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The Military Wedding Superthread- merged


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My fiancee wants to know what a military wedding would be like in the Canadian Forces. We are engaged and would like to look into getting married once I finish my training period: about two years (a year and a half of uni left first). Anyone have any pics :) or information they could pass on my way?

Thanks all.

Male members of the wedding party would wear uniforms. Uniforms may also be acceptable dress for military guests. If you belong to a regiment or corps with full dress (scarlets) or blues, these would be acceptable. For an officer‘s wedding, other unit officers may form a sword arch outside the church doors for when the happy couple exits to meet their assembled guests. A dress sword may be used to cut the wedding cake at the reception (make sure it‘s well-cleaned before being put back in the scabbard, the icing can dry and seize it if you don‘t.)
Many a newly married officer bit the dust because he could‘nt get his sabre out fast enough? :confused:
Originally posted by kaspacanada:
[qb] My fiancee wants to know what a military wedding would be like in the Canadian Forces. We are engaged and would like to look into getting married once I finish my training period: about two years (a year and a half of uni left first). Anyone have any pics :) or information they could pass on my way?

Thanks all.

Courson [/qb]
My Brother whent through the Formal Military request to marry.

First off,Yes there is in QRO‘s a form!!
My Brother sent his memo to his C.O. requesting permission to marry.!(98?)
Yes he got permission to marry!

My Bro.‘s stag in Pet, in the Coriano Club was ace.We won the Texas Mikie of C.C. that night
Our Mark punched out our Eric!! :D
Laffed me arse off !!

Dave you are out there and you where there ;)
On my brother‘s wedding day all his friend‘s were there and surprised at his use of QRNO‘S!

His Troop O.C. is now the Lt.Gen in charge of Afgh. Multi National Force.

We had a good time that year at the Black Bay Hotel!
Originally posted by Bruce Monkhouse:
[qb] Many a newly married officer bit the dust because he could‘nt get his sabre out fast enough? :confused: [/qb]

Congrat BTW on you impending sentence..er..marrage ;)

Originally posted by Michael OLeary:
[qb] If you belong to a regiment or corps with full dress (scarlets) or blues, these would be acceptable.[/qb]
Are there different dress uniforms in the army?
If so, would you be able to link me to a picture?
Search on this site. You‘ll find a 5 page discussion on Corps specific uniforms.
I had a sort of mil wedding. As a member of a highland unit, I wore my reg‘tal kilt with a scottish tux top. My two ushers wore mess kit and the pipe major piped in my wife wearing his mess kit. The wedding was held at the reg‘tal church, presided by the padre, and the reception was help in the officer‘s mess.

If you are interested, check out the website we created for our wedding, there are photos.

Good luck!
Hey ungerwear, great pictures. Welcome to the site, you should find you‘ll fit in here.
Originally posted by Infanteer:
[qb] Search on this site. You‘ll find a 5 page discussion on Corps specific uniforms. [/qb]
I looked, from what I can tell there are DEU‘s (not sure what it stands for) mess dress, and full dress, but I can‘t find a piture of what mess dress and full dress look like.
They‘ll teach you on BMQ. Heres a question for the married guys- How do you make it work? Im going to get married next year and my fiancee is a little apprehensive about being a soldiers wife....
Originally posted by kaspacanada:
[qb] lol...impending sentence...er....change of command ceremony....lol [/qb]
Hahaha...he thinks you guys are joking.
Originally posted by The WetGrunt:
[qb] Heres a question for the married guys- How do you make it work? Im going to get married next year and my fiancee is a little apprehensive about being a soldiers wife.... [/qb]
Lot‘s of work. Does she know any other spouses or girlfriends? Has she met any other Military families? Have you taken her to any functions at the Unit or on Base?

YesMan: DEU stands for Distinctive Environmental Uniform. It‘s a throwback to the days when there were greens and tans.

WetGrunt: To make any marriage work, you have to make IT your priority. If you‘re having problems that need to be sorted out RIGHT NOW, then that has to come first. Make sure she knows (tell her lots, girls love that) that she‘s the most important thing to you, and be prepared to miss an exercise or training opportunity if you both can‘t make it work. That being said, she needs to understand that the military will take you away from her from time to time, and that she needs to be prepared for that. This is making the assumption that you‘re going into the reserves... you didn‘t specify otherwise.

To be honest, some people don‘t make both work and either leave the military or break up over it, but typically these people have other issues in addition.

Ungerwear: nice to see you on the board, and congrats on the marriage/baby!
Hey all,

Looking for some input from some serving members who have been around longer than I have.  I'm not going to be at my unit lines for a few weeks, otherwise I'd look up the info in the Dress and Parade manual for myself.

I'm recently engaged and am getting married next June (2010) D-day +1  :o,  I have gotten permission from my CO to wear my uniform / mess kit for my wedding and I'm pretty keen on getting some details of what I should be getting arranged.

I'm a Reserve Officer (Nurse) serving x 5 years with a Field Ambulance currently a Lieutenant, but will have my promotion to Captain this fall.

I'm planning on DEU during the day for the ceremony and pictures and then Mess kit for the evening.  What about head dress?  Is it normal for the green shirt and tie, or tux shirt and bow tie.  I've worn a sword on parade, is it usual to wear a ceremonial sword as an officer in this situation

Any input would greatly help in the planning process.  Links (non DIN) to the appropriate dress regs would be extremely helpful.


CF Dress Instructions as well as Drill and Ceremonial (Intenet) http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/10_2_3.asp