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Millennials leading increased Remembrance Day attendance

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Army.ca Legend
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Millennials are leading the stats suggesting more Canadians will attend Remembrance Day ceremonies this year. And CAF speaking programs may be a contributing factor. Good. 


It seems that some older generations would rather just wear a poppy and not be bothered with attending a ceremony.
Saw that, I wonder if the spike is caused by members of that generation going to Afghanistan and therefore they can relate to those veterans?
Colin P said:
Saw that, I wonder if the spike is caused by members of that generation going to Afghanistan and therefore they can relate to those veterans?

I'd suspect that was part of the case.  When I was in school, the Remembrance Day ceremonies always had a part where they emphasized that the fallen were mostly young men.  Now, they don't need to be reminded of that. 

I think social media has a part to play as well in raising awareness. 
The Toronto Sun offers an opinion of the Prime Minister being one who will be skipping the Remembrance Day ceremonies. 


I hope/anticipate that the PM does find a way to appropriately mark the occasion at the appropriate local time.  But I can't disagree with the sentiment that 11 Nov is one of those days that the PM should be performing his public duty in Canada.
The Remembrance Day Speaker Programme at schools may well be a large influence. I've been participating in that for many years. Many of the kids who've been beneficiaries of that are now out in the wild.

I'll be at my old high School's service on Thursday, and addressing the Grade Ten History Class on Friday.

I get more out of it than they do, though.
Not surprised he's ditching his responsibilities like this.  Must be some awesome selfie opportunities there.
Dimsum said:
When I was in school, the Remembrance Day ceremonies always had a part where they emphasized that the fallen were mostly young men.  Now, they don't need to be reminded of that. 

When I was in school ( 1959-1972 ) most of our fathers had been in the war. On one side or the other.

My 21 year old uncle was MIA/KIA over Occupied France, so through my father and grand-parents I remembered.

Toronto back then had a much smaller population than it does now, and the 6,160 Torontonians killed in the World Wars and Korea were still remembered by many during my school years.

When I saw this street map many years later, the impact on the city - and other places across Canada - became more clear,

They must have been hanging crepe up and down the streets.

Dimsum said:
I think social media has a part to play as well in raising awareness.

No social media when I went to school. But, my grandmother showed me the Western Union telegrams.

jollyjacktar said:
Not surprised he's ditching his responsibilities like this.  Must be some awesome selfie opportunities there.

I was going to make a joke about Hanoi being picturesque but in hindsight it's not funny and neither is our PM jetting out of country before November 11th.

Cant help but think it's a calculated move to distance himself from the military.

Hope I'm wrong.
MCG said:
The Toronto Sun offers an opinion of the Prime Minister being one who will be skipping the Remembrance Day ceremonies. 


I hope/anticipate that the PM does find a way to appropriately mark the occasion at the appropriate local time.  But I can't disagree with the sentiment that 11 Nov is one of those days that the PM should be performing his public duty in Canada.

I agree with your sentiment but I will lay off him if shows up and attends in Hong Kong to pay homage to soldiers of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, The Royal Regiment of Canada and the rest of the soldiers from that debacle.
Going to my old high school to speak.  I've got the canned presentation, but then added picture and info at the end of every person I've known, in whatever form, that has died while in service since I've been in.  Also made a point of highlighting every casualty from my deployment - 18 deaths and 9 ramp ceremonies in 5 months.

The fact that there are still staff at the school that were working there when I was young, I think this current generation still has quite a link to everything that happened in the past 20 years.
MCG said:
The Toronto Sun offers an opinion of the Prime Minister being one who will be skipping the Remembrance Day ceremonies. 


I hope/anticipate that the PM does find a way to appropriately mark the occasion at the appropriate local time.  But I can't disagree with the sentiment that 11 Nov is one of those days that the PM should be performing his public duty in Canada.

Hamish Seggie said:
I agree with your sentiment but I will lay off him if shows up and attends in Hong Kong to pay homage to soldiers of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, The Royal Regiment of Canada and the rest of the soldiers from that debacle.

jollyjacktar said:
Not surprised he's ditching his responsibilities like this.  Must be some awesome selfie opportunities there.

Jarnhamar said:
I was going to make a joke about Hanoi being picturesque but in hindsight it's not funny and neither is our PM jetting out of country before November 11th.

Cant help but think it's a calculated move to distance himself from the military.

Hope I'm wrong.

I suppose it starts with the linked article opinion piece by Mark Bonokowski, but then, facts should never get in the way of expressing contrary opinions about those we dislike.  While Mr. Bonokowski seemingly went out of his way to avoid any mention of "why" the Prime Minister would not be attending Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa this year, one would think that at least someone on these means would have previously stated that Mr. Trudeau is attending the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders (read head of state/government) meeting before they insinuated that the current Prime Minister must surely have chosen these dates to be away because of some lack of feeling for the military and veterans.  Maybe we should pop into the time machine and go back to the occasions (two . . maybe more?) that the previous PM was also away attending the same forum over the Nov 11 timeframe.  How many complaints were made about him?

The APEC meetings have always been scheduled in the Sept to Nov time frame.  This year's is scheduled 10-11 Nov; at least one previous used the same dates and there have been a few others when the dates for the conference either began/ended the day before or day after Remembrance Day.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if the other countries in APEC had such affection for the few (minority) countries in the group that recognize Nov 11 as a day of national recognition that they took it into account when scheduling.  Even among that minority a couple have a date that is of greater import in recognizing their war dead (Australia - ANZAC Day, USA - Memorial Day); wonder what reactions are in those countries about their leaders being away on the Eleventh.

I suppose PM Trudeau could just tell his fellow leaders in APEC to "go f*** themselves because he has to attend a ceremony for a couple of hours in Ottawa" and that Canada doesn't really care about trade in the Pacific Rim.  Yeah, that works for me.
Hamish Seggie said:
I agree with your sentiment but I will lay off him if shows up and attends in Hong Kong to pay homage to soldiers of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, The Royal Regiment of Canada and the rest of the soldiers from that debacle.

It was The Royal Rifles of Canada, not The Royal Regiment of Canada. Slip of the fingers, I'm sure.
Blackadder1916 said:
I suppose it starts with the linked article opinion piece by Mark Bonokowski, but then, facts should never get in the way of expressing contrary opinions about those we dislike.  While Mr. Bonokowski seemingly went out of his way to avoid any mention of "why" the Prime Minister would not be attending Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa this year, one would think that at least someone on these means would have previously stated that Mr. Trudeau is attending the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders (read head of state/government) meeting before they insinuated that the current Prime Minister must surely have chosen these dates to be away because of some lack of feeling for the military and veterans.  Maybe we should pop into the time machine and go back to the occasions (two . . maybe more?) that the previous PM was also away attending the same forum over the Nov 11 timeframe.  How many complaints were made about him?

The APEC meetings have always been scheduled in the Sept to Nov time frame.  This year's is scheduled 10-11 Nov; at least one previous used the same dates and there have been a few others when the dates for the conference either began/ended the day before or day after Remembrance Day.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if the other countries in APEC had such affection for the few (minority) countries in the group that recognize Nov 11 as a day of national recognition that they took it into account when scheduling.  Even among that minority a couple have a date that is of greater import in recognizing their war dead (Australia - ANZAC Day, USA - Memorial Day); wonder what reactions are in those countries about their leaders being away on the Eleventh.

I suppose PM Trudeau could just tell his fellow leaders in APEC to "go f*** themselves because he has to attend a ceremony for a couple of hours in Ottawa" and that Canada doesn't really care about trade in the Pacific Rim.  Yeah, that works for me.

Well, you're not surprised either.  If l am, its because he has a valid hall pass.  Bet there's still some awesone selfie opportunities to be had nevertheless.  ;)
Strike said:
Going to my old high school to speak.  I've got the canned presentation, but then added picture and info at the end of every person I've known, in whatever form, that has died while in service since I've been in.  Also made a point of highlighting every casualty from my deployment - 18 deaths and 9 ramp ceremonies in 5 months.

The fact that there are still staff at the school that were working there when I was young, I think this current generation still has quite a link to everything that happened in the past 20 years.

I gave a 40min presentation to about 100 7/8 graders at the local school......As I was setting up, the teacher admits to me 'You know, when I tell them about Afghanistan I tell them about how it was peacekeeping'......me, thinking about the helmet cam video of a .50 firing from our rooftop OP during a TIC.." Yeah it wasn't really peacekeeping, you have to make peace (through superior firepower I thought to myself) in order to keep it....."
Hamish Seggie said:
I agree with your sentiment but I will lay off him if shows up and attends in Hong Kong to pay homage to soldiers of the Winnipeg Grenadiers, The Royal Regiment of Canada and the rest of the soldiers from that debacle.

Exactly what I was thinking, if his PR people were smart they work this in as a "surprise visit" to honour those troops. We will see if they are that smart.

Blackadder1916 said:
I suppose PM Trudeau could just tell his fellow leaders in APEC to "go f*** themselves because he has to attend a ceremony for a couple of hours in Ottawa" and that Canada doesn't really care about trade in the Pacific Rim.  Yeah, that works for me.

It appears he cannot show to these important meetings either.  So much for his "needing to be there" argument, he doesn't seem to think he needs to be.  Guess he did indeed tell them to go f*** themselves.    :turkey:
jollyjacktar said:

It appears he cannot show to these important meetings either.  So much for his "needing to be there" argument, he doesn't seem to think he needs to be.  :turkey:
Priorities.  Our PM, Justin Kardashian, did  keep his meeting with Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook.
I'm going to my first Remembrance Day Ceremony at the National War Memorial.
I am glad that the current PM will not be there.
I didn't realize it was the PM's duty to be at the War Memorial downtown Ottawa on Remembrance Day every year without exception. I don't think the organizers of the APEC summit factored in the ceremonies at the war memorial into their planning cycle.