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Ultimate Disrespect- Matthew Good, Casualties and the Canadian Flag

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Seems like Mr. Good feels that the CF and Canada are in distress:


And, someone claiming to be in the air force [442 Sqn Comox] needs an attitude adjustment.

Screenies and link reproduced for fair comment under the copyright act.
He's yet another far-left "entertainer" who feels somehow qualified - by virtue of his vast experience - to comment on international and military affairs.  As for the prat from Comox...  ::)

I registered so I could leave a nice little comment on board.

What the hell is all this I’m reading??!?!!??! You people want us to leave because of… why exactly? 66 Canadians killed…. 2 hundred civilians killed this year……okay now…LISTEN UP!
Since the forces removed the Taliban from power, there have been 45 000 more newborns surviving every year. FORTY FIVE THOUSAND NEWBORNS EVERY YEAR!!! Lets see… 45000 times five and a half years equals….247 5000. Thats a lot of newborns survived that would have died. There are 6 million kids in school now including 2 million little girls, who would have been refused any education at all.
What is it with you people??!! Are you so much against our government that it blinds you to the good that has come from this? Damn near a quarter of a million newborns survive, 6 million kids now in school, people returning home, relative peace in the country save for the four southern/southeast provinces.
You are quickly seeming more and more like modern day anarchist communists. Looks great on you. ‘rolls eyes’

Yes, I admit, it is a bit rash, but.... I'm fed up with all of them. I can't turn the TV on, or log onto the internet without hearing them cry bloody murder, and they don't even know what they are talking about most of the times.. so I think I needed to vent more than anything.
---deep breath---- 'whooosahh'---deep breath---
Got turned off Matt Good a long time ago....by another member pointing out his B.S. dreck.

Haven't bought a bloody thing from this moron in years....never will again either.

He lives in a bubble of his own warm fuzzyness. Let him talk to Timmy and see how far he gets.

+10 midget-boyd... it's times like that that I wish I could vent without it coming out as an incomprehensible rant. :D
"The best argument against democracy is a 10 minute conversation with the average voter"

W. Churchill......

midget-boyd said:

I registered so I could leave a nice little comment on board.

Yes, I admit, it is a bit rash, but.... I'm fed up with all of them. I can't turn the TV on, or log onto the internet without hearing them cry bloody murder, and they don't even know what they are talking about most of the times.. so I think I needed to vent more than anything.
---deep breath---- 'whooosahh'---deep breath---

I'm sure your comment is long deleted...................as Allan Luomala, [one of us] found out last year when he tried to spar with them.
Crapbag Good loves free speech, as long as its his.
From his website:

"We, being citizens of Canada, call on all members of the Canadian government to work together to immediately produce a definitive timetable for the cessation of Canadian combat operations in Afghanistan. We specifically target these operations singularly and support continued humanitarian and diplomatic efforts where necessary and applicable."

Obviously Mr. Good doesn't grip the fact that you first need to bring security and stability to the people of a region to continue humanitarian and diplomatic efforts there.  I'm sure we won't be seeing him headlining any showtours at KAF or Mirage in the very near future.  ::)
What is going on in this country ?,  that supposedly educated "enlightened", entertainers can conjour up such unabashed illogical rhetoric that somehow places PM Harper's actions in Afghanistan in league with Bush's reasons and policies for being in Iraq. Do they buy Stupid Speak cereal or drink to much dumb-ass beer or just maybe in there minds eye the self importance people like Matthew,s place in all they say creates  smugness and pettiness of debate which just cheapens and dilutes their argument. I mean jeepers......without all this Left wing nonsense all we would have is the truth. See you all in Kingston. Cheers.
midget-boyd said:

I registered so I could leave a nice little comment on board.

Yes, I admit, it is a bit rash, but.... I'm fed up with all of them. I can't turn the TV on, or log onto the internet without hearing them cry bloody murder, and they don't even know what they are talking about most of the times.. so I think I needed to vent more than anything.
---deep breath---- 'whooosahh'---deep breath---

MB stop confusing the leftwing moonbats with facts and figures. You know it just upsets them and gets them all riled up, and then it's hard to get them to lie down for nap time after cookies and milk 8)
I read some, and had to stop. The naivete is pathetic. Those people need to put down the i-pods and step out.. the real world beckons!
Hi-jacking the thread but appropos of the disrespect out there two days after 6 Canadian soldiers, good men who you could depend upon, were killed fighting essentially the same enemy comes this story came out of CBC:

Teenage U.S. deserter flees to Ottawa before Iraq posting
Second deserter settled in the city by Canadian group

A U.S. military deserter has applied for refugee status after fleeing to Ottawa from a military base in Virginia before he could be posted to Iraq.

Ross Spears, 19, arrived in the city about three weeks ago after nine months in basic training during which he decided he could not support the war in Iraq.

Spears said he signed up when he was 18 and believed he had to do his part for his country against the "terrorists over there."

But he began having doubts three days into basic training.

"The cadences they made us sing were … 'I went to the playground where all the children play; pulled out my Uzi and I began to spray,'" he said.

Spears said he signed up to be a truck driver, but was trained to kill using practice targets shaped like women in burqas with bazookas on their shoulders.

"And just the way they talked about going over there and killing people that made it seem like it was … hunting animals or something, hunting deer," he said.

Months later, he was told he was going to Iraq.

He asked his commanders for conscientious objector status, which would allow him to leave the army for reasons of conscience.

"At that point I was just like, 'This war is wrong,'" he said.

His commanders responded by binding his hands and roughing him up as discipline, he said.

Spears fled to Toronto, where he sought help from a Canadian group called the War Resister Support Campaign that has helped other U.S. deserters.

The group told him that resources were getting thin in Toronto, so they sent him to Ottawa.

There, he was welcomed into the home of Bob and Linda Stevenson, and began working at a bike shop in the Centretown neighbourhood.

Spears's lawyer Kourosh Farrokhzhad, who has been helping the former soldier build his refugee case, said he hopes Canada will fulfill its obligation to protect people who are wrongfully persecuted for their beliefs.

"These individuals who are conscientious objectors had their requests, to be seen as such, constantly thwarted by the U.S. military to the point where they were forced to engage in what is arguably an illegal war in Iraq," he said.

Spears is the second U.S. deserter settled in Ottawa by the War Resister Support Campaign. The first was 22-year-old James Burmeister.

Volunteers but after 3 whole days of basic training he  decides he might be a conscientious objector?  Prisoner of conscience my butt, he just can't hack it. Send this disgusting thing back to his Momma.

And why are we even tolerating the harbouring of a deserter in the shadow of Parliament Hill while our dead haven't even been buried yet ?
I find that disrespectful.
I find it extremely hard to believe that his superiors binded his hands and beat him.

Freakin' liar.

On his website the Canadian flag is upside down!!!!!. I registered right away so I could tell him how disrespectful that was and was banned from adding additional comments. It seems fame has warped his preception of right and wrong.
Everyone has the right to say what they want.... but flipping the fricking flag upside down, hang your head in shame. Just thought everyone should know what a dirtbag he is.
We do what we do.............so he can do what he does. It's the price we pay for freedom.
Y'know, I'd be really upset if this was on Stompin' Tom's website, or some other musician I like.  Good's music is crap, as, apparently, is his grasp of reality.  Nothing to see, file under "loon" and move on.
And now I try to post again... this time I get a BIG message.

Wonder how long I'm gonna last before being banned?  :tank:
Huh.... I've never heard of this Matthew Good chap before today.  Is he supposed to be someone famous for something?  I'm guessing here that the gentleman is aware of his lack of fame and is throwing a little tantrum to attract attention.  Just like my dogs sometimes do when they feel ignored.  ::)
Someone should invite him here to debate.

Most likely he'll shy away from the challenge!!!