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MPEV, the high speed backhoe


Army.ca Veteran
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Anybody have the scoop (quite literally  ;) ) on the purchase of additional Multi-Purpose Engineer Vehicles?

Multi-Purpose Engineer Vehicle
This was something only included in the "Brighton ORBAT" at CFSME. The idea was kicked around for a few years but I know of no plan for purchasing and deploying in the near future.

The MPEV purchase would be the greatest relief to the troops stuck doing Harbour Security. Anyone who has done a 6A or 6B knows what I mean. ;D lol!

Chimo, Dorito, Judge Lance Ito
It seems the CF are buying some 28 of the CDN model. See here: http://www.sfu.ca/casr/101-vehmpev.htm.
The one they tested in Timor was the original Aussie version, and even though we were "next door" to it's manufacturer, it spent a lot more time in repairs then actually working... Hope the CDN version is better.
Jungle what probs. did they have?
Over heating ,the hydraulics due to the environment?
As a seaman we had the same probs in the tropics aboard the ship due to heat and humidity.

It looks good as the wheel base is wider but does it still bounce down the road when moving?
Thats the biggest prob with this type of vehicle when doing a road move when trying to hit higher speeds you start bouncing every little bump you hit and can lose control and end up in the ditch.
Not sure what the problems were, (I spent most of my time leading Recce patrols away from the main camp) but it was constantly breaking down and spare parts were slow in coming. The construction troop actually purchased (leased ??) a Bobcat to get things done.
The climate should not have been a problem, as the veh was designed / built in Australia, for service in their country. I would expect it to have more problems with the CDN climate...

'Kick-ass' recruit joins the military
Front-end loader/backhoe that hits 100 km/h on open road wins praise
a journalist
Sounds interesting
Sometimes it takes more then Tanks and Guns to win a battle....
We've been waiting a long time for these.  There has been a capability hole since the old backhoes were removed from regular froce service (with the exception of a few deployed overseas).
It happened! WOW! I'm speechless! Good news for the troop loops!
I was at the latest trials in Ottawa with the company ARVA. The MPEV is good but there is small thinks to work out. It doesn't bounce at high speeds. it needs a hyd reduction pump for the steering and it will be ok.
Does it still have a winch between the front bucket arms?
Yes they still have a 9t winch. The only thing that concerns me with the winch is that the MPEV might not be able to load the HESV dump. ARVA used a mock up of 2x4S and rope to simulate a tuck. I said to the company rep and the staff from Ottawa that the MPEV should have been sent to Petawawa lock stock and barrel. To run it through field trials there so that the doctrine can be honed. I think it is going to be an awakening for the branch as they want to employ it.
      I'm from china .and I'm vey interested in MPEV.I need more informationabout it .but i an in china .i need your help .my email:ygfang2001@163.com .thanks
Good to see us get new equipment however I can see them being employed as harbor security more then anything. I don't think it has enough power to be that effective for heavy equipment tasks. Waste of money and resource's that should of been put forward to a section vehicle that will keep during a battle run.


Maybe you're right...time will tell.  What I can say is that we had 1 X Ind Tractor (Case) with us in Afghanistan and it spent more time down than up.... so the MPEV should be an improvement on that.

Finally, for what it's worth - the Engr Coy attached to 3rd Bde 101st AB had 9 x SEEs with them and only one was working regularly due to breakdowns in theatre.  There was lots of work but no equipment to do it.
Roger that I seen the same thing when I was there.

Who will operate this equipment Field Troops or Heavy Equipment "Drivers"?? haha I can smell you a mile away Pit!!!!
Well obviously this will not be specialized equipment so I am sure that anyone will be able to drive/operate it. Why not, we are all one happy family. And hey, if they used to let 041's operate AEV's, why not let Spr Bloggins run an MPEV??
Mike Cotts said:
Well obviously this will not be specialized equipment so I am sure that anyone will be able to drive/operate it.

I believe that is the plan, select 043s will be given trg on the MPEV with the idea that the eqpt will be alongside Tps or grouped centrally at Sqn or higher, depending on the forecasted tasks.
