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Private Members Bill: 5 May Proposed as "Maple Leaf and Tulip Day"

The Bread Guy

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This from Hansard yesterday:
.... Maple Leaf and Tulip Day Act

Mr. Peter Stoffer (Sackville—Eastern Shore, NDP) moved for leave to introduce Bill C-613, An Act respecting the friendship between Canada and the Netherlands.

    He said: Mr. Speaker, if it were not for the efforts of Canadian military personnel and the Government of Canada in the 1930s and 1940s, Holland would not be a nation today. In fact, the people of the Netherlands are ever so grateful for the liberation of their country by Canadians and her allies.

    As a Dutch-born parliamentarian, it gives me great pleasure to introduce in the House legislation to recognize the actual liberation day of the Netherlands. From this day forward, May 5 shall be known as Maple Leaf and Tulip Day to honour and recognize the tremendous friendship between the Netherlands and Canada.

    As we are aware, the Netherlands sends many tulips to Canada every year in recognition of that. There is no prouder leaf or flower out there than the maple leaf and the tulip. I encourage theheritage minister and all parliamentarians to pass this legislation as soon as possible.

    (Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed) ....

Here's the text of the proposed bill, and here's a government page tracking the bill's progress. 

Note:  not many private members' bills make it all the way through to becoming law.
Is there no better name than "Maple Leaf and Tulip Day?" It's kind of a mouthful/awkward sounding.

I propose "Maplip Day."


"The International Day of Cooperation Betwixt Canada and the Sovereign Nation of the Netherlands"
milnews.ca said:
Note:  not many private members' bills make it all the way through to becoming law.

Everybody wants a "Day" or a week or a month.

These private member bills are still on the order paper

An Act respecting a Seniors’ Day
Mr. Stoffer
First Reading

An Act respecting a Tartan Day
Mr. Stoffer
First Reading

An Act to establish Mathieu Da Costa Day
Mrs. Jennings
First Reading

An Act to amend the Holidays Act (Flag Day)
Mr. Julian
First Reading

An Act respecting a National Hockey Day
Ms. Duncan (Edmonton—Strathcona)
First Reading

An Act to designate the month of June as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) Month
Mr. Tilson
First Reading

An Act respecting a Canadian Autism Day
Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway)
First Reading

An Act respecting Nowruz Day
Mr. Wilfert
First Reading

An Act respecting a Canada-Portugal Day
Ms. Chow
First Reading

An Act to establish a National Infant and Child Loss Awareness Day
Mrs. Hughes
First Reading

An Act respecting an Emergency Services Appreciation Day
Mr. Thibeault
First Reading

An Act respecting Grandparents Day
Ms. Chow
First Reading

An Act to establish Leif Erickson Day
Mr. Julian
First Reading

An Act respecting a National Appreciation Day
Mr. Kramp (Prince Edward—Hastings)
First Reading

An Act respecting a Srebrenica Remembrance Day
Mr. Oliphant
First Reading

An Act to amend the Holidays Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (St. John the Baptist Day)
Mr. Gravelle
First Reading

An Act to establish Pope John Paul II Day
Mr. Kania
First Reading

An Act respecting a National Local Food Day
Mr. Allen (Welland)
First Reading

An Act to designate the month of March as National Colorectal Cancer Month
Mr. Silva
First Reading

An Act respecting a National Brain Health Education and Awareness Month
Ms. Duncan (Etobicoke North)
First Reading

An Act respecting a Military and Veteran Families Week
Ms. Duncan (Etobicoke North)
First Reading
I personally favour naming Wednesday as "Beer and Wings Day".  I suspect there would be support across all parties for such an initiative.
dapaterson said:
I personally favour naming Wednesday as "Beer and Wings Day".  I suspect there would be support across all parties for such an initiative.

Should be a stat! Every week!
Having a friend here in Canada of Dutch decent whose parent's
fled Holland during the invasion and occupation by the German's
during ww2 (Gary Dejong) has been adamant in not only help-
ing out this old Cavalry soldier but supporting the Troop's any -
way he can... This guy would take a bullet for you no question's
asked. Having worked for him at Cherry Wrecker's-Recycler's
(Cherryvile bc) for 12 years I'am proud to call this gentleman a
friend. Antway i hope this Private Member's Bill passes.
Just my thought's.
Best Regard's all,,
Scoty B
Wow, a lot of repeats on the name of the member..... looking for attention?