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"Give Peace a Chance" Private Member's Bill

The Bread Guy

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This, from Hansard for yesterday's proceedings in the House of Commons:
Department of Peace Act

Mr. Bill Siksay (Burnaby—Douglas, NDP)  moved for leave to introduce Bill C-447, An Act to establish the Department of Peace.

He said: Mr. Speaker, I am honoured to table a private member's bill today that calls for the establishment of a department of peace as a full federal government department.  I would like to thank the member for Scarborough—Agincourt for seconding the bill.  The bill is based on the model developed by the Canadian department of peace initiative. This bill would establish a full, comprehensive department of peace as part of the infrastructure of the Canadian government, with its own minister, department and resources, and put peace at the centre of government rather than on the corner of a desk of another minister or other public servants.  There would be a voice dedicated to the promotion of peace at the cabinet table.  The department's mandate would be to promote a culture of peace and the non-violent resolution of conflict in Canada and around the world and to build institutions for long-term research policy and action for sustainable peace.  The bill would also establish a Canadian civilian peace service to further professionalize peace work by Canadians.  A similar youth peace service is also contemplated by the bill.  As the co-chairs of the Canadian department of peace initiative, Bill Bhaneja and Saul Arbess have noted that this bill is about the need to bring peace through peaceful means.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

*  *  *

How about a "Department of Whoopass", for those times when a group hug and lollipops all around just won't do?

Where do they come up with this stuff?

Yep, the end is close.  I'm assembling a crack team of Panzers and heading out to shoot those who have beaten their swords into ploughshares.

Oh dear god..........

You have GOT to be kidding me.....

no suprise it came from BC.......

You know, they are on to something here.

Everyone should really try to give a peace a chance.

And when then when that fails....

We come in and do that whoopass thing.
Department of <a href=http://www.gymjones.com/images/knowledge/know_18_1.jpg>Piece?</a>
Thankfully private member's bills frequently get defeated. More-so when they're proposed by the opposition.
the 48th regulator said:
Oh c'mon fellas,

Arms were made for hugging.



So were hands.... I enjoy the thought of using my hands to Hug hippies.... very tightly and lovingly around their Necks....  ;)

Come on Brah, we all gotta get along man... we're all just passengers on Spaceship Earth Man......  ;D
Do I smell (pun intended) a coalition between the NDP and the BC Marijuana Party here? 
"So sorry we couldn't stop your village from being ethnically cleansed, we were to busy organizing a peace summit."

You can't hug a child with Combat Arms, but you sure as f*** can use them to stop that child from being hacked apart with a machete.

I think it’s a great idea, offer a job to all of our special people like Michael Byers and such. Put them on a airplane, give them a chute and punt them out over the crisis zone, they can spread their joy and love to combat the violence. Sort of like the Peace Corp version of fire jumpers. Hey if they survive and bring peace to the region, then they proved their theory, what could go wrong?
Colin P said:
I think it’s a great idea, offer a job to all of our special people like Michael Byers and such. Put them on a airplane, give them a chute and punt them out over the crisis zone, they can spread their joy and love to combat the violence. Sort of like the Peace Corp version of fire jumpers. Hey if they survive and bring peace to the region, then they proved their theory, what could go wrong?

Pfff, that's not how it's done.

The proper way is to protest something on a main street while blocking traffic and stopping productive members of society from getting to work.
You can show how much you care about peace and love by smashing up a few stores and cars. Maybe set some places on fire. Then when the police gets there and tries to stop you from wrecking havoc, you can complain about police brutality. The CS gas will move you to tears!
After all this is said and done, the people on the other side of the world will obviously feel very moved by your protest and they will stop all their wrong doings.
Come on fellas, give peace a chance.
Great. Another government department dedicated to accomplishing nothing. Yeah that's a great idea. Lets try booting them out the back of a LAV in or around Zhari, give them 2 days, and see what they accomplish? Their "non-violent" method will get their heads jammed onto a spike. It must be nice for deluded idiots to be able to sit at home and think up nonsense like this and preach on their pedestal, while never having to actually go somewhere where "peace" is a relative term and someone is trying his damndest to kill you. What should be created is a Department of Realism, whos sole responsibility is to hear all ideas before they are presented, and say "Hey, that sounds feasible" OR "Shut up, give your head a shake, that is just stupid".
Also in the news....

Roiders - Mr. Bill Siksay, Canadian MP, who proposed a new private members bill which would introduced a "Department of Peace" has borrowed a page from some of his previous political predecessors.

"Although they were Liberals, some of our former Prime Ministers used famous people to help them endorse some of their Ideas.  Pierre Trudeau paraded John Lennon around, Paul Martin chummed with Bono.  I on the other hand, being NDP, will n ot use the schlocky musician type activist.  I would like to invite Alec Baldwin and his members of F.A.G to contribute in making this Bill a reality"

He further went on to say, that clips of news coverage on Youtube, where mister Alec Baldwin, and his colleagues were voicing ideas that were innline with his own ideas.  He further provided a clip that convinced him the most;

Film Actors' Guild Video


I think the Department of Peace is a great idea, but only if I get to be the deputy minister.  If it were possible to have less accountability than the Dept of Canadian Heritage, this is it.