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Best "Guy" Movies of All Time

I suppose I can tuck these ones in here ;D

Any/All of the Rocky Balboa films.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD-iZWOikoo (Theme song)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZfCS6fZYF0 (Rocky Balboa all Knockouts)
Might as well add the car door scene:
Bridge on the River Kwai.

The Great Escape.

The Devil's Brigade.

Shaun of the Dead

Watched the RSM link of Wild Geese.

Saw the 'Wild Geese - full movie' link on You Tube.

Just spent the last two hours here in the Man Cave watching Richard Burton and Harris at their best ;D

Their Tech Director must've been military. They yelled 'Grenade' when they threw one and actually did not a bad flanking.

Oh, and lots of their's died, including their light in the loafers Medic.;) Not just bad guys.

At least he went down fighting.
recceguy said:
Watched the RSM link of Wild Geese.

Saw the 'Wild Geese - full movie' link on You Tube.

Just spent the last two hours here in the Man Cave watching Richard Burton and Harris at their best ;D

Their Tech Director must've been military. They yelled 'Grenade' when they threw one and actually did not a bad flanking.

Oh, and lots of their's died, including their light in the loafers Medic.;) Not just bad guys.

At least he went down fighting.

Great movie !!
recceguy said:
Watched the RSM link of Wild Geese.

Saw the 'Wild Geese - full movie' link on You Tube.

Just spent the last two hours here in the Man Cave watching Richard Burton and Harris at their best ;D

Their Tech Director must've been military. They yelled 'Grenade' when they threw one and actually did not a bad flanking.

Oh, and lots of their's died, including their light in the loafers Medic.;) Not just bad guys.

At least he went down fighting.

One of the tech advisors was Mad Mike Hoare, a Brit Merc that made a name for himself in Africa in the 60's and 70's.  I bought the 25th anniversary edition - in the making of episode, Roger Moore was making fun of Hardy Krueger in it, saying when they were learning drill, Hardy couldn't walk, only goose step...

Not just Hoare. Some of the actors had done their national service in the British military. Jack Watson the RSM served in the RN during the Second World War as a PTI. Hardy Kruger was another WW2 vet serving in the 38th SS Division as a conscript. Richard Burton was in the RAF as a Navigator during the war and post war period, as did Kenneth Griffith the actor who played the medic. Percy Herbert who played the mercenary Keith was at the fall of Singapore and Ian Yule, who played Tosh Donaldson was actually a former mercenary in the 5 Commando in the Congo and a friend of Col Mike Hoare.
Hence the "One of the tech advisors..."  ;D...from what I've read/heard, Ian Yule actually got Hoare involved in the project.  Read an interesting book a number of years ago, "Someone Else's Wars" IIRC, didn't paint a very nice picture of Mike Hoare.  In the "making of" video, he was dressed like a Walt - bush dress with a bunch of weird gongs on. 
Supposedly Yule introduced his old Co to the movie's producers. The movie is based on the Daniel Carney novel The Thin While Line  and Carney claims it in turn was based on an incident in 1968 when a Dakota landed at an airstrip in Rhodesia. Rumour has it was full on mercenaries fleeing a mission in the Congo with a dying Moïse Kapenda Tshombe the former President of the Congo.

This one was mentioned before Streets of Fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJGo2rvfSuA

Another contender To Live and Die in LA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGBe8mltpkA
Just found this recently on DVD (from the UK, but playable here) "Who Dares Wins" (aka "The Final Option"):
According to the commentary, lead actor was an SAS reservist, and many (if not most) of those you see doing the final assault on the ambassador's residence was done by real SAS from real military helicopters (apparently offered by then-Director of the SAS Peter de la Billiere the day before the filming of that sequence).  Also, anyone you see from behind or whose face you can't see when firing in the training area were apparently SAS.
milnews.ca said:
Just found this recently on DVD (from the UK, but playable here) "Who Dares Wins" (aka "The Final Option"):
According to the commentary, lead actor was an SAS reservist, and many (if not most) of those you see doing the final assault on the ambassador's residence was done by real SAS from real military helicopters (apparently offered by then-Director of the SAS Peter de la Billiere the day before the filming of that sequence).  Also, anyone you see from behind or whose face you can't see when firing in the training area were apparently SAS.

The lead actor was a reservist, but with 10 (TA) Para.  If you read the credits carefully at the end of the movie, military technical advisors were "Anonymous". 

Lewis Collins was in the TA and a Para. Supposedly he did pass selection for 21 SAS but as he was rather too well known as an Actor they had to say no.
medicineman said:
The lead actor was a reservist, but with 10 (TA) Para.  If you read the credits carefully at the end of the movie, military technical advisors were "Anonymous". 

Danjanou said:
Lewis Collins was in the TA and a Para. Supposedly he did pass selection for 21 SAS but as he was rather too well known as an Actor they had to say no.
Thanks for that - I was going by the producer/director commentary.
daftandbarmy said:
The Hill: nuff said




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA1HORPY87o&feature=related  (....)
Just watched the entire flick on DVD.  Damned good flick!
Danjanou said:
Lewis Collins was in the TA and a Para. Supposedly he did pass selection for 21 SAS but as he was rather too well known as an Actor they had to say no.

He was, as I have it on good 2nd hand authority, a first class walt. He got a chance to work with the TA SAS durign the film, and then thought he was one. Never even tried selection and wouldn't have made it in the army anyways, by all accounts.

"He started out as a ladies' hairdresser before playing drums and guitar in pop groups." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Collins

Nuff said....
daftandbarmy said:
He was, as I have it on good 2nd hand authority, a first class walt. He got a chance to work with the TA SAS durign the film, and then thought he was one. Never even tried selection and wouldn't have made it in the army anyways, by all accounts.

"He started out as a ladies' hairdresser before playing drums and guitar in pop groups." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Collins

Nuff said....

I stand corrected. I'll take your sources on this as better than mine old buddy.
daftandbarmy said:
... a first class walt.


His preparation for the film gave him a passion for guns, and in 1981 he was fined £300 after discharging a shotgun in his living room.
In 2002, after a tip-off from his estranged father, police searched his house in Chalfont St Peter, discovering machine guns, pistols, shotguns and ammunition.

Collins hadn't lived at the house for several years and was not charged over the matter.
Of course, the WW1 classics should be included: when manliness was measured by the length of ones 'bayonet'

All Quiet on the Western Front (the original of course, not the drivel produced later with 'John Boy' Walton in the lead role)

Paths of Glory

Sgt York

All the King's Men

The Trench

Deathwatch (wierd, but manly enough)

Gallipoli (Hint: never take a girlfriend to watch this the night before you deploy on ops)

The Light Horsemen

The Lost Battalion

Add one to that list , more a mini series than a movie

