Not that hard but 10:34 is also a 50% for males
You may have seen stuff like push-ups and situps on the RMC website but those have been taken out and replaced with the IMTP, FAH and SMBT. Here's the new PPT test and scores taken from the Nov 2020 draft. Also the scoring is subject to change as its a new test.
The test is out of 500 and you must pass each category (a pass is not 50%... for example i think for males the SLJ is 195cm - 35% and each category has different minimum requirements) AND you must get at least 250/500 points
If you fail the test you get put on SPT. It is 4 days a week (MTTF) and at 6am in the morning. You'll be waking up at 5-530am, possibly getting your room ready for an inspection if an inspection happens that day after that that you'll be running about 1km to the gym (everyone runs around the campus when in PT gear, if you get caught walking you'll get punished with laps around the track) anyways once you get to the gym at 5:45am they take attendance (if you are late multiple times or skip supplemental pt you will be punished). If you don't pass the PPT by the end of 2nd year you will be PRBed (possibly getting kicked out of RMC).
Also I'm not trying to scare anyone. But RMC staff do give out corrective measures (punishments). That happens if you skip classes, duty, get caught doing something bad, etc. One of my buddies skipped SPT several times and was rewarded with running 10km everyday for 2 weeks around the track. Someone slept in on remembrance day oh boy... they had to write a 10 page essay about why that day is important, make a presentation in front of their whole squadron ( about 100 people) and were confined to campus for 2 or 3 weeks (couldnt go out on weekends), they couldn't wear civilian clothing outside of their room for that much time, extra duties(cleaning, inspections, etc.), and they had to wear a modified uniform for that time.(the modified uniform involves the pill box for head dress and gaiters around the ankles, basically if you wear it EVERYONE knows you did something wrong). The purpose of these corrective measures from my understanding is that you'll be handing them out one day when you are an officer. I have survived 2 years without any Corrective measures but I have seen people getting charged with AWOL, DRUNKNESS, etc. You don't wanna get charged as it will stay on your record I think.
I recommend reading the RMC survival guide. Some stuff is outdated but its worth the read.
This place is designed to stress you out. But don't let that bring you down. If you have been selected that means you HAVE the potential to graduate RMC.
2.4km run
Male 7:28min (100%), 10:34min (50%)
Female 9:30min (100%), 12:40min (50%)
Standing Long Jump
Male 294cm (100%), 222cm (50%)
Female 229cm (100%), 158cm (50%)
Seated medicine ball toss
Male 747W (100%), 285W (50%)
Female 341W (100%), 124W (50%)
10m agility run
Male 15.20sec (100%), 17.97sec (50%)
Female 16.40sec (100%), 19.60sec (50%)
Isometric mid-thigh pull
Male 3341Newtons (100%), 1470Newtons (50%)
Female 2336N (100%), 1065N (50%)
Flexed Arm Hang
Male 2min 49.5sec (100%), 1min 3.5sec (50%)
Female 2min 16.8sec (100%), 40.1sec (50%)