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Lately, we‘ve had a lot of characters show up either sporting names they should not have, or filling up threads and giving us no indication of who they are and where they‘ve been.

To remedy this, I suggest we adopt a sort of unofficial policy of filling out the profile properly.
I‘ve seen on other military boards a demand that profiles be filled out to some extent so as the community can get an idea of who is posting and whether they have the requisite experience to be giving out advice on such matters. It isn‘t a hard and fast rule, and certain things can be left out for privacy reasons, but regulars should be able to get a sense of who they‘re talking to without having to start a flame match.
As always, posers will be dealt with.

As an act of good faith I altered my comical profile to a real CV.

Moderators, Mr Bobbit, do you guys have any thoughts about this.
It‘ll be brought to discussion among moderators.
Would it be possible to get a ‘delete topic‘ option so people can delete a post made?

For example I made a similar post as null just on a different board, once I noticed this I wanted to go back and delete it but I couldn't...so would this be possible? Or am I just not noticing the delete option?
‘Poser‘? Well, it‘s good to know I‘m no poser. You can‘t fake being a civilian. But I bet there are alot of posers out there.. I like the idea of this new policy. Brilliant work Infanteer.

Did you mean delete their own posts or others? A "delete topic" option for everyone would be pretty dangerous... Wouldn‘t take long before one or two abused it and deleted some interesting threads. Users can "edit out" their own posts if they want to retract something, but right now they can‘t delete them.

The reasoning is that it (hopefully) makes people think a little bit before posting...

As for the profile suggestion, I don‘t see a downside, so we may give it a trial run...
Yes I ment delete their own posts and not ones made by other people. The old Official army forums had this option which came in handy a few times.
We haven‘t forgotten about this...

In the end, respect for a person‘s privacy wins out and we don‘t want to "force" someone to fill out their profile if they don‘t want to.

Having said that, I encourage people to fill out the sections that they‘re comfortable with.

Bear in mind that the amount of identifyable info in your profile will increase your general credibility here.

For most, this is not a problem - however for those with credibility issues, I‘d recommend it.

We‘ve also banned words that typically start things off on the wrong foot from being used in display names. (You know the ones...)