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Questions about joining the Reserves

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That would make sense! I sent the Horse Guards recruiter an email, so I'm hoping to find out what's up soon. One more question, do you think it's possible that 32 CER doesn't know about my file at all, or have seen it and decided I'm not needed? Pardon my lack of knowledge about the process :)
I can't recall, but wasn't your MCC interview conducted with a specific trade in mind? If they were interviewing your for a 32 CER trade, then the Horse Guard can't hire you, only 32 CER can. Either way, it doesn't hurt to ask the recruiter.
Thanks for clearing that up. Horse Guards recruiter has emailed back, saying "There is nothing you need to do at this time to move your file along. Your file is almost complete, you just need to continue to wait." So wait I shall continue to do. Thanks again for all the advice!
Point of clarification just for future.

Regardless of the unit (32 Sig Regt, 32 CER, Horse Guards, etc, etc) all units under 32 Canadian Brigade Group share their recruiters. 
There's a team of about 3-4 of them that do the recruiting for all units under the Brigade.

So although someone is joining 32 CER it is highly possible that a Recruiter that belongs to a different unit is doing the recruiting :-)
I have seen people without high school join and were very successful. You can only accomplish whatever you commit yourself to.
Hey, everyone, i have some quick questions I looked around I couldn't find the answers I was looking for.

I was sworn into the armed forces as a combat engineer NCM in the reserves this past Friday (March 31st, 2017) so I haven't paraded with my unit yet.

From talking with my recruiters I was told I will be doing BMQ, BMQ-L and trade qualifications from May to mid-August. I was wondering while I am on course would I have to pay for the meals at the mess hall or will everything I need be provided while I am on course.

Also, I already know what to expect for BMQ and BMQ-L, however, i am not too sure what to expect for trades training in Gagetown at the school of engineering. Would anybody know what i could be expecting during my trade course.

Thank you
Well congrats on getting in as a Combat Engineer. I went through those 3 courses the same way your about to over a decade ago. Everything will be provided for you including your meals.

You will need to buy certain things such as boot polish and razors but the canex will have those if you forget anything.

Gagetown is a big base so if reserves are still living in mod tents during the summer then you might only eat at the mess for dinner. Breakfast will be hay boxes and lunch is a boxed lunch.

I don't want to comment to much on trades training as I have been out for a bit now and am not up to date on everything.

You will be happy to be trades trained by end of summer as many new recruits take 2 years to reach that.

Enjoy it.
tmanisdown said:
Hey, everyone, i have some quick questions I looked around I couldn't find the answers I was looking for.

Thou didst not look widely, nor deeply, enough, for thou didst miss this whole sweet thread despite its eight-page enormity, and despite it being stickied at the top of this very sub-forum.
Hi, I emailed my local reserve regiment a few questions about enlisting they haven't replied in a week. I tried calling in but there's an automated voice saying to email them. Should I visit their armory to ask the questions and enlist? and Do they accept summer applications? Thanks
Welcome to Army.ca, jules48

The average Reserve unit is only active one evening per week, and it is quite possible that the person to whom you sent the e-mail was absent for the last parade night. A visit would not hurt, but make sure that you know which night to go.

There is a lot of information here on this Site. Start reading through other pertinent older threads (I presume that you read through this thread prior to adding to it), especially those threads stickied at the top of each subforum.

And it's "armoury" in Canada.
Thanks for the help. I have a friend in the regiment I'll ask him the hours and look around here.
Okay, so I'm new to these forums and thought that this might be a good place to ask some questions.

So, I want to join the navy reserves next year when I turn 16, but I ran into a problem. the closest navy reserve division is about a 2-hour drive away, and I would not be able to drive on my own until I get my full license.

However, I do live just outside an army base, and have heard that some bases have buses that go out to these divisions, would this be true, or would I just have to find someone to carpool with?

Also, is joining cadets something that would help me? I want to join sea cadets so I can learn a little bit about the navy before I join, but I have heard that it can actually make it worse when applying?
Catbert225 said:
Okay, so I'm new to these forums and thought that this might be a good place to ask some questions.

So, I want to join the navy reserves next year when I turn 16, but I ran into a problem. the closest navy reserve division is about a 2-hour drive away, and I would not be able to drive on my own until I get my full license.

You must be 17 to join the CF.

Catbert225 said:
However, I do live just outside an army base, and have heard that some bases have buses that go out to these divisions, would this be true, or would I just have to find someone to carpool with?

There may be transport that goes from place to place, but it is unlikely to be available for when you need it given the hours Reserve units typically parade over.

Catbert225 said:
Also, is joining cadets something that would help me? I want to join sea cadets so I can learn a little bit about the navy before I join, but I have heard that it can actually make it worse when applying?

Many people find Cadets a useful first step. How it serves you later is all up to you, but it may have little or no effect on you application.
Welcome to Army.ca, Catbert225

As you can see, I have merged your thread into this one, which is stickied at the top of this subforum where it may readily be found by those seeking answers to "QUESTIONS about JOINING THE RESERVES".

There is a wealth of knowledge already on this Site, ripe for the plucking. Please seek and read through pertinent older threads, especially those also stickied at the top of their subfora. They are stickied for good reason.

You will learn much more by doing this, will likely find answers to questions before they even occur to you, and you will help keep this Site less cluttered.

Happy Reading.
Catbert225 said:
I want to join the navy reserves next year when I turn 16,

ModlrMike said:
You must be 17 to join the CF.

Reserve Force - Applicants may be 16 years of age if they are also enrolled as a full-time high school student.

First Id like to thank everyone on the forums, lots of helpful info for newbs such as myself.
I have researched a few topics but as it is some answers just create more questions. I did search and read a lot, and i mean a LOT of topics but Im sure not all so for any duplicate questions, pls excuse me.

My family situation doesnt allow us to move (gfs kids and their father in Newfoundland, as per agreement cannot move out of there). Otherwise reg force would be first choice and we would be more mobile.

That being said from my research so far, there is Class A, B, and C available for reserves. Class B mostly only after the rank of Cpl. But I have read from other sources like news that many serve full time in reserves even longer than they are supposed to.
Im looking for full time or near full time. Available for deployments, training anywhere in the world. Its just once home time comes, id like to be able to be with the family in NL. Is this feasible? Even with a paycut compared to reg force, which i do understand. I dont presume I can get to Class B or C until everything is done until then as Class A can I work close to full time days?

My other question would be if enrolling in reg force, i hear picking posting (even just to stay within province) is non existent? or is that a possibility?

Like I said, we are flexible, but only as allowed by the contract, and ending up in Alberta and not seeing family and renting a unit by myself wherever posted makes no sense. But training or course work or deployments even for months, thats a different story.

Thanks for the help!

raynes71 said:
My family situation doesnt allow us to move

"If your loved one prefers to work close to home, then he or she may choose the Reserve Force."

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
Reading a bit more into this site should give you most of the answers you are looking for (including the reference mariomike provided).  It is a lot to go through however so I'll point you in the right direction:

In a very short response:

- Reg Force members will move wherever they are directed to by the CAF.  Exemptions are few and far between (and even less likely at the start of a career). Based on the information you've provided - it is not a viable option for you.
- Most Reservists are Class A (Part time).  When fully qualified, they may have the opportunity to apply for Class B contracts (much like applying for any job - you'll interview for them, etc).  Class C is typically for deployments and other unique circumstances - it's not a "career" option.  The Reserves are an excellent part time career however (and often offer opportunities to have full time work at various times - but usually for short duration).

If you  can't​  move for a job for the Reserves,  then you've limited your employment options to mostly part-time ( class A ).  Yes, once you are trained, there might be short term opportunity for full-time work ( class b). Research this site, talk to your unit, it's not a career path to budget for.