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This is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong


Army.ca Legend
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Just watch this - need I say more?  BTW - Gravol prior might be in order.


well, yes, you need to say more before I decided if I will subject myself to the video...
MM, you know better, gravol must be taken 8 hours in advance!  lol

And that song is now forever off my playlist, how could she!!
Yrys said:
well, yes, you need to say more before I decided if I will subject myself to the video...

However, I did warn you to take Gravol first.  Perhaps should have given my usual warning about not having liquids or anything else in your mouth as well...

Couldn't finish watching it... I kept thinking that she needs to eat a burger or two.
Gravol only needs to be ingested a half hour or so first for this sort of thing.

What are you complaining about ? She moves for once  ;D !

Anyone whatch her at the show promoting her new album, d'ELLES ?

Edit: sigh, to be on a regular PC, once again, instead of a Mac, so I could spell check !
Well, I was going to get a new computer anyhow.  Just heading out now to burn this one.
MM - I'm wondering how you came accross this... Did you search "Bad Celine Dion Videos" on Youtube?
I've just picked myself up off the floor after watching the video and I have to ask myself, who is the target audience asking for this?

The most disturbing part was seeing this 39 year-old running across the stage playing air guitar and making rock star faces.

Sorry, I fainted again after remembering that part.

The one question I feel I have to ask you medicineman, is did you find this by searching for Celine rock favourites or for AC/DC songs?  Remember your answer will remain a part of your permanent record.
niner domestic said:
I'm turning in my head banger membership...
Me too.
Intravenous Gravol wouldn't even have helped...no dinner for me tonight.
Meh... it was ok.

Though I didn't need to see her do those hip movements.
I think Angus will laugh about this one for awhile. Then again, he might be insulted by her pathetic attempt at his duck walk.

AC/DC forever ;D 
Ack!  What a way to butcher a song...... :crybaby:
Someone burn my ears...then my eyes....

Brian Johnson must be spinning in his grave....er....well, maybe Bon Scott.
Ahhhhhh the pain, the pain.  What on earth was she thinking.  What on earth was I thinking.  The horror of it all.  Next thing it'll be cats and dogs living together and Taliban Jack will be PM when I wake up in the morning.

That last tremble was not the Planet tilting on its AXIS, It was the planet falling clean off and bouncing on the floor half a dozen time.  I think I'll go to the infantry school tomorrow and volunteer to be a self propelled figure eleven target for the advanced sniper course.

Salvation, Zeppelin, Fool in the Rain jsut came on the radio, There is a GOD.