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This is okay but cartoons are not?



I thought about this for a number of days after looking at the picture, wasn't sure if I should bring it up, but I trust we can have a civilized discussion. 

I was wondering what is the difference between a few cartoons and the photo (link below) posted by one of the Army.ca members?


Is there a difference?  It seems on one side, the interest of free speech is paramount and such obviously stereotyped images are okay.  They're just Americans right or Muslims are obviously ****** (insert what ever adjectives u want)!  Then we have the other, where we all live in one world and we don't want to offend anyone, etc.  Why write or draw something that might tick off 1.5 billion people?...Or reinforce a stereotype, kinda like all CDNs sleep in igloos and take dog sleds to work or like gay soldiers like to shower with straight people in the barracks.

Okay, so what is the correct response?  I think the pictures are stupid and the poster has obviously shown poor taste, but I think we have all been guilty of that.  So do we commit ourselves to self censorship, i.e. like the cartoons?  Or do we endeavor to show better judgement? 

The difference is that we have the social and religious maturity to handle things that may offend us.  The radical Islamic groups that are choosing to take umberage with the cartoons do not.  Anyone who wants to use an image or event as an excuse for violence can.  If I decided that I would go on an arson spree because of the unfunny demon children of Family Circus that never age and perpetually do the same fucking stupid things, I could do so.  If I lived in a country that had a systemic hate on for Bill Keane, I could probably get away with the violence without much fear of repercussion.  Does that mean the world will stop publishing Family Circus (if I though it would, I might think on it) ?  No, the stupid thing will linger like cockroaches and twinkies after the nukes fall. 

Get used to it.
More importantly why waste bandwidth posting photos here that are widely available elsewhere?  I thought this feature was for unique photos releveant to army.ca - that General Lee wannabe is widely available on other servers, so why waste space on this one?  Sort of like posting tired old "joke emails" in an attempt to be funny.
For reference, here is the source of the photo:


I don't know for sure, but I suspect it is a fake. The colours seem to bleed unrealistically into surrounding objects (see the driver's side mirror for a glaring example of it.) That probably does not change things much, but if you consider the source of the photo (see more) and the fact it is likely a fake, I would say it's a poorly designed joke or propaganda.

Get friggin' real......
I find that picture comical and somewhat tasteful.

How can you compare the "Cartoon" depicting Mohammed (sp) being a suicide bomber and the Humvee painted like the General Lee? I think that there are a few things to consider first before we do so.

1) To the best of my knowledge, it is a major taboo to depict the profit Mohammed in any shape or form. That’s just the way they are.

2) One of the cartoons that all this big mess is about is a picture of Mohammed with a fuse lit to his turban. If you were Christian or any variation of, how would you feel if you saw a picture of Jesus (the perspective equal to Mohammed) doing hard drugs?

3) The Dukes of Hazzard was a T.V watched by millions and rerun for years depicting reckless men in an orange 69 Dodge Charger jumping things and evading the police.

How can you compare a little photo shop of a Hummer painted like a car from a TV show to the Holey Profit Allah with a bomb about to go off on his head?

Disclaimer: I am in not in any way or form trying to offend ANYONE. Please don’t ban me or anything of that nature, if there is a problem with the directing staff, I will delete this at the drop of a shell.
The difference? Last I knew, over 30 million people weren't praying to the General Lee or a HumVee on prayer mats over 3 times a day.

Get real.

M :brickwall:
Thats what I meant, don't tell me I screwed up the sarcasm thing again did I?

To compare the two is just stupid....
Bruce, I wasn't commenting on your post, just the original one.

M :brickwall:
Oh lord.... Here we go again...

Apples and oranges folks, it's all just apples and oranges, can't compare the pic featured in this threat with the Mohammed pics. Just doesn't measure up. Although, my opinion is that okay fine, the Danish newspaper made a bo-bo and highly offended the Muslim world at large, so if I was them I'd apologize too.

I think this Muslim violence and burning things is just a cool "fad" for them at this day and age, whoever rebels against the "imperial dogs" and furthers the global "Jihad" is cool... Just like in the USA and now partly Canada where being a "Thug" is cool and having guns and doing drugs is cool and being in a gang is so cool... It's a cultural gimmick that has caught on like wild-fire....

Would the Muslim world at large have the same reaction 20 years ago? Maybe yes, maybe no? I'm certainly in no position to speculate but I'm sure there are some people here who could comment on that...

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Thats what I meant, don't tell me I screwed up the sarcasm thing again did I?

To compare the two is just stupid....

Don't worry, I got it... and I agree.

That being said, there are plenty of unflattering representations of Jesus made, but not generally by Muslims as they revere him as a prophet. All the "insulting" representations of Jesus I've seen have been made by Westerners. It's also not offensive to Christian values to visually depict Jesus - just look at any crucifix (with Jesus attached) or Sunday school book (or illustrated Bible for that matter).
This may be straying (but this is kind of a lame topic anyway) but is that Banner blog for real or is it tongue-in-cheek?  Pretty funny stuff in either case.  Hopefully someone isn't taking that seriously

WCST said:
The difference? Last I knew, over 30 million people weren't praying to the General Lee 3 times a day.

Obviously, you have never heard of syndication. 

S_Baker said:
I was just trying to point out the hypocrisy, so who is it that decides it is okay, say other than Mike?  A religious figure, a government agency, ??????

Religious figures making decisions...

I hope not.. especially since I'm the one who posted the photo.

Wow.. a lot of controversy over a hummer.
I think someone is seeing past the sarcasm of turning a hummer into the general lee

Consider myself, the one person here is most sensitive to posting things that can be
offensive, I never saw this coming.  I know that the confed flag isn't allowed within the
military, but, this site isn't the military (although we use its standards)

I would say the picture came very close to a grey area... but i think 99% of the people
understood the pic for what is was, laughed and moved on. 

Who has the last word.  Easy.  Mike does.  Its his site.  He's the Virtual CDS of Army.ca

apples vs oranges in my mind...

If i posted it with any malicious statements or agenda.. that would be a different story
I'm not sure if everyone else but me missed it, but I think the point of S-Baker's post is this: why aren't people offended that there is a Rebel flag prominently featured on the vehicle? To Canadian's (well, me anyway) the rebel flag doesn't really mean much. But to blacks who grew up in the South it was as much of a negative symbol as the swastika represents to the Jews.

I'm guessing that that was his point, but most people didn't seem to see it that way. Instead it was seen as only an affront to good taste (in that "who the hell would be so tacky as to paint a hummer like that?").

BTW, I find the rebel flag offensive, for what it represented: segregation and oppression. But, like many symbols, it means many things to many people, and in this case, people equate it with a TV show, not racism.

Trinity said:
Religious figures making decisions...

I hope not.. especially since I'm the one who posted the photo.

Thats how it was for a LONG time. Thats almost how Bush is trying to run things in the US is. Religion should have NO impact or influence on government. nore do i believe that it has a place in schools... Except for in our national anthem "God save our land, Glorious and free".
Guy. E said:
Thats how it was for a LONG time. Thats almost how Bush is trying to run things in the US is. Religion should have NO impact or influence on government. nore do i believe that it has a place in schools... Except for in our national anthem "God save our land, Glorious and free".

Okay, I'm no thumper, but if that is the only place it shows up, then how is God supposed to "save our land, Glorious and free".  Or why would he want to for that matter.  Our country was founded on a basic Judeo/Christian set of values, and to that effect it should still have some sway.  Bad enough all the "Holiday Season" crap over Christmas, now I am seeing "Spring Festive" candy instead of Easter.
But this is the stuff of highjacks...
Guy. E said:
Thats how it was for a LONG time. Thats almost how Bush is trying to run things in the US is. Religion should have NO impact or influence on government. nore do i believe that it has a place in schools... Except for in our national anthem "God save our land, Glorious and free".

Guy...  you may have missed my sarcasm...
cause I'm the one who posted it.. and started this mess...
and I'm a religious figure...

Personally, I'd rather be a religious figurine... something in
a fine china... to be stored near the collectable spoons

Lock time?  we could always split another thread if someone wanted
to argue God in school, church, etc.. but its not me who wants it!