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Hello I'm currently in the process of enrolling in the forces. I've already written my CFAT and now just waiting on my medical and interview.
My top choice as of now is a steward. I know I would absolutely love this trade and would excel because it's what I've done my whole working life minus the ship part. I have a few concerns about this trade though. My husband is an ATIS tech in the air force. My biggest concern is we won't 've posted together being different elements. My other concern is how hard is it on family life, I'm worried about my two young daughters, will I be away for half a year every year?

If anyone has any experience with steward please share your experiences. Thank you in advance.

Stewards can be found in both the Navy and Air Force.
The probability of you and your husband being posted together, considering your trades, would be very small. Not impossible, but unlikely. At least, for many years. Well, until you get posted to an Air Force base.
Stewards do spend a lot of time away from home either on ship or flying around the world.
If I were you, I would consider maybe looking into another trade if you were more interested in being at home with your husband and kids.
Sorry if this discourages you, but that is what I have observed over my career.
I would recommend looking into maybe being an Air Force RMS Clerk.
