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This is an interesting blog- the author is quite the character. http://owningyourshit.blogspot.ca

Anyone ever hear of Karen Straughan? She is a Canadian "anti feminist" (not really sure what that means) and has somewhat of a following these days. Apparently she receives death threats from SJW daily....

Just a warning, some people (mostly academics) have identified this as "hate speech" but I think it more accurate to say it is speech that they hate. (and, it does not fulfill the legal criteria for hate speech).

It does, however, give one pause to think about how easy it can be to incite one group against another and therefore very important to recognize. 

For example,  when scrolling her site I came across this Open Letter to Sargan of Akkad (who I gather is also some sort of Alt Right idiot):

Begin Snip
"We have a culture in the west where every group is allowed to play identity politics based on innate characteristics, except for the following: straights, cisgenders, males and whites.

We also have a culture in the west where every group but the above is protected by legislation, and where institutional discrimination is legally permissible against the above categories.

We ALSO have a cultural narrative that has been institutionalized in academia, law, politics, news media, social work, education and popular culture that describes the above-named groups as 1) responsible for creating a system that oppresses all other groups; 2) complicit in this oppression not by participation in the system, but by virtue of simply being who they are and therefore benefiting unjustly from said system; 3) uniquely monstrous in historical terms (colonialism, exploitation, slavery, etc); 4) enjoying "unearned privilege" over other groups; 5) uniquely capable of inflicting harm, even when harm is not intended; and 6) in control of everything.

More than this, group slander against these groups, and even incitement to violence against them ("all men are pigs", "men are scum", "violence has a male face", #KillAllWhiteMen, #All I want for Christmas is White Genocide, etc) is seen as socially and legally permissible. The public discourse actively stirs up animosity and resentment against these particular groups, and promotes narratives that these groups are victimizers and that fear of them based on their biological characteristics alone is justified (m&ms anyone? How about white on black racism and police shootings?).

The demonization narrative and the legal dehumanizing slander are cultural conditions that precede actual genocides. It doesn't matter if any of it is true. All that matters is that enough people believe it's true and that it is considered legally and socially acceptable to demonize and dehumanize the target group."

End Snip

Far too many white males see these statements as something they can identify with, which in itself drives up the social tension. It is, at best, defective sub woofer noise in the SNR ratio. Personally, I find it hard to reconcile these statements with the present, but I can see how things might turn out if a little more balance does not return to our present culture of victimhood. Some political, judicial and academic adulthood does need to surface from time to time.
I don't know... I find minorities have huge political benefits.. err maybe monetary benefits.

When I was gainfully employed, I went to work bc to try and get help for training into a new field of work.. But because I was an employed, White, married, Male.. no help could he had. Really ticked me off at the time.. if i was a minority or divorced or unemployed all the help in the world could be had.

But outside of the government and major organizations, I find people do not care, they only care if you are a good person or not. So I think our political culture is this way *possibly* but our common culture is not.

Neat read though, may have to read up some more. Having said that I think this is more a USA issue then a Canadian one.. can't recall if I ever heard a minority calling wanting to kill all white men in Canada. But given the cbc news with Khadr and minorities getting preferential treatment etc I can see a lot of white guys getting alienated... which leads to issues because no one wants to be an adult anymore it seems like and admit they failed because of their shortcomings.

AbdullahD said:
When I was gainfully employed, I went to work bc to try and get help for training into a new field of work.. But because I was an employed, White, married, Male.. no help could he had.

But outside of the government and major organizations, I find people do not care, they only care if you are a good person or not.

Last time I filled out a job application was in 1972. It was for the municipal government where I lived / live.

Back then, all the department hired was white males. Almost all were between the ages of 18-25. "Life experience" did not count for much back then, as young men were considered to be more "moldable".

I don't know if it mattered if you were single or married. Most of our recruit class was single.

There was also a "residency requirement". ie: You had to have been a resident of the city for at least five years to apply, and continue to live there if hired.

Perhaps they figured a resident would have more "local knowledge" of a community. Also, for Call-in and Standby in the event of a major emergency. I guess they also preferred you spend your money in the municipality that pays your wages.

I remember during the interview they ( it was a panel ) even asked where my parents were born.

"Qualified applicants will be at least 5'8" in height, with weight of 160 lbs., possess a Grade 12 diploma and be physically fit."

Back then, I barely met the weight requirement.

It sounds like the hiring process pendulum may have swung a bit from what I experienced.

"Guys like us we had it made,
          those were the days."  :)

Now have Employment Equity,

See Mike, I find those requirements just as sick as the ones work bc has.

It's sad we seem to have swung from one extreme to the other. To many employers are hiring from a quota basis due to actions of the past.. ie hiring x amount of indigenous, y amount of other minorities and z amount of females wether qualified or not or capable of performing the task or not. Now this is just my opinion, which is based largely off of anecdotal information, so I am more then happy to be proven wrong.. But I feel I'm right.

I am not sure if I posted the report I have how "immigrant" sounding names affect employability, it is a neat read.. But I think in the last 10 years the culture of Canada has changed enough, that, that report is incorrect for a large part.

Christ I sound like a rascist possibly.. I tried my best to articulate my thoughts as balanced as possible. I harbour no ill will for any peoples of any descent and believe in Canada we should have all the exact same chances no matter our race, religion, sex or creed.

If I in any way overstepped I am sorry. This is an extremely touchy subject and if I went/go to far I am sorry.

No apologies necessary to me.

I'm looking forward to reading it

Thanks Abdullah, Matthew.
AbdullahD said:
See Mike, I find those requirements just as sick as the ones work bc has.

It's sad we seem to have swung from one extreme to the other. To many employers are hiring from a quota basis due to actions of the past.. ie hiring x amount of indigenous, y amount of other minorities and z amount of females wether qualified or not or capable of performing the task or not. Now this is just my opinion, which is based largely off of anecdotal information, so I am more then happy to be proven wrong.. But I feel I'm right.

I am not sure if I posted the report I have how "immigrant" sounding names affect employability, it is a neat read.. But I think in the last 10 years the culture of Canada has changed enough, that, that report is incorrect for a large part.

Christ I sound like a rascist possibly.. I tried my best to articulate my thoughts as balanced as possible. I harbour no ill will for any peoples of any descent and believe in Canada we should have all the exact same chances no matter our race, religion, sex or creed.

If I in any way overstepped I am sorry. This is an extremely touchy subject and if I went/go to far I am sorry.


Abdullah, it never occurred to me at the time. But, after Employment Equity came in, I realised that I had caught a lucky break,

"I also explained that women and visible minorities, once qualified, are placed in their own group and that each class hired would require 50% from that group and 50% from the white male group."
Page 9.

You and I may have something in common on the subject of religious conversion.

Before we got married, I offered to convert from Catholicism to Judaism ( my wife is Jewish ).

It was little more than an empty gesture on my part, and she knew it.

Her reply was, "Don't bother. Their loss would be our loss."

She has a sarcastic sense of humour - and honesty.  :)

More than this, group slander against these groups, and even incitement to violence against them ("all men are pigs", "men are scum", "violence has a male face", #KillAllWhiteMen, #All I want for Christmas is White Genocide, etc) is seen as socially and legally permissible.

More than this, group slander against these groups, and even incitement to violence against them ("all men are pigs", "men are scum", "violence has a male face", #KillAllWhiteMen, #All I want for Christmas is White Genocide, etc) is seen as socially and legally permissible.

Jarnhamar said:

I wonder how many young people are actually buying into that?
At the voting booth where no one is watching them, probably a lot less than the SJW would have us believe.
whiskey601 said:
At the voting booth where no one is watching them, probably a lot less than the SJW would have us believe.

Sounds like a "SJW" is similar to a "cuck"?

whiskey601 said:
And many boot licking cuck generals, police chiefs, etc.
There is no comparison between the two. Anyone can be a Social Justice Warrior, and many accept it as praise. It is a collective word for a group. There is no sexual connotation. Is it used to show disdain for the violent left? Sure it is, but there is nothing sinister. If you're out there screaming about gun control at an SPCA rally, if your calling people racist and nazi, protesting and breaking shit and can't give an educated reason why, you're a SJW.

For the word cuck (we've discussed this before in a different setting). Typically, today, the word is used for a male with no balls to stand up for his beliefs. Saying one thing in public, but cowering in the corner when the spotlight gets put on them. This is the current meaning of cuck. No one cares, who screws who or who watches. Cuckservative is used for RINOs, to show them as spineless jellyfish with no moral decency (ie: John McCain). Forget the sex part especially the racist scenario of having a black perform under the view of the white owner. Please.............really? The etymology of the word has evolved and changed. Contrary to what the left leaning press writers tries to make it. They don't like the word because it hits too close to home, so they need to demonise it.

It means, he is inferior, a weakling, easily led by females (Hillary Clinton, in these cases), no fortitude, a Beta male. It's a slag against your manhood, like saying you're a sissy, a wimp or a pussy. (Another multi meaning word for female genitalia, but evolved into, also meaning a wimp. Same word, pussy, three different meanings). It needs to be read in the context that it was stated.

And it is certainly not the exclusive purview of the alt-right. I've watched antifa chant it all the way down a street. It's a 'hard' word pronunciation wise. It's spelling and sound is fast and final. It is a grating word that denies response. That's why it's so effective and hated.

It is usually a personal insult used mainly against, perceived, emasculated males.
I actually heard the word used by a female who got the crap beat out of her by an adult male at a pro feminist demonstration. She was not the feminist. Whats with the really weird google search strings mariomike? I haven't seen a format like that except when using monitoring software. 
whiskey601 said:
Whats with the really weird google search strings mariomike?

Different news agencies may report the same story from different perspectives / bias / angles / accuracy / POV etc.

It allows the reader to decide which source (s)  - if any - they wish to consider. 

Rather than cherry picking the one you want them to read - that supports your personal point of view - while ignoring the others.

When a subject is of interest to me, I prefer to consider more than one source for balance.

whiskey601 said:
I actually heard the word used by a female who got the crap beat out of her by an adult male at a pro feminist demonstration. She was not the feminist.

If you say so.

We see who uses it on the internet,

You are the only individual who has used it on this site.

mariomike said:
You are the only individual who has used it on this site.

I can start using it. It's just a word. It's only offensive if you let it be. I put it in the same grouping as idiot, dolt, commie, pinko, freak, gluebag......you get the idea.
mariomike said:
You are the only individual who has used it on this site.
Yep, I did, once. Nice cherry picking.  This video is the woman I was referring to, and specifically her statement around 4:20 in the video.:  https://youtu.be/IvnH9YiViAc