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physical confusion and questions


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Id like to start of by saying: this site is a huge help and I wish I checked it out sooner. Ive got all my paperwork from the RC(recruitment center), Everything seems pretty straight forward. Now Ive read all about the physical on this site and I'm a little confused because I see nothing about the 6 chin ups it says is required on the sheet I got from the RC, also Ive read here the minimum required push ups is 19. But on my sheet it says 25? Also I was reading someone's post and he said his heart beats were counted after 3 min. of the step test, and as long as his heart didn't beat 27 times within 10 seconds he was OK. So is that saying the step test is only 3 min? This worries me because I intended  to go crazy on those steps and I'm kinda worried about that part now,(i run every other day and the 2.4 k requirment is not a problem).  Would it be wiser for me to just go at a normal pace so my heart doesn't pound? and if anyone can tell me how the step test is conducted and if i can practice it on a staircase it would be much a appreciated.

Cheers, and good luck to all of you. :cdn: :army: :salute:
Step test is no longer done, as it was part of the pre-enrollment Fit Test.  All of the Fitness testing is conducted in St Jean in Week Zero of BMQ. If you can't meet a standard, you are given opportunity to meet it in a fitness training platoon (can't recall the new name).    Aim for as best as you can;  the heart rate checks in the step test were part of an overall calculation for VO2max; the shuttle run done at St Jean is another type of simulation where, at last check, they do not check HR during the test (but may check before, along with BP).

All of this has been covered before, FYI.
Oh, dang another answerd question. sorry bout that but thanks for the info. Just to make sure I'm the the right track.

4. BMQ

thanks again man, cheers  :army:
Romulus said:
Oh, dang another answerd question. sorry bout that but thanks for the info. Just to make sure I'm the the right track.

4. BMQ

thanks again man, cheers  :army:

Grossly oversimplified, yes.
Meridian said:
Step test is no longer done, as it was part of the pre-enrollment Fit Test.  All of the Fitness testing is conducted in St Jean in Week Zero of BMQ. If you can't meet a standard, you are given opportunity to meet it in a fitness training platoon (can't recall the new name).    Aim for as best as you can;  the heart rate checks in the step test were part of an overall calculation for VO2max; the shuttle run done at St Jean is another type of simulation where, at last check, they do not check HR during the test (but may check before, along with BP).

All of this has been covered before, FYI.

RFT...Recruit Fitness Training.  Its  part of F Division up here, along with PAT.  Its more like a Coy now though...last I heard there was close to 300 folks on PAT/RFT.

If you fail the Shuttle Run/V02 max, you WILL go to RFT for up to 90 days.  If you fail the strength portions (push ups, sit ups, grip test), your file will be noted as a PC failure, but you stay on Platoon and get retested in Week 10.

Mud Recce Man said:
RFT...Recruit Fitness Training.  Its  part of F Division up here, along with PAT.  Its more like a Coy now though...last I heard there was close to 300 folks on PAT/RFT.
.  If you fail the strength portions (push ups, sit ups, grip test), your file will be noted as a PC failure, but you stay on Platoon and get retested in Week 10.


Ouch, and
thanks for the clearing up, and

What happens if the retest is failed (god forbid, but it must happen).  Recourses I would assume?
Umm, I think there is another test at Week 13, but...I am half-guessing.  I can check the  SOP tomorrow.
Mud Recce Man said:
Umm, I think there is another test at Week 13, but...I am half-guessing.  I can check the  SOP tomorrow.

Not much of a concern for me, but I'm expecting questions later. 
I'm assuming this is roughly applicable to the OCdts too?
It is the School SOP...applies to BMQs and IAP/BOTP students.  8)

RFT is not the place to be here.

For anyone reading this, if you think now that the Recruiting process doesn't include a physical fitness test, so you are getting "an easy out" as far as your fitness is concerned, you are going to be sorry when you get here.

Start getting shape, now.  Yesterday as a matter of fact.

Too late when you hit the main gate to realize you ate 30 or 40 too many pizza's and drank 2500 too many beer "preparing yourself" for CFLRS.

The PSP staff here have a challenging job to do WRT RFT, IMHO.  I have seen some rather large folks in it.  These people did NOT prepare themselves to come here, and, if they can't meet the standard in 90 days ( a short time for some of them IMHO) they will find themselves back at home.

Oddly enough, when HLs and I go to the gym for cardio at 0600 (when the gym opens here), none of them are there with us.  If it were me, and I REALLY wanted to be here, I would have my ass on a bike or treadmill givin' er.

Curiosity... have they massively increased the PSP staff with all this increased training?
unsure really, but I don't think so.  I would bet there is SOME additional staff but...again I would be guessing.
Mud Recce Man said:
Oddly enough, when HLs and I go to the gym for cardio at 0600 (when the gym opens here), none of them are there with us.  If it were me, and I REALLY wanted to be here, I would have my *** on a bike or treadmill givin' er.

I agree with you, i don't understand why the CF started accepting/babying people out of shape... If you're gonna truly accept the challenge (BMQ),know the standards before applying and get into shape before getting there or don't even get on the plane... I'm reapplying (was on BMQ during the fall/VR..long story) in a week and have been training/working out for over a year now getting ready... IF you don't like PT/staying in shape then the CF probably isn't for you. St Jean has some nice facilities (weight/cardio room,gym/ running tracks) for PT on the weekends/free time.
I just googled V02 max. Ive been really active for 6 years now (I'm 18 and love sports and hittin the gym) and it shouldn't be a problem. I am a little relieved because its just one more step I wont have to worry about failing to get into the CF. Iam going to continue my normal routine (gym everyday running 6k every other day) and reapply next week after Ive brushed up my math abit more. Thanks allot for all the info I'll keep posting as my recruitment situation progresses.

Cheers  :army: :cdn:
Romulus said:
I just googled V02 max. Ive been really active for 6 years now (I'm 18 and love sports and hittin the gym) and it shouldn't be a problem. I am a little relieved because its just one more step I wont have to worry about failing to get into the CF. Iam going to continue my normal routine (gym everyday running 6k every other day) and reapply next week after Ive brushed up my math abit more. Thanks allot for all the info I'll keep posting as my recruitment situation progresses.

Cheers  :army: :cdn:

You sound like you have quite a good program going already, so just keep it up/push yourself just a little bit more each day if you can.

From my experience, what -really- is important is self-discipline, more than actual physical fitness.  The drive, determination and commitment to self-improve is really what will ensure you can get wherever the army needs you to be.