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CDN/US Covid-related political discussion

Once we look beyond the USA and UK who are both manufacturing vaccines like mad to try to deal with their high death tolls (Something nobody want to compare Canada to for some reason, probably because we look like world beaters in comparison to those two in that regard) we look to be on track with the rest of the first world, minus a few outliers.
For reference to the discussion,

Covid-19 deaths per 100,000 as of 28 March 2021. Per Johns Hopkins University,

United Kingdom 190.73

United States 167.75

Canada 61.60

You say poh tay toe, I say pah tat toe.

Tim Hortons and Molson don't need to import beer or coffee from a few sources that are having concerns about exports, store them at -70 Celsius, distribute them to 10 provinces and 3 territories based on population, all of them having different online portals to book their appointment, with the added complication that people will need a second round anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months later, which, if they fail to get right, people die.
And the literally thousands of people in the political and health care realms responsible for this, with almost a year notice, with unprecedented access to knowledge. trends, updates, and communications, still haven't beat out Timmy's and Canadian. A pox on them, (and unfortunately, us.)
You say poh tay toe, I say pah tat toe.

And the literally thousands of people in the political and health care realms responsible for this, with almost a year notice, with unprecedented access to knowledge. trends, updates, and communications, still haven't beat out Timmy's and Canadian. A pox on them.
I don't know why you are quoting me a second time on this, but...

Molson deals in beer. Beer that has to stay somewhat cold, but not -70 degrees cold. Also manufactured domestically.

Timmy's deals in coffee, donuts and some foodstuff. Coffee doesn't need to stored in any special way, nor do donuts, nor do foodstuff. Foodstuff and donuts manufactured domestically, coffee imported but there are not any global supply issues over coffee beans at the moment.

Vaccines are having global supply issues, leading to the USA and Europe, the main manufactures of these vaccines putting in export controls. So far since our vaccination program has been on par with the EU we have not been effected, but the USA is denying Canada access to a large amount of their manufactured vaccines.

So that's on the federal procurement side.

On the distribution side, the provinces are complaining that they do not have enough supply, but are having to deal with stop and go deliveries, changing rules on dose schedule and online portals that are not working as intended. Add to that, not everyone eligible for vaccines are signing up, whether due to the portals not working and bookings being buggy, or the provinces messing up on communications or vaccine hesitancy I have no idea. I have my suspicions, but without evidence I wont throw anyone under the bus.

I do hope that these things are sorted out quickly, because if the feds are right, there are going to be a lot more vaccines coming in next month than the last two months, and if the provinces are struggling now, then the system is going to fall flat on its face next month.
I don't know why you are quoting me a second time on this, but...
I am quoting you a second time because those responsible for acquisition and distribution, whom you are defending, have phueqed things royally.
I am quoting you a second time because those responsible for acquisition and distribution, whom you are defending, have phueqed things royally.
If you repeat a talking point enough times, eventually it becomes truth, yes?
If you repeat a talking point enough times, eventually it becomes truth, yes?
From your perspective, there are innumerable reasons why we can not ensure a stable supply of vaccines. OK.

Canada, as the Liberals will tell all of us, is one of the best countries in the world to live in. Politicians of all stripes have leaped on UN and other polls that rates Canada in the top 3, to assuage us of how well they are doing to govern us. And that works very well until the poop happens, and then they are actually required to do something.

The system, aided and abetted by bureaucrats and politicians, has failed, and us common folks are noticing, and commenting on it. The free rides are over.
Or a repeated truth.....
I have invested time in posting other nations responses, their roll outs, their procurement, and compared the federal government to the provinces, and yet, not one person has addressed these points. Instead multiple people here keep repeating that the feds messed up.

Okay, explain how? Explain why. Explain what they could have done differently. Do I get this? No. Just "feds suck".
From your perspective, there are innumerable reasons why we can not ensure a stable supply of vaccines. OK.
And from yours there are not, yet you wont say why other than a blacket statement that the feds suck.
Canada, as the Liberals will tell all of us, is one of the best countries in the world to live in.
Every politician of every country says this.
Politicians of all stripes have leaped on UN and other polls that rates Canada in the top 3, to assuage us of how well they are doing to govern us. And that works very well until the poop happens, and then they are actually required to do something.
That usually happens to middle powers. The same conversations are happening in Italy, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand...
The system, aided and abetted by bureaucrats and politicians, has failed, and us common folks are noticing, and commenting on it. The free rides are over.
Explain how it has failed.
The MP in my former riding sure seemed to think so...
As a person not sitting in the Kabuki theater that is parliament, and fairly compensated for it, I don't have the patience for those here who engage in the same nonsense as our elected members.
I have invested time in posting other nations responses, their roll outs, their procurement, and compared the federal government to the provinces, and yet, not one person has addressed these points. Instead multiple people here keep repeating that the feds messed up.

Okay, explain how? Explain why. Explain what they could have done differently. Do I get this? No. Just "feds suck".
"Explain how it has failed."

I just googled it and got too many hits to list....from both right and left leaning media.
OOOOOOOOOOOR,....just do it yourself and read.
Outsourcing arguments is peak lazy.

Saying feds suck and then saying go find out for yourself why the feds suck is nonsense.

I have done research, compared nations, and took the time to share it here, if you cannot do the same, well, please excuse me if I do not take you the least bit seriously.

Ford says vaccine supply 'becoming a joke'​

Ford is not the only Premier to call out the feds on their logistical prowess. Or lack thereof. Not that my opinion counts for much, but it certainly sounds like trudeau blew it big time.
Outsourcing arguments is peak lazy.

Saying feds suck and then saying go find out for yourself why the feds suck is nonsense.

I have done research, compared nations, and took the time to share it here, if you cannot do the same, well, please excuse me if I do not take you the least bit seriously.
What research have you done? Where have you run rings around us logically? Fine to pontificate. Harder to prove.