinder Commando killerninja Photoshop tech, but one who felt the Sash was hindering him.  Or, he might have traded it for the DEU items from The RCR he added to his DEU. 

More to the point though, I think he should file a grievance; it's obvious his (fake) CT broker did NOT follow the proper (fake) CT/OT processes...even someone who does a fake CT with an OT should NOT be able to retain their (fake) rank in their new (fake) trade!!

If only he had done a (fake) OT that saw him (and RIGHTFULLY so...it's detailed in [fake] CFAO 11-12!) relinquish his (fake) Sgt rank to (fake) Cpl on the date his (fake) OT was effective.  He wouldn't have been out of (fake) dress with no fake Sash to go with his (fake) Sgt's rank. 

Just another (fake) soldier screwed by the system!!!

I can hear his defense now..."If the recruiting system wasn't so screwed up and backlogged I would have been all of these things by now so really I'm just ahead of myself."
cupper said:
We have a volunteer to be the first of pair boots on the ground to take on the evil forces of ISIS.
Excellent use of his (fake) Pathfinder qual ;D
Why use the real recruiting system?  Just use the (fake) one...so much quicker.  I bet he approved his own (fake) CT/OT and that is where he messed up.  ;D
Eye In The Sky said:
Why use the real recruiting system?  Just use the (fake) one...so much quicker.  I bet he approved his own (fake) CT/OT and that is where he messed up.  ;D

oh so he has been posting in the recruiting threads on here then  8)
For those who have not seen the CBC newscast, or missed it, here is James Cudmore's presentation:


Thank you James.
George Wallace said:
For those who have not seen the CBC newscast, or missed it, here is James Cudmore's presentation:


Thank you James.

Just watched that  - ditto Dude.

Ahhh l just knew the incoming airstrike would be beautiful.  I expect he might very well need (fake) witness protection from his wife and in-laws.
James Cudmore didn't dick around when it came to setting this story straight and reaching out for the truth.

I really feel bad for this guys family and friends both because it's freaking embarrassing to be associated with this and also because a lot of Canadians (military and civilian) will totally over react and call for this guy to be stoned and harass his family all over social media and the internet.

Normally I just take a "you're an idiot, next" approach to shit like this but something about this guy really irks me.  Not even the audacity of speaking to cameras on remembrance day. He really went out of his way to play this stuff up. I mean dressing up in DEUs at his wedding? Medal of bravery? This dummy built a life around it. I wonder how many people he used his fake identity to take advantage of.

I really hope the police press charges. Maybe in light of the recent events, overseas and at home,  we will recognize the dangers of civilians passing themselves off as military personal.
George Wallace said:
For those who have not seen the CBC newscast, or missed it, here is James Cudmore's presentation:


Thank you James.
Well done - what George said.
ObedientiaZelum said:
James Cudmore didn't dick around when it came to setting this story straight and reaching out for the truth.

I really feel bad for this guys family and friends both because it's freaking embarrassing to be associated with this and also because a lot of Canadians (military and civilian) will totally over react and call for this guy to be stoned and harass his family all over social media and the internet.

Normally I just take a "you're an idiot, next" approach to shit like this but something about this guy really irks me.  Not even the audacity of speaking to cameras on remembrance day. He really went out of his way to play this stuff up. I mean dressing up in DEUs at his wedding? Medal of bravery? This dummy built a life around it. I wonder how many people he used his fake identity to take advantage of.

I really hope the police press charges. Maybe in light of the recent events, overseas and at home,  we will recognize the dangers of civilians passing themselves off as military personal.

This guy is a THIEF, pure and simple.  He has stolen in more ways than this act of dressing up as a soldier on numerous occasions as demonstrated on his and his wife's Facebook pages.  He has stolen the trust of family, friends and acquaintances.  He has defrauded the Canadian Public.  Ottawa has several policies such as free transit to serving and former serving members on OC Transpo (city transit) on Remembrance Day.  Did he falsely use Public Transit?  How about the kindness of some civilian who may have bought him a free coffee at Tim Horton's or simply the acceptance of a civilian's compliment: "Thank you for your service."?  What other benefit did he receive while wearing that uniform?  He is a THIEF. 

He has now gained national notoriety.  I would not be surprised to see his mug appear on the Colbert Report.  No doubt his actions will gain him disrespect from many of the public who run into him on the street or on his job.  I have my doubts as to what exact punishment he may face, as I am sure he only will face a similar fate as the Walt who was exposed in Peterborough, Ontario, in the past  year.  I doubt the 'bleeding hearts' will throw the full extent of the Law against him and his accomplices (wife?).  I hope the bleeding hearts in Parliament do not come to his defence.
He also made page 3 of the Ottawa Citizen and, I am told, the cover of the Ottawa Sun. As I type, his "exploits" are being reported on CFRA radio news.
Now if only James could snag an interview with Justin Trudeau to get his thoughts regarding this. There's got to be a root cause or something to beeble on about.
Loachman said:
Now if only James could snag an interview with Justin Trudeau to get his thoughts regarding this. There's got to be a root cause or something to beeble on about.

I fear that the young Dauphine will be too much of a bleeding heart on this matter.  I really hope he doesn't make one of his, now (in)famous, commentaries on this. 
I am hoping for a little light comic relief, though, of the variety that only M Trudeau can deliver.