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Time For Positvity


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Ive read though many of the threads on this site. I love it. Lots of good information and it seems there are many members that have great information, share it well, lots of experience and understanding of an average life. Unfortunately, for each person that seems mature, informed, and understanding - there seems to be three that live in a bubble with no understanding of lifes challenges and have that sense of entitlement that allows them to whine and complain about problems that are going to exist no matter where you go in life, or what your doing in life (although they complain like they are unique victims of consequence that never happens to anyone, ever) .

So. Here goes the start of what I hope to be a positive thread. Id like to create a place for the young inexperienced people in life (bless their hearts) to come and read how life is for many people. Also,, allow people like me... a bit more experienced, but with a lot to learn, to come and see the reality of whats ahead of me.

My story is this - I graduated Police Foundations in 2007 and have worked in the public safety industry since. I certainly did have the Blue Fever when I graduated, thinking that being a cop is all i could ever be. In the last six years Ive applied to, and been turned down, by many... many police services across Canada. Getting to interviews, and being told I have 'an edge'. Or completing tests and feeling great about them... only to get a letter 3 months later to the affect of "...as qualified as you are, you are no longer a competitive applicant", Graduating from college, well,, applying to college thinking that a cop is all i could be - im sure you can imagine the discouraging, and devastating affect this process had on me. It was the first time I set out to accomplish something, and couldnt achieve it. Talk about a sense of failure. After deciding I had to apply to career type jobs beyond police services - I got more of the same. I applied to hundreds of jobs and received very few responses, fewer interviewes, and NO job offers.
While in the process of this personal 'failure'.. I met a girl, we dated, I backpacked around europe alone for two months (grew as a person quite a bit), the girl and I moved from Ottawa to Canmore, we got married, we had a baby, and all of a sudden - the job I have, the failure I felt, the frustration I went through for 6 years meant nothing more than lessons learned and experiences gained.

Now at age 28 (still very young), I feel that no matter what job, no matter where I go, no matter who I meet or what I expect... Im going to encounter challenges, Im going to converse with people I disagree with, Im going to be forced to change my plans and my path while in full stride - as a very positive person recently told me.... 'adapt and overcome'  ;). I can see there are many challenges in the Forces from getting in, to housing, to pension (or lack-there-of for many soldiers), and of course time away from home. I feel that this is where the positive stories need to be shared - yes there are going to be challenges that may seem monumental and almost impossible to overcome - but there is no job in the free world that will provide health benefits, growth, and a potential retirement plan that wont present similar challenges, right? We can sit and complain about what we face feeling overwhelmed and full of self pitty - or we can face it, learn from it, grow from it, and understand that the problem we face is not necessarily unique. Nor is it the worst problem in the world.

Who else has learned what Adaptation means? How did you learn it? Who else has learned to expect the unexpected and take it with their head up... and learned how to control the challenge, as opposed to allowing the challenge to control you?? I know Im not the ony one that can find positivity in discouraging moments. Maybe sharing a story could shed light on someones dark moment.

Keep your head up, and carry on.