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Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition

Blast from the past (no pun intended) ...
This seems to fit here, environmental extremists in Quebec attempt to bomb EV construction site.

This seems to fit here, environmental extremists in Quebec attempt to bomb EV construction site.

Or maybe the competition???
Oooopsie ...
Newish (at least to me) and odd group out there, cranking out pams, it seems - more from New Jersey's Homeland Security folks ....
More here and also attached as PDF if link doesn't work.


Newish (at least to me) and odd group out there, cranking out pams, it seems - more from New Jersey's Homeland Security folks ....
View attachment 87469
More here and also attached as PDF if link doesn't work.

NLM is part of the growing neo-Satanist / nihilistic ecosystem. Ideologically they’ve emerged out of the ‘Order of Nine Angles’ ideological extremist movement. Basically they’re a ‘burn society down so that a superior form of humanity can emerge from the ashes’ movement. There are a lot of loosely affiliated groups along these lines and the names change a lot, but NLM and their ilk are pretty horrendous.
NLM is part of the growing neo-Satanist / nihilistic ecosystem. Ideologically they’ve emerged out of the ‘Order of Nine Angles’ ideological extremist movement. Basically they’re a ‘burn society down so that a superior form of humanity can emerge from the ashes’ movement. There are a lot of loosely affiliated groups along these lines and the names change a lot, but NLM and their ilk are pretty horrendous.

Another good pair of arrests this week by the FBI, capturing two leaders of Terrorgram Collective, a white supremacist accelerationist movement. This group is rather notorious in extremism circles.
