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Certificates Offered in the Military

Big T

Jr. Member
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I am curious if anyone can inform me and others on the certificates that can be aquired through the Military Combat Arms? Some things that may be usefull in civilian life. I have searched the forums, but couldn't find anything... if someone can place a link to a topic that has answers to this that would also be appreciated!
Like any other education, any training that you receive in the military is useful to you no matter what you do later.   There are many courses offered in the CF for a multitude of reasons and all of them teach you some sort of skill that can have applications in other activities.   My comment includes even weapons skills, as such things as IA and stoppage drills for example, teach you to think and act under stress - that skill applies to many situations.   Certainly there are many other courses which may pad out one's resume, but really why?   If one wants to 'credentialize' there are easier ways than joining the army, but not many are as much of a challenge or as much fun.   There is another thread here somewhere on military training courses, perhaps a quick search will bring it up.
Try this post:

I only ask because alot of Civy careers require some sort of certificate or diploma these days, unless your working a JOB, not a Career... and who wants to be doing a JOB there whole life... I realize that the millitary is a Career aswell, but so different from civy life that, upon being in the military so long, some just cant take it... I also ask if in the Armourd Corps... do you receive Civilian equivalent class 1,2,3 and airbrake certificates? I read on other posts that these are not received, but other liscencing are... and if these liscencings are good enough to be able to drive an industrial semi truck, or a half ton for a Company in the civilian world? there must be at least something related, or accepted or what not... I mean, someone comming out of the military with nothing but "experience" isnt going to be able to make it very far, even if the employer feels they could do the job... they just dont have the "Qualifications"...

These situations is the reason I am asking, tell me... what would a mid 30 - 40 year old do once leaving the military without pension and nothing to show but experience?

(not trying to be dis-respectful, just trying to help you all see my point)
Though not awarded by the CF itself.

Time in as a Combat Engineer in the reg force can count towards the academic requirements for certification as a Civil Engineering Technologist in Ontario (I'm not sure if this rule applies in other provinces, but I would say it likely does).

www.OACETT.com used to talk about it on their old website but I can't find mention of it now.  Emailing them will likely provide answers.

As I recall, they look for QL5 as well as experience in water purification and geodetic surveying.

Restricted Radio Operators (Land, Sea or Air)

Defensive Driving and Safe Backing....Great for deal on car insurance.

CPR and First Aid.

Just off the top of my head.
Thx for the posts guys... Only, I am curious what the Armoured Corps Personell receive for there vehicle training... I still don't understand why they arent qualified with the class 1,2,3 and airbrakes... or is what they receive equivalent?
As it stands, there aren't too many things that you will do in a "normal" Armour Corps career that will give you civilian qualifications. Of course, there are people who get specialty courses, depending on your job/position requirements. A few examples: First Aid Instructor, HAZMAT, Accident Investigator, Suicide Prevention, Alcohol and Drug counselor, Safety Management. You won't start getting those until the Cpl level (and senior Cpl usually), and then MCpl and up.

You can ask for courses, but avoid asking for courses that have nothing to do with your job, as it tends to annoy people. If you take training outside of the military (computer training, university/college courses) make sure you let your supervisor know, so it can get put into your file, and it can help you advance, career wise. As well, you may even get re-imbursed for the cost of the course (assuming you pass, and it is an accredited school).

One thing I will warn you about: watch out for the courses that nobody wants: it's usually for a reason. There are some courses/qualifications that are thankless jobs, and unless you really enjoy them, once you are qualified, you are expected to perform them. I'm not saying turn down trade related courses (like Coyote driver, etc), but if you don't like talking to people that are depressed, don't take Suicide Intervention, as an example. Remember that the military qualifies you for things because there is a need for people to be qualified; they don't do it just because people want to pad their resume.

Having said all that, you should look forward to any training opportunity you can get, as the better educated you are, the more employable you are, within the military, and on the outside once you are done.

A last point: sometimes when you do a course, you won't get a "certificate", even if it is a civilian qualification, because the CF won't pay for it (an example of this is First Aid). Pay the few bucks and stay current, as it will save you some major coin down the road. Another example is Air Brake. After you do the training, go down to the Motor Vehicle department, and write the civilian exam. It'll cost you, but at least you will have the civilian qualification without having to pay for the training (I never did this, and sometimes wish I had).

Hope this helped,

Big T said:
I am curious what the Armoured Corps Personell receive for there vehicle training... I still don't understand why they arent qualified with the class 1,2,3 and airbrakes...

Armoured never stops; thus no need for brakes ;D
Allan Luomala (Thanks for the detailed post!) and Old Ranger (I like the humour, haha!!)  ;) ;D