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Yuppie 9-1-1

Just adds one more reason why I'm leaving Winnipeg - in fact getting right out of Manitoba - once I get the estate settled and save up enough money for the move. This city spends money like a drunken sailor on shore leave (sorry Navy - but you know what I mean!!), except on what's needed, and charges user fees on everything they can grab money on.

Hawk said:
Just adds one more reason why I'm leaving Winnipeg - in fact getting right out of Manitoba - once I get the estate settled and save up enough money for the move. This city spends money like a drunken sailor on shore leave (sorry Navy - but you know what I mean!!), except on what's needed, and charges user fees on everything they can grab money on.

I'm afraid you can run, but you can't hide from it:
"Our next frontier is Canada. That is why we have more than three dozen of our Canadian brothers and sisters here at this conference. Although most of Canada is still locked into a third-service EMS system with workers represented by Canada's largest public employee union, our Winnipeg local's success in integrating EMS into its fire department has shown that fire-based EMS can and, if I have my way, will work in Canada, too."
International Association of Firefighters General President Harold A. Schaitberger
"Integrate". I haven't heard that word used much since the 1960's.
mariomike said:
911 is a free call, but obviously not a free ride, in Winnipeg.
It's $45.00 in Ontario. Your employee insurance plan pays the $45.00. . . .

Winnipeg's rates are not out of sync with most major western cities.  In Calgary the rates were:

Transport fee  $351.76
Response fee  $183.20
and if you cancelled the ambulance after calling 911 (let's say the patient died) a fee of $139.00. 
Blackadder1916 said:
if you cancelled the ambulance after calling 911 (let's say the patient died) a fee of $139.00.

I will never get used to is that now they pronounce D.O.A.'s "on scene", and then leave the deceased where they found them. That's something that never, ever happened "back in the day" out of respect for the family, and the general public.
a Sig Op said:
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Spot Messenger, a device which let's you call for a rescue virtually anywhere in the world, without all the hassle of having to explain exactly what the emergency is.
Not the first time this sort of thing has happened because of said device.

No, I dare say it is not! hahaha
I never heard of Spot, but I sure do remember "I've fallen, and I CAN'T GET UP!!!"  ;D