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Penticton Reservist (?): "It's time to end Afghanistan war"

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How can someone like this even consider joining the Military little own become a Cpl?? Does he even have a clue what the heck he’s talking about??? My Lord standards have dropped!! :skull:
I'll be quick, as my... Well, I am angry.

My "expert" marketing advice would be this. First, PA's if you are reading this here, great, if not, I will be reaching out to one or two I know out there about this. This must be answered officially (not unofficially by one of us writing into the Star in a response). There are several inaccuracies in the letter, which now have an "expert" name to them, which will very quickly make them gospel (despite the glaring inaccuracies and blatant misinformation present).

He wants to be a martyr very badly I believe. Should we drum him out officially or unofficially he wins, we lose. The best possible solution here would be to get him to put his money where his mouth is, and get him into Afghanistan. Short of that, any amount of real and verifiable facts which we could produce would not be near good enough to convince him of his errors. He has to see with his own eyes, the things some of us here have seen. The real ground truth. Without it, he will take for gospel whatever it is his handlers are telling him.

He has failed his oath, and his brothers and sisters very seriously on many fronts in these letters he is writing. It is clear he could not be bothered to ask his chain of command the questions which are clearly in his head, and now he has left himself wide open to the interpretation that he has a clear agenda, which appears to us to be that of agent provactuer. He has so many sources of information open to him, more even the the average Joe on the street has access to. How on earth, in this day and age, can anyone go around with such a clearly ignorant and wrong view, built on very poor research, and then sign their name on an opinion? Ignorance is truly mankinds worst sin of sins, as it is ignorance which allows all other sins.
I would love to write the Star with a rebuttal to this letter, but as a serving member, I can't do that. All I, and we, can do is take comfort in the knowledge that this guy is full of crap, and that karma will have its own revenge.
This person is real and I can tell all of you how embarrassed and truly sorry to have the same brass as him. He is being dealt with. For all of us who have been there, are there and are going there from our proud and loyal regiment we will set things right in house and continue our tasks overseas as well as here in Canada.
This person is real and I can tell all of you how embarrassed and truly sorry to have the same brass as him. He is being dealt with. For all of us who have been there, are there and are going there from our proud and loyal regiment we will set things right in house and continue our tasks overseas as well as here in Canada.

Roger that, buddy. Keep on keeping on. ;)
ModlrMike said:
I would love to write the Star with a rebuttal to this letter, but as a serving member, I can't do that. All I, and we, can do is take comfort in the knowledge that this guy is full of crap, and that karma will have its own revenge.
What you can do is recommend that members of your Regimental Association, Officer's Association or other service support group write letters to the editor setting the record straight. Third party support is always more credible. Otherwise, it is the Minister that defends Government policy as the sole spokesperson and who may authorize subject matter experts to speak to the operational matters.
X Royal said:
When I seen the article this morning I thought "here comes a active thread".
If it turns out the letter was from an active member of the Forces he should be severely dealt with.
My only problem with this thread is that some posters have used it as a vehicle to slam a political party and it's leader without any reason to believe they had anything to do with the article. Yes this board's members generally tend to lean in a certain political direction, but to use this thread as a basis for attack on a political party and its views is stepping out of line in respect to the topic of the thread.
Amen!  Not much more to be said about that.
gwp said:
What you can do is recommend that members of your Regimental Association, Officer's Association or other service support group write letters to the editor setting the record straight. Third party support is always more credible.

Not to mention more timely and easier to mobilize than more "institutional" messaging.
This young cpl should be encouraged to take his release. He is not fit to wear the same uniform as my son, or me or any other member of the CF.
Teeps74 said:
My "expert" marketing advice would be this. First, PA's if you are reading this here, great, if not, I will be reaching out to one or two I know out there about this. This must be answered officially (not unofficially by one of us writing into the Star in a response). There are several inaccuracies in the letter, which now have an "expert" name to them, which will very quickly make them gospel (despite the glaring inaccuracies and blatant misinformation present).
DAOD 2008
"Any member of the CF or employee of the DND in their official capacity may agree to speak (be interviewed) by the media provided it is to speak about what they do"

If you have been to Afghanistan and can speak to your personal experience you "may" write the Star in response.  Seek advice and guidance through your chain of command and PA advisor before you push send. Most who have posted here have already put their comments in the public domain.  If I were a reporter I could write a great story.   

Participants in a popular discussion forum on military matters "army.ca" believe a fellow soldier's letter to the editor of the Toronto Star is grounds for dismissal from the service or severe discipline.  The letter by ..... condemned the military action in Afghanistan claiming .... etc.

Responses on the website vary from raging anger to support for the soldiers limited right of free speech.  (Then the article would go on to quote various posts)

If the comments can be taken at face value,  a post by a member of the soldier's own unit reports that the letter writer is under investigation and is "being dealt with."
... or include such comments intermingled with quotes from some of the usual suspect military experts routinely used for "how's the miltiary feel?" stories.

A 10 year old child was involved in a non-isaf related car accident in Khandahar. He was brought to the Khandahar hospital and looked at but the doctors there decided he needed more advance care otherwise this 10 year old child would die. Internal bleeding, looked like severe head trauma and his father was told he might need brain surgery or something.

They sent him to the Khandahar Air Field where Canadian medics & doctors were asked to treat him. He was promptly accepted and brought to the base hospital.

and we shoot and kill a 2-year-old Afghan boy and his 4-year-old sister.
Like I said for every 'bad' warning shot we take, 100 more save lives.
Injuries regrettably do happen, like in the case of the boy and his sister being mistakenly shot. But for every incident like this Canadian (and allied) soldiers save 100 more. Hell probably a lot more than that. That stuff next to never hits the news. It's sad that so many good deeds and lives saved go unnoticed. Well perhaps by Canadians like this Penticton Reservist, that 10 year old's family seemed pretty happy with the Canadians.

That's the problem with guys like this. They choose to wrap themselves up in  set of beliefs but don't have both sides of the story. The anti-mission to afghanistan types will eat this up and not even care what it's actually made out of. It looks good to them, that's all.   Eat it up fatties :)
Just like that case of the Canadian reservist officer quitting the CF because he didn't wan to be "ordered" to Afghanistan, the truth takes a back seat to what sounds good.

I think it's safe to believe that this kid, as per the initial post (career firing, career stops)  is done. While it's likely already made known, a letter to the CSM/RSM "Is this kid yours?" and then that's her.

Well, THAT certainly didn't take long - shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act.

Afghanistan: 'Vet' Claims Canada Using White Phosphorus as Weapon
C. L. Cook, Pacific Free Press, 9 Oct 08
Article link (.pdf attached in case link doesn't work or disappears)

In a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star newspaper, Corporal Paul Demetrick, a man claiming to be a Canadian veteran in the reserves, charged Canadian Forces with using White Phosphorus munitions as a weapon against "enemy-occupied" vineyards in Afghanistan.

Whiskey Pete, as it's colloquially known in the U.S. military, has such a gruesome impact on human physiology, (some of those horrors famously recorded during and after the second Battle of Falluja in 2005) its use is "restricted" to "illumination" and providing "smokescreen" cover for troops.

In Falluja, the U.S. military finally admitted it had deployed White Phoshorus into the city with predictable effect to the population there. 

The American military initially denied W.P. had been used, but following the release of graphic images captured by an Italian documentary crew, among others, the U.S. admitted bombing the city with burn agent.

American freelancer, Dahr Jamail produced some of the bravest English language reportage from Iraq, and was too in Falluja during the terrible siege. Pictures that made it past the American cordon revealed sacks of clothing laying in the streets, melted remnant bodies, oozing liquid and fat.

Doctors who had served during the long war with Iran said they recognized the casualties coming in, and those in the streets as  having suffered the chemical burns consistent with a phosphorus attack. It was another of the litany of disgrace America wears now as a mantle.

Canada is not generally thought of as a rogue state, practicing war crimes around the world, but if Corporal Demetrick is correct, and Canada has, and/or still is using White Phosphorus as a weapon, it too crosses the threshold leading to the new century's Nuremberg ....
Maybe the Pacific Free Press should verify the "authenticity" of their source.
I'm surprised that even THEY said, "a man claiming to be a Canadian veteran in the reserves" - although the chap appears to write as a Cpl., not a vet of any kind.
Top four uses of the F word.

"What the F*** was that?" -Mayor of Herioshima
"Where did all these F***ing Indians come from?" - General Custer
"Who f***ing cares, it's only Canadians" German soldiers at Vimy ridge
"Why did I f***ing write that?"- Corporal Demetrick
milnews.ca said:
I'm surprised that even THEY said, "a man claiming to be a Canadian veteran in the reserves" - we'll see how MSM handles the attribution...

I saw that too, but it's the headline to people will relate to.
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