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NIS/RCMP make drug bust at Shilo

charlesm said:
You should try Ft. Lewis, as part of the safety briefing they explain what to do when you come across a Meth Lab out in the training area. Over 5 days and 3 patrols we came across 2 old and one active.

EASY to fix

Any meth lab in the field becomes an automatic free fire zone!!!

2 section, buidling to your front, on your own time, rapid rate, go on!!!!
charlesm said:
You should try Ft. Lewis, as part of the safety briefing they explain what to do when you come across a Meth Lab out in the training area. Over 5 days and 3 patrols we came across 2 old and one active.

Pardon my english, that's retarded!
SwiftEddy, I think he means the frequency they encountered the labs.  Three patrols in a military training area encountered three labs.  Makes one wonder about many things.

Sarcasm:Subtlety ratio was too low, so I'll recast my statement.
Meth labs are notoriously explosive, hence my attempt at humor by saying it was dangerous to approach with pyro.  One penflare could do as well as an entire section.  I thought this was a well understood point, and so thought to build on the padre's humor by calling it exceptionally unsafe, thus retarded.  I failed to boresight the joke gun.
Your Penance Trinity is to recite your signature block 100 times ;D
And besides it would be the engineers who get to dispose of the lab.
3rd Herd said:
Unfortunately, many outdoor and indoor grow ops have varying degrees of "security" devices to prevent either accidental discovery or rip off. A patrol is not much good with blank ammo when facing the real thing, eh.

Don't laugh - IIRC a patrol during an ARCON (last year I think) came across one, with only blank ammo...they kind of made themselves one with the plants until people with REAL bullets arrived.

medicineman said:
Don't laugh - IIRC a patrol during an ARCON (last year I think) came across one, with only blank ammo...they kind of made themselves one with the plants until people with REAL bullets arrived.


Yeah, but "They" don't know that. Just take off the BFA and load a cleaning rod! Single action, but a cleaning rod at close range must be pretty nasty...

(I am oh so kidding)
harry8422 said:
i personally hate drugs i mean the recruiter clearly states that when you sign up there is zero tolerance for drugs in the military if it were my way if you get caught after that your out no secend chances..................pro patria

I agree that there is no tolernace of drugs in the CF. But I know alot more troops who should be smoking whacky tobaccy rather then drinking the bottle. At least the whacky doesnt make ya violent from what I have seen some peeps do after a exercise.
harry8422 said:
i personally hate drugs i mean the recruiter clearly states that when you sign up there is zero tolerance for drugs in the military if it were my way if you get caught after that your out no secend chances..................pro patria
How noble......

moderaters.do you have an ass kissing smiley thing????
DFW2T said:
How noble......

moderaters.do you have an *** kissing smiley thing????

What a Charming Chap, would your reply have been the same if "Trinity" had wrote the quote.

I guess your in favour of a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, chance, I wonder why that might be ?.

I guess also, that's the reason why there are Drugs in the Shacks. Next you'll be considering asking for clean needles to be supplied.

With regard to Smileys, maybe the Mod's might also consider one for "Jerks".

An example of what happens when you stand downwind of a drug bust and burn:

I'm not sure it's a real video, because the soldiers, with only scarfs on,
don't seem to be affected....
Continuing hijack

On the subject of burning drugs plants, I was wondering...

When its was in the news a few months ago that soldiers had effects
while burning the weeds plants, I was asking my civil brain
if gaz masks woulg have help...

...as I don't know how or with what produce they work...
FastEddy said:

With regard to Smileys, maybe the Mod's might also consider one for "Jerks".

Any one going to land a C5 on this opening?

Seriously though, Yrys, the gas mask itself will provide a seal against the smoke but I can't vouch for the filter.  I imagine there's a CBRNN filter out there somewhere (the second N is narcotic)
There is a classification of civvie filters for "organic vapours" - I'd imagine this would fit the bill.
I guess the Brandon Univ Zoology department had it right when they wrote,
"Natural mixed-grass prairie and aspen parkland can be found on the pasture land, ACWMA (Assiniboine Corridor Wildlife Management Area); the Yellow Quill Prairie and CFB Shilo.

FastEddy said:

What a Charming Chap, would your reply have been the same if "Trinity" had wrote the quote.

I guess your in favour of a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, chance, I wonder why that might be ?.

I guess also, that's the reason why there are Drugs in the Shacks. Next you'll be considering asking for clean needles to be supplied.

With regard to Smileys, maybe the Mod's might also consider one for "Jerks".
WTF are you implying.......who said anything about 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th chances.  It sounds like you are implying that I'm a dopesmoker????  Are you ...please elaborate.
I'm saying that we all know the rules and regs on this topic....he doesn't need to stand on his soapbox and preach to the choir. 

As for smiley things I can think of a more fitting  one than a "jerk"  for you!  You're  a twit.
DFW2T said:
WTF are you implying.......who said anything about 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th chances.  It sounds like you are implying that I'm a dopesmoker????  Are you ...please elaborate.
I'm saying that we all know the rules and regs on this topic....he doesn't need to stand on his soapbox and preach to the choir.   

As for smiley things I can think of a more fitting  one than a "jerk"  for you!  You're  a twit.

your reply definitely suggested that you were not in favour of "the door for 1st Offenses", therefore one would obviously presume you would be in favour of a more lenient approach. The number of chances are immaterial. Of course I'm not impling your a dopesmoker

As to your reasoning for such, does leave one wondering why?. Whether its been said over and over and everybody knows the Rules and Regs., it still obviously isn't enough. If anyone wants to stand on a soap box and preach it, he dossent deserve to be slam'd and called a ... licker..

I also see you skirted the question, " if Trinity had posted the comment" ?.
