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Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

Putting some final org on the Sqn ball game and BBQ in a few weeks, looking at numbers re: buying back/not buying back all my previous service and scratching my head some.  Sqn PT in 1 hour and then...starting my last weekend as a single guy.   

Reading my joining instructions for the 27th time and concidering starting my autobiography.
Typical tropical winter day, and not too bad for 14 Jun 09, topping out at 23C so far with a low of about 9C tonight. So far, plenty of Queensland sunshine both yesterday and today.

Sunrise today 0635h, and sets at 1700h. Not long til the days start to get longer now.

Went to the movie Defiance yesterday arvo. Saw it local at http://www.bribiemovies.com.au/ and not a bad flick. I seen a bit of history about the making of it, and the real Belski family. IMHO stories (although a bit dramma'd up for a movie) like this need to be told.

Also preparing for company arriving from Boston USA in about 12 sleeps. A girl I know is popping in for a 28 day sleepover  ;D . So just doing some small things both around the yard and inside. I am looking forward to her company. I've known her for a couple of years.

Anyways, best get back to the grind. Just going out to the butcher to pick up a fresh steak for tonight's tea. The barbie will be going later this arvo.

Then Sunday routine. Some TV, reading, Sunday night winter hot bath, and prepare clothes etc for tomorrow (its Monday tomorrow already down here).

Regards from tropical Queensland,

Having withdrawal symptoms because I haven't been able to visit here much and grieving the loss of another fine Canadian hero--I know y'all are very modest about your service to Canada but you're still heroes to me--past, present and future members included ... :nod:
Putting together my list of references, which is turning out to be quite difficult.
Okay, so I am dealing with an OPS Wo this morning and having fun getting him going.  I told him that we'd take care of him and that the whole HQ is here for him.

I the proceed to each and every office in the HQ and get as many people as possible to call him and say "hello WO ****, I am from Headquarters and want you to know that we are here for you.. all day!"

He called me with death threats after the fourth phone call.. of course that didn't stop me!!

Bzzliteyr said:
Okay, so I am dealing with an OPS Wo this morning and having fun getting him going.  I told him that we'd take care of him and that the whole HQ is here for him.

I the proceed to each and every office in the HQ and get as many people as possible to call him and say "hello WO ****, I am from Headquarters and want you to know that we are here for you.. all day!"

He called me with death threats after the fourth phone call.. of course that didn't stop me!!


So funny you are... I needed a laugh today, thank you.
I'm waiting for my EI to finally show up so I can get my car payments out, and wishing I had more Dilaudid/Hydromorphone. 

Aside from having some pretty good chest pains overnight and through the morning after the operation (that was on June 3rd. Stairs are a bitch to go down and the computer here is downstairs) it went smoothly. My nurse, a student, was damn hot and gave me a back rub, so I didn't mind her jabbing a needle into me every twenty minutes or so.

One of the doctors, the main surgeon, doing the operation this time (I guess they brought in one or two more while they were operating) came into my room the next day and showed me a picture or the tumour they took after it was out.  That was one big sonovabitch. About the size of the grip on a pair of crutches. Went right under my ankle. They didn't know how I could walk with it in there.

But, they got it out this time. Third time being sliced open for it in less than a year, so having it gone is nice. And after the swelling is gone, and the whole OUCH factor disappears, I should finally have a normal fully functional foot again. Thanks Dr. Holness.

Good luck with the recovery, UMO. Your nurse comment gave me a chuckle. :)

I'm getting ready for work but was inspired this morning because jets in V formation flew over Guelph and they appeared so low to the ground I thought I could almost touch them~they are so beautiful to watch and send chills up my spines.

I'm wondering if they were the famous Snowbirds?

So many air shows I attended as a child that they are embedded as my most treasured childhood memories.

My all-time favorite air shows as an adult were at the North Bay Heritage Festival. A nice venue: the crowds being smaller than Toronto one could get away with putting a lawn chair in Lake Nipissing while watching them fly over head (with an ice cold beer disguised as a can of pop to round out the experience~LOL.)

My scariest airshow was at the Toronto waterfront and I was a very young child. There was a tragic accident and although the details are vague in my memory I still remember my mother crumpling to the ground in tears and shock and how we grieved as a family together~the stunned, silence of the crowd as we bore witness~not being able to sleep that night~

These are brave human beings who fly these jets. :cdn
leroi said:
My scariest airshow was at the Toronto waterfront and I was a very young child. There was a tragic accident and although the details are vague in my memory I still remember my mother crumpling to the ground in tears and shock and how we grieved as a family together~the stunned, silence of the crowd as we bore witness~not being able to sleep that night~


No it wasn't the accident you refer to. The best I can recollect is that it would have been sometime between '67 and '70 ... ?

The Snowbirds descended very low over Lake Ontario and the wing tip of one hit the water and then the jet broke up and burst into flames.

BTW, just got off the phone with my Mom at Wasaga Beach and she sat on the beach watching the fly bye too. She also saw an F18.

It seems there was an airshow at Orillia.
I'm getting ready for work but was inspired this morning because jets in V formation flew over Guelph and they appeared so low to the ground I thought I could almost touch them~they are so beautiful to watch and send chills up my spines.

I'm wondering if they were the famous Snowbirds?

They were. Saw them on my timmies run today. It was probably Major Bard doing an impromptu airshow for his hometown.

leroi said:
The best I can recollect is that it would have been sometime between '67 and '70 ... ?

You aren't thinking of the California Galaxy? That was July 1970.

No, it was right over Lake Ontario and involved only one jet. I just checked with my Mom 'cause I was fairly young at the time; she says it was as I stated above:

The Snowbirds and they were flying in formation, came in low and one wing tip hit the water. Very Sad.  I can't narrow down the year any better than I have.

My parents took us every year to the CNE and the Airshow--a combined trip.
All Snowbird fatal accidents are in section 4. Hope this helps.
I was searching for this accident, too.  For what it's worth, a Blue Angel crashed in Lake Ontario in Sept 1966.

http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/richard-carl-oliver.htm (Scroll down)

One witness said the pilot caught a wingtip in the water during a high-speed pass about 3,000 yards from a packed grandstand, went out of control and smashed into a breakwater on the edge of Toronto Island, just south of Toronto.  A big column of black smoke rose from the wreckage.
mariomike and Moe, thank you. I think that's the one involving Oliver. It's the right time period and describes what I remember of the tragedy because it happened very close to us but I was sure it was The Snowbirds and so was my Mom. I wonder if there was an informal group calling themselves the Snowbirds before they officially formed up as a team? I'll have to do a bit of research (and double my dose of ginko biloba and send some to my Mom ;D.)

Meanwhile, I'll send the link to my mother and see if it rings a bell.

Anyway, sorry for the confusion.

leroi said:
mariomike and Moe, thank you.
Anyway, sorry for the confusion.

You are welcome, Leroi, and way to go, Moe!
( Humming "History Detectives" theme music ).