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Edmonton Soldier faces child pornography charges

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Army.ca Legend
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Here is one we could do with out.
Defence officials say Private Daryl Simon Daggett allegedly distributed child porn over the Internet to an undercover Toronto police officer.

Daggett was arrested after military police executed a search warrant in his barrack room.
Thats pretty damn disgusting, he tried to distribute it to a undercover Toronto Police Officer!!!??? Wow.... :rage:
Worse than a moron......

I have no patience for diddlers........

If he's guilty, I say we get the RSM to fall the Bn in in hollow Square and we'll cut his insginia off......
My brother's currently injail at the Kingston Max, in ontario.

Pedophiles have no place in jails, bubba will be loving him all night long that's for sure.  There's absolute no tolerance for them, so if he's charged in civil court... oooooooh boy I hope he gets a medium/max and not a minimum prison.
he'll probally end up in pc if he gets jail time.but his military services are done.one sick puppy..... :threat:
Hopefully he will get sent down ....but you just wait and see if he doesnt end up with house arrest , time served , probation  etc....
Will he be tried in a civ court or will he end up in Club Ed?
Marty said:
Hopefully he will get sent down ....but you just wait and see if he doesnt end up with house arrest , time served , probation   etc....

If its his first offence that would be the more likely scenario, Suspended Sentence, Probation, House arrest, maybe a few months in a provincial jail, but no hard prison time, plus the standard prohibitions no contact with kids, stay away from computers.  It is very rare for someone to do hard time for kiddie porn, unless they are also charged and convicted of actually making it.  If all he did has distribute/possess his sentence will be fairly light.  Judges are retarded when it comes to this issue.
Not to condone this type of activity, but does this guy not at least deserve the benefit of the doubt until PROVEN guilty?

Police - especially the MPs, have made mistakes before - let's allow the law courts to try this one in lieu of the court of public opinion.
If guilty i hope he has a "wonderful" time in edmonton visiting club ed...
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