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System Upgrades- Improvments Over The Years

It‘s actually Simple Machines, which is similar to phpBB in a lot of ways... Compression is also a feature in SMF, so hopefully that‘ll help cut down some of our bandwith usage as well. Actually UBB uses compression as well, it‘s just limited to cached pages.

Anyway, hopefully it‘ll generally be considered an improvement.

Update: There have been a few issues. They‘ve all been worked out, but I want to give this a bit more time to shake out, so there are no surprises. So no upgrade tonight, but maybe tomorrow night. :)

Thanks for your patience.

Welcome to the new Army.ca forums!

You're going to notice a lot of changes, hopefully most are for the better. Please poke around a bit and if you have a minute, leave some feedback about what you like and what you don't like. If you encounter any problems, can't figure something out, or things just plain look broken, please let me know. I'll do my best to address it.

A significant benefit of this software over the old is performance. You may or may not notice a speed improvement, but as we grow, we'll be more able to handle the increased load. (It will reduce the resource requirements on our hardware as well... always a good thing.)

All posts and user information has been converted from the old forums, however it's important to note that the following items were not converted:

  • Sticky topics are no longer sticky (mods, feel free to redo this if you can remeber the threads ;) )
  • PM's
  • Polls
  • Ratings

If you must have access to information in a PM from the old forum, let me know and I should be able to recover it for you. (It's a fairly lengthy process, so I'd prefer to avoid it if possible.)

Well, enjoy the changes! It's been a long day so I'm off to bed. :)

So far, so good Mike! Congrats on what appears to be a more rapid than planned, and smooth - transition!
Thanks... I'm still waiting for the bottom to fall out of it, but so far so good! I managed to speed up the conversion process, so it didn't take overnight. I'm too impatient to allow that anyway. ;)
awesome stuff... but i kinda miss the quick reply :-\ can you put in a quick reply box again?  ::)

Other than that it looks awesome!  :cam:
You have that option through your profile settings.
Folks, some good news!

An extremely generous donation has allowed us to obtain the much needed new hardware! The donor doesn't want to be named, but I will say that he's an ex-serviceman and long time forum lurker. Thanks, from all of us here... your generosity couldn't come at a better time.  :)

The new hardware is current, and will provide a significant speed improvement when we move to it (to say noting about the much needed stability). At this point I don't have a firm date for the cutover... It's likely to be a big job, but I'll try to get started right away.

Always lots to do, but we've seen some real progress in the right direction lately.

Thanks again!
Cheers and a free t-shirt to that person!! Maybe even a sticker.. long live Army.ca!!!
Are your internal links to "forums" correct? (eg. menu bar at top of page, links at bottom of some pages)
I'm not brave enough to make any guarantees, but I've updated them where I know about them... :) Did I miss some?
Yes.  The "Home | E-Mail This Page | Forums | Privacy Statement" blurb.

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Ahhh, thanks... That link now goes to the "new" forums...
More good news: The hardware cutover is now complete!

The old hardware (which gave us so much trouble, is now powered off and set aside. We're running completely of the new and improved system now. :D

You may notice a speed improvement, and we should no longer see the occasional slowdown (or crash) which plagued us previously. The new system has about 1/10th of the "load" on it that the previous one did... so lots of room to grow. :)

Edit: I'm going to be offline for a while... If I spend any more time on a computer, I'll probably be looking at divorce papers. :)
I'll sneak this question in here.

Where's the Arm Indicator icons gone from the Message Icon dropdown in the Reply window?