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CAN "Do Not Call List" Set for 30 Sept 08 Launch

The Bread Guy

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Oh happy day!

Countdown to the National DNCL launch
CRTC news release, 30 Jul 08
News release link

OTTAWA-GATINEAU — It’s official: in just two months the National Do Not Call List (DNCL) will be up and running. On September 30, 2008, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will launch the National DNCL. Consumers will be able to register on the National DNCL for free to reduce the number of telemarketing calls they receive.

For many Canadian consumers, the National DNCL will come as a relief to the nuisance of telemarketing calls. It will, however, have some exemptions. Consumers may still receive calls from registered charities, political parties, and newspapers seeking subscriptions. Companies with whom a consumer has an existing business relationship will still be able to call, as well as those conducting surveys. For more information on exemptions, see the CRTC Fact Sheet.

Calls will not stop immediately. Telemarketers will have 31 days to update their calling lists. If consumers continue to receive non-exempt calls 31 days after they have registered they will be able to file complaints with the National DNCL operator.

Registration is simple. To put their numbers on the National DNCL, consumers will be able to log on to www.LNNTE-DNCL.gc.ca as of September 30, 2008, and follow the instructions, or call 1-866-580-DNCL (3625). For TTY service only (for the hearing impaired), the toll-free number will be 1-888-DNCL-TTY (1-888-362-5889).

For more information on the National DNCL

Heard on the news that Political parties, Registered charities & Survey firms were exempt from this list.....

Some of the very people I would want to bannish :(
geo said:
Heard on the news that Political parties, Registered charities & Survey firms were exempt from this list.....

Some of the very people I would want to bannish :(

When ever I answer the phone, and get the dead air time prior to the person answering I just put the phone on hold, and put the handset soemwhere.... For some reason the calls seem to have diminished now.....
I wonder if I can sign up the BDF on it?

What recall?

Sgt  Schultz said:
I wonder if I can sign up the BDF on it?

What recall?


I can just see the Coxn's face when you let him know the reason you did not get the call becasue the ship/unit is on the DNC list.  ;D
We have had this in the States for a while now. I signed up when it originally came into being and it's great. Same exemptions applied as well.  Now we have the "do not call cell phone" list and I signed up for that too.

One word, if you purchase anything through catalogs or over the internet, they more than likely use an outside maketing firm and will call you that way.  Your purchase and information is given over to them for marketing purposes. I found this out when a company I order from did this and I started getting calls. When I investigated into "why", this is what I was told.

We also have to renew every 5 years.
