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Hi from a new site sponsor - www.7-62.com - What's a Brit doing here??

Just got my goodies today.


7.62 NATO in Chrome (Sample for my units kit shop)


7.62 AK47 in Chrome (another sample)


Sample tin, with RHFC badge


My Copper AK47 bullet with TF3-06 ARCHER and my Name on it... very nice...


My Tin, with the RHFC, ISAF and my name. (also going to be used as a sample)


RHFC Badge test plate... pretty sweet looking.

Speedy delivery, good service... I'll be back for more.

My unit kit shop will be purchasing one copper jacket AK47 round + tin for each unit member who has served in Afghanistan (exept me, I bought my own).... nice tour gift, I think.
RHFC_piper said:
My unit kit shop will be purchasing one copper jacket AK47 round + tin for each unit member who has served in Afghanistan (exept me, I bought my own).... nice tour gift, I think.

What an excellent idea!!
Very nice work, BB.  Might get one myself for my little trip coming up.
RHFC, nice trinkets, well earned and well deserved.
Kudos to your unit for getting one for each Troop that heads overseas.  Amazing Unit support!!!    :salute:

I should have asked it he engraved 30mm HE chain gun rounds... heh..

BYT Driver said:
Kudos to your unit for getting one for each Troop that heads overseas.  Amazing Unit support!!!    :salute:

Yeah.. the CO is all over the idea... But he's also a big 'Black Adder' fan.

I gotta say, though... damn good engraving work.  Very fine details and all... you can actually read the unit motto on the tins and the badge is only about 1.5 X 1.5 cm.  Really fine detail...

RHFC_piper said:
I should have asked it he engraved 30mm HE chain gun rounds... heh..

Sorry... Only when I send 'em down the barrel! :fifty: rifling I think it's called.

Anyway...as I keep trying to persuade the missus... small is sweet...  speed too... counts for everything! (except 5.56... that doesn't even tickle the recipient)

Thanks for the comments fellas.  Best Regards,- Chris
I just order an AK 47 round with my name on it. I can't wait to get it! Has my name on the top line and then "Queen's Army' on the bottom line.
I didn't get the sliver one.. but oh well. I am not that rich. I think the normal color looks great.  ;D

Can we get a picture of it please Baldricks-Bullet?
Yes... will do TN2IC once you've paid!  ;D ;D ;D. I've got a new camera set up and need to try it out. But this raises another point (Thanks for your mail asking how to pay)... If you pay by PayPal on the site you have the option of "Pay<ing> Now" by pressing the Pay Now button. You do this by pressing the "Pay using PayPal" button on the site and the Pay Now button is anoption on the side you are sent to. If you don't do this we get the order anyway and we send you a "Request for money"... PayPal then send you an e-mail telling you what to do.

Best regards,- Chris
Hey this is a great idea! Thanks Baldrick...

I plan on getting a few of the AK47 rounds for a family members on TF1-07. (I've been blessed to have hubby, hubby's brother, and his girlfriend over there at the same time)

Seeing as 2 of the three are with the guns from 2 Horse, I was wondering if anyone on here had any suggestions for me as to what I should have engraved on the tin.

So far I was thinking: Royal Cypher (RHA) and TF1-07 (and of course their names), but should I get 2RCHA and the Bty and Tp info too?

Any suggestions welcome.
Baldricks-Bullet said:
Yes... will do TN2IC once you've paid!  ;D ;D ;D. I've got a new camera set up and need to try it out. But this raises another point (Thanks for your mail asking how to pay)... If you pay by PayPal on the site you have the option of "Pay<ing> Now" by pressing the Pay Now button. You do this by pressing the "Pay using PayPal" button on the site and the Pay Now button is anoption on the side you are sent to. If you don't do this we get the order anyway and we send you a "Request for money"... PayPal then send you an e-mail telling you what to do.

Best regards,- Chris

Done and done. I am no good with computers. Only thing I do is on here and Sun shine girls.  ;)

Cheers B'y
Baldricks-Bullet said:
Cheers Muffin,

Glad to hear it... I was a bit concerned that it could just be warped Brit humour  :mg::nana:

As the son of Brit immigrant parents I think the term "warped Brit humour" is redundant.  ;D
My background helped me to better understand everything from "Monty Python" to "Absolutely Fabulous."
Your shop looks amazing!  ;)
CdnArtyWife said:
Hey this is a great idea! Thanks Baldrick...

So far I was thinking: Royal Cypher (RHA) and TF1-07 (and of course their names), but should I get 2RCHA and the Bty and Tp info too?

You're more than welcome  ;D ;D.  By the way... is this what you mean by the cypher... I had it, so I put it on site (not fully functioning yet)


If not... do you have a graphic I could have before you order...

Best regards,- Chris
TN2IC said:
I just order an AK 47 round with my name on it. I can't wait to get it! Has my name on the top line and then "Queen's Army' on the bottom line.
I didn't get the sliver one.. but oh well. I am not that rich. I think the normal color looks great.   ;D

Can we get a picture of it please Baldricks-Bullet?

Done: Not a great picci... but these little things are hard to photograph:
Hm mm... it is hard to see with the glare... I just can't wait to get it. May be I"ll try some photos myself.

Thanks B'y 

Two thumbs up..
Baldricks-Bullet said:
You're more than welcome  ;D ;D.  By the way... is this what you mean by the cypher... I had it, so I put it on site (not fully functioning yet)


If not... do you have a graphic I could have before you order...

Best regards,- Chris

No I was referring to the badge for the RHA, here in Canada the RCHA badge is very similar.

I may have called it by the wrong name. I am actually looking for a graphic of the RCA badge, but cannot find any in black and white.

Hi CAW... That graphic (in colour) is fine... I'l do my corel-fu on it. The RCA badge is exactly the same as th Brit RA badge as far as I can see, and that's on site.

Thanks for the interest... Chris