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Shake Hands with the Devil now a movie

Freddy, give it a rest, I don't see any of that going on, quit your whining.

Freddy G said:
Yes, yes, we all know you don't like me. Is your life so empty that you need to inject your bitterness in every single thread I post into?

Sorry, did I kick your rock in the hopscotch game?

Go eat some cake.


Scott said:
Freddy, give it a rest, I don't see any of that going on, quit your whining.

I'm sure I remember reading that dogpiles were a no-no... heh, guess rules still don't apply to you guys.
Freddy G said:
I'm sure I remember reading that dogpiles were a no-no... heh, guess rules still don't apply to you guys.

You guys?

Can you please elaborate who the "You guys" are?

This should be good, talk about a retardedly made statement.


the 48th regulator said:
You guys?

Can you please elaborate who the "You guys" are?

This should be good, talk about a retardedly made statement.



You know exactly what I'm talking about. Or maybe you really are that thick, I don't know.
You know Freddy, when you pull a dog's tail it tends to bite.

As for the movie, I am looking forward to seeing it...if only to see Dupuis.  He's pretty cute and not half bad as an actor.  The role will probably be portrayed a little better than it was in Hotel Rwanda.  (Anyone notice the 2Lt in the flick?  Craziness!)
Freddy G said:
You know exactly what I'm talking about. Or maybe you really are that thick, I don't know.


What's the matter, gym class at school was really bad this week?  Got picked on by the other Students for being a pissant?

Now yer all tough after a few Coolers and a Redbull.

pfft, trundle of, and do us all a favour.


OK Fred, quit with the trolling or go into the system.

You had no reason to make the accusations you did and now you're just being a snot about it. I've seen enough of the trolls here today and am too tired to put much time into it anymore, keep it up and I'll make sure you won't be back.

Army.ca Staff
the 48th regulator said:

What's the matter, gym class at school was really bad this week?  Got picked on by the other Students for being a pissant?

Now yer all tough after a few Coolers and a Redbull.

pfft, trundle of, and do us all a favour.



Maybe a few coolers and a RedBull is all it takes for you to feel all untouchable, but for some of us it takes a bit more than that. Heh, guess you're both thick and a lightweight. Quite the quaint combination.

Scott said:
OK Fred, quit with the trolling or go into the system.

You had no reason to make the accusations you did and now you're just being a snot about it. I've seen enough of the trolls here today and am too tired to put much time into it anymore, keep it up and I'll make sure you won't be back.

Army.ca Staff

Ah, the return of the "you have to bend over when a mod feels like being a jerk or you get in trouble." I was starting to miss it.
Well fiddle dee dee,

Freddy G is going for the gusto tonight!

Wes, Gap get the popcorn ready!!  Someone grabbed the wrong bottle of pills!




Freddy G said:
Ah, the return of the "you have to bend over when a mod feels like being a jerk or you get in trouble." I was starting to miss it.

Then I'll give you a week or more to ensure you're truly reacquainted with that feeling.

Welcome to the system, again.

Your need of the last word is what got you here, sometimes you just gotta STFU, but you knew that, riiiiiiight?

Check your PM's.
ok...back on topic.

Definately going to see the movie with my Dad. After I finish Catch 22 I might start reading the book again.

How is the book anyways?
How is the book anyways?

The nastiest thing I've ever read between two hard covers.
Graphic detail and a constant sense of despair.

It's likely to leave a reader angry ,frustrated and disgusted with
the UN, the governments of France, Belgium etc, etc.

You read this one for education not for fun.

There are two things though..... You come away feeling VERY proud
of the Canadians who were there and that there are indeed bad guys
in the world.

I can hear "progressives" protesting now.

I couldn't finish the book.  Still a few chapters left.  I had to put it down and never got the energy to pick it up again.
Regarding the book that this movie is based off of- I've read the Lion, The Fox and the Eagle, and found that to be quite interesting and insightful on the politics that surrounded the mission to Rwanda, and the aftermath as well as the UNPROFOR mission in Sarajevo.  Has anyone read both?  How does one stack up against the other?  From the descriptions I've read so far, they seem to be very different in terms of subject matter.
I agree with flip as to how the book may leave you feeling.

As far as the movie, I'll see it to see how it stacks up to the book. And Roy Dupuis is definitely one of my favourite impersonation actors. I think he did an amazing job in the Rocket, and it's creepy how much he looks like Gen Dallaire in the film.

Apparently, Dupuis and Dallaire spent a lot of time over the movie, even to the point where Dupuis is wearing Dallaire's original nametag and decorations:

I'm in the "I would not piss on Dallaire if he was on fire" (well maybe the non burning area for some fun).

  I dont plan on watching it, maybe if it was a Belgian production I would...   We had some of the Belgian Para's in Afghanistan that had been in Rwanda -- they have ZERO good to say about Dallaire.  I read both books - and it left me with a desire to skip things in the future by Caroll Off, and in no better feelings for Dallaire.

That said - a young leader of the CF who seems to despise Gen Dallaire, maybe Freddy should watch the film to ensure he is not gaining any of the Gen's failings and learns from his poor (or incompetant) leadership.

Infidel-6 said:
and it left me with a desire to skip things in the future by Caroll Off, and in no better feelings for Dallaire.

Carroll Off I found to be a good writer. I have read The Lion, the Fox and the Eagle. It is just hard to be "open minded" to both sides on the issue. Coward/Hero... depends on whom is answering. Also her other books are good. ie The Ghosts of Medak Pocket

And yes I did also read, Shake Hands with the Devil. It was easy to put down.
As for Dallaire, my mother always told me, if I didn't have anything good to say, don't say nothing.

Edit to add something.
Strike said:
I couldn't finish the book.  Still a few chapters left.  I had to put it down and never got the energy to pick it up again.
You couldn't finish it because it was junk, or due to other circumstances?
