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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Danjanou said:
Lucky me maybe i should arrnage another TO milnet M&G and invite this nintendosniperwannabe and then counsel him in the established old school Sgt major style. >:D

Question 1:


And film it too?
I'll pay for a copy in Blu-Ray  ;D
PrairieThunder said:

And film it too?
I'll pay for a copy in Blu-Ray  ;D

I bet these guys would take the pictures from it and post it on facebook.
"Me getting jacked up at basic training"
2010newbie said:
You could check a "John Russell" as well. He is listed as his brother, also in the same EMS classes and apparently also in the CF. Maybe an older brother where he is getting kit from???


Nah, they apear to be born in very different areas of the country.  He is likely a "brother" in the way my daughters FB friends are friended as "sisters" but are just BFFs.  There is only 3 pics and nothing in the rest of profile says anything really personal.  Likely they are in the same middle school together and are sharing this action hero fantasy, OR, this is another profile of the same guy. 
Actually, this is KINDA flattering.  I remember a time when we were called "federal welfare" and openingly mocked by Canadians including some of the "real" vets as not being a real military.  To have posers in Cadpat is sort of ego boosting.  Prehaps I should report to mental health..........
Lightguns said:
Nah, they apear to be born in very different areas of the country.  He is likely a "brother" in the way my daughters FB friends are friended as "sisters" but are just BFFs.  There is only 3 pics and nothing in the rest of profile says anything really personal.  Likely they are in the same middle school together and are sharing this action hero fantasy, OR, this is another profile of the same guy.

Not every family was born and raised in one location.  I have a sibling born in Winnipeg, another born in Ontario, another born in France and yet another born in Saskatchewan.  I am sure someone on FB could come to the conclusion that we are in no way related as well, following your logic.
I was not using logic.  I was stating that I observed with my kid's friends that for the young generation on FB, little if anything they put is real.  All my kids friends seem to do the same by adding friends as a "brother" or "sister" it seems (by observing) that with several dozen of my daughters friends this is a common practice. As quick check, my daughter has 10 "sisters" and one of her friends as 15 "sisters".  Of course, it could be that my daughter only hangs with girls from very large families but (using logic) Canadian demographics would not bear that out in my part of the country.  In any case, using FB as a sole source of credible information on a Poser is not productive.
Lightguns said:
...... In any case, using FB as a sole source of credible information on a Poser is not productive.

Actually, FB has a lot of security flaws that allow for those who want to, to actually get a lot of credible information on a person.  At the same time, if a poser is posting stuff on FB, and is caught up in their lie; would you not call that a credible outing of said poser?

If you really want an idea of what credible information one can garner from FB posts, have a look at this:

http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/71137/post-678628.html#msg678628  or the pdf file from the authors:

Lightguns said:
Nah, they apear to be born in very different areas of the country.

Curious as to where you got this info from.  Both their profiles say they're from Saint John, NB.

Edited to correct grammatical error.....  ::)  ;)
2010newbie said:
You could check a "John Russell" as well. He is listed as his brother, also in the same EMS classes and apparently also in the CF. Maybe an older brother where he is getting kit from???


Looking at the group photo of blue uniforms, two men standing on the right are identified as Wade and John.

They are not T-EMS uniforms. That is not our shoulder badge. In addition to the badge, Toronto Paramedics wear epaulettes with a silver stripe and the word "Paramedic".

They are likely college students. My guess is Humber College, a T-EMS "farm team".

To the department, unauthorized access to our uniforms is a security issue.

It's also a matter of public liability.

I believe they are much less concerned about the "walting" aspect of it.

From the SOP's, "In the normal course of duties, the Toronto EMS uniform affords staff unchallenged access to many restricted areas. During this time of heightened worldwide security, it is incumbent upon
us to prevent unauthorized access to our uniform."
An entertaining site for outing posers is from the U.K called "the Walter Mitty hunters club". It's always good for a laugh and absolutely insane the lengths some go to in their Waltery!
I posted a link on FB of this latest one, quite a few of my Army colleagues aren't too impressed by his antics and have messaged him (so have I for that matter.).  Can't get FB at work, so I can't see the results at the moment.
I was down town this evening (Ottawa market area); and I came across 3 sergeants wearing army DEU dress #3; one with a plaid bow tie with white dress shirt with white buttons ruffled wearing mini medals on his DEU jacket (3 of them); one with log flashes, and collar dogs wearing ribbons on the DEU jacket; same shirt but black buttons and a black  bow tie; and a female Sergent who took off, who had no tie or bow tie as soon as I approached them.  And they pointed to a medal saying they were in Afghanistan and it was not the medal for that tour.

What is the order of dress for a mess dinner for army?

The Sergent wearing the LOG flashes and collar dogs was insistent on discovering whether I was military or not; *how he didn't see my ID disks on the chain around my neck is beyond me* and initially told me he was RCMP (which my dad is a Staff Sergent in so I am familiar with their dress uniforms) all three were wearing ARMY DEUs and told me they were air force (which I know because I am army) with the stock buttons you get at st.jean. (do LOG get trade specific buttons?) I told them I was not, to see what would happen.

None had head dress on.

My question is; Airforce LOG; do they wear ARMY DEU #3? Do they have trade specific buttons? For a mess dinner do you wear a bow tie with standard shirt? Is there a standard for the bowtie? (non mess dinner uniform *that red one army guys wear or similar*)  Also when in transit from one place to another do they wear the head dress when in public.

I'm pretty sure these guys were fakes; and talking to my girlfriend after the fact (regarding how the female sergeant approached her due to her concern that I was military) I'm almost positive that they were fakes.

I'm just a Pte. so I let them off because I don't know the standard; but I was angry because based on my limited knowledge they were out of dress and lying about their experience and element.

What should I do in the future if confronted by blatant fakes?

If they were going to a mess dinner in DEU, it's white shirt and black bow tie.

Ribbons are to be worn, not miniatures. No name tags either, unless it's mixed dinning in IIRC.

Few points:

- Headdress isn't worn in DEU 2 or Mess Dress.

- You wear your dogtags 24/7 and worse yet, on the outside of your clothes? 

- Pte's don't "let someone off" anything because they have no authority over anyone.

- see the attached pic for an example of a shirt female CF members wear in DEU 2 or Mess Dress.

Honestly, I don't know why, as a Pte off duty, you would think it was your place to challenge anyone.  From what you've written I get the idea you don't know enough about CF dress instructions to challenge anyone.  Those 2 issues are somewhat different but related in your post.

My advice is twofold.  (1)  read up on the CF Dress Instructions if you really want to be schooled on the regs and (2) stop challenging people in public because you are a CF member and have dogtags on.

officious said:
I'm just a Pte. so I let them off because I don't know the standard; but I was angry because based on my limited knowledge they were out of dress and lying about their experience and element.

It is the duty of all members regardless of rank to correct poor military dress. It is done with respect for rank but yes a Pte can correct superior rank but he does so from a subordinate position. That is something my unit RSM says everytime the subject comes up. Indeed, he says he will support anyone who corrects the poor fress of a superior.

That being said you need to know and understand the dress regs.

When did wearing dog tags become taboo. I was told to water them always. I know in my last unit it was an SOP. Here I thought I was a maverick for not wearing them.
officious said:
I was down town this evening (Ottawa market area); and I came across 3 sergeants wearing army DEU dress #3; one with a plaid bow tie with white dress shirt with white buttons ruffled wearing mini medals on his DEU jacket (3 of them); one with log flashes, and collar dogs wearing ribbons on the DEU jacket; same shirt but black buttons and a black  bow tie; and a female Sergent who took off, who had no tie or bow tie as soon as I approached them.  And they pointed to a medal saying they were in Afghanistan and it was not the medal for that tour.
There were 3 medals awarded for the Sandbox, SWASM, GCS and GCM

What should I do in the future if confronted by blatant fakes?

You should do nothing in the future until you actually know WTF you are blabbing on about.
Eye In The Sky said:
- see the attached pic ......
Wow, 4 people with only a CD.  Was that picture taken in NDHQ?

officious said:
*how he didn't see my ID disks on the chain around my neck is beyond me*
When confronted by fakes and honourthieves surround yourself with a shield of righteousness and challenge them.

For added emphasis take your ID discs off and wrap them around your fists.
Hatchet Man said:
You should do nothing in the future until you actually know WTF you are blabbing on about.
+1.  However, given that the OP chose "Officious" as their name for this board, that may be easier said than done.