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NATO Generals Meet in Canada, and Who's Gonna Meet 'EmThere?

The Bread Guy

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Abolish NATO and Disarm
StopWar members and supporters are encouraged to participate in a weekend of action to protest NATO meetings taking place in Victoria, demanding NATO out of Afghanistan and the abolition of the military alliance itself. For those interested in carpooling over to Victoria, contact Mable at mightymable@hotmail.com.
Meet the 26 NATO Generals at Hotel Grand Pacific 463 Belleville Street September 7-9, 2007

Abolish NATO Presence 10 am - 3 pm Daily September 7, 8, and 9

Saturday, September 8
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Rally at Legislature at the corner of Belleville and Government streets

Further information

The military chiefs of all 26 NATO countries are scheduled to meet in Victoria September 7, 8, and 9, 2007. Join us in Victoria to protest against NATO's ongoing destruction of the planet through its use of depleted uranium munitions, white phosphorus and cluster munitions. Help
us expose NATO's numerous and ongoing violations of international law and the horrors of NATO's wars as we call for the abolition of NATO.

The International War Crimes Tribunal held in New York June 9-10, 2000 found the U.S. and NATO political and military leaders guilty of nineteen separate war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace... including the use of depleted uranium (U238)... and that NATO should be abolished.

Four years later, on March 10, 2004 the International Criminal Tribunal For Afghanistan At Tokyo found George W. Bush guilty of waging a war of aggression... guilty of Crimes Against Humanity ...and in respect of the DU weapons used on the people of Afghanistan, Bush was found guilty of the crime of "Omnicide", the extermination of life, contamination of air, water and food resources and the irreversible alteration of the genetic code of all living organisms including plant life as a direct consequence of the use of radioactive munitions in Afghanistan affecting countries in the entire region...

NATO and DU have become synonymous with omnicide. Our only hope is to disband NATO and try all the leaders at the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

NATO must be Disbanded for Committing OMNICIDE - The Ultimate War Crime

Daily Presence
We will have a daily presence during all 3 days - September 7, 8 and 9. If you are interested in "joining the lines" for any or all of the 3 days, please call (250) 381-5120.

Mass Demonstration September 8 12:00 - 2:00 pm
We will be having an "all hands on deck" Mass Demonstration at the Hotel Grand Pacific on Belleville Street. We will gather/rally 12 noon at the B.C. Legislature at the corner of Belleville and Government streets before moving to the Grand Pacific Hotel. You can download the Event Poster on the website http://canadaoutofafghanistan.ca
- All events organized or endorsed by StopWar.ca, a broad-based coalition with over 160 endorsing organizations and prominent individuals.

- For more anti-war information:
www.stopwar.ca, www.zmag.org, www.unitedforpeace.org, www.haitiaction.net,
http://www.stopwar.org.uk/, http://electroniciraq.net/
I'm sorry, but if Pres. Bush was charged and convicted of war crimes, wouldn't he be in prison and not in charge of the United States? I mean I'm no expert on the subject, but this reads like a bunch of pot smoking, beatnik hippies. I'm sorry, but I have no time for a group of people that would rather protest an organization that is in place to protect them than support it. Oh well, this is why the Canadian Forces fight for them, so they have the right to complain that we fight for them. I wonder if they realize this circle, and find the same irony in it that I do.
The reason that President Bush is not in jail is that the ICTA was a mock trial put together by some civilians from Japan.  I love how they use the word "omnicide."  The word actually isn't in the dictionary but was rather invented by these types of folks.
A VERY quick and dirty "analysis" of the protest info here:

Feel free to expand.....  ;D
00334 said:
The reason that President Bush is not in jail is that the ICTA was a mock trial put together by some civilians from Japan.  I love how they use the word "omnicide."  The word actually isn't in the dictionary but was rather invented by these types of folks.

Try some Google-fu on the word "omnicide".  Some very entertaning stuff comes up!
Haggis said:
Try some Google-fu on the word "omnicide".  Some very entertaning stuff comes up!

I am aware of the existence of the word but it's not actually a real world in the dictionary sense.  The google results were rather entertaining.  I liked the one about the avian flu disinfectant called omnicide.  You should read more about the ICTA.  The "trial" was laughable at best.
I like the pictures they have on the website.  Particularly the Victoria Day parade pictures from 2007 in which there were a whole.................5 protestors!!!!

Whats even better is that they're walking around amongst the crowd who for the most part are totally oblivious to their presence!  The only person who even appears to be paying attention to them is the photographer!  Man I wish they had a guest book that I could comment in!
MP 811 said:
I like the pictures they have on the website.  Particularly the Victoria Day parade pictures from 2007 in which there were a whole.................5 protestors!!!!

Whats even better is that they're walking around amongst the crowd who for the most part are totally oblivious to their presence!  The only person who even appears to be paying attention to them is the photographer!  Man I wish they had a guest book that I could comment in!

Well if you smoke a lot of pot, 5 people start to morph into 10, who morph into 100, etc. Now add a couple of them might have split personalities so that would mean there are really more than 5 people, you are just so optically challenged not to realize this basic fact of pothood.  ;)
I found Stopwar guilty of asshattery 35 seconds ago and sentenced them to 4 weeks of pentitential silence.  Now there is the small matter of enforcing my jurisdiction...
Yeah, about 20 seconds of digging discovers the utter lack of any such "THE International War Crimes Tribunal."

Hilarious - the kinda stuff people pass out in high school because somebody said it was cool. The best part? I bet it finds media coverage!
At least most of you dont have to put up with it because its not in your part of the country... there's a huge crowd of these types out here, but they are usually too busy partying and getting stoned to get their act together and be a united force...
Infiltrate their march with "Waco Massacre" and "Remember Ruby Ridge" signs, then check out their reaction.
What the heck is Omnicide anyway? Maybe it's something to do with killing tofu or something? Pathetic too, since Victoria is a beautiful city most of the time...
TCBF said:
Infiltrate their march with "Waco Massacre" and "Remember Ruby Ridge" signs, then check out their reaction.

I would doubt that they would notice any difference. They would probably just remember that people died, therefore it MUST be the governments fault ::)
It's difficult to take these people seriously.. They use broad arguments and quote "facts" that are incorrect. As an example, their site said that Depleted Uranium was used "extensively in the bombing of Afghanistan." I'm not aware of any bombs that use DU.. certainly some armour-piercing ammunition types do, but no bombs that i know of...
I think these guys have a hard time remembering the stoner rule, puff puff pass, don't be a bogard. Friggin hippies, ugh.
Colin P said:
Well if you smoke a lot of pot, 5 people start to morph into 10, who morph into 100, etc. Now add a couple of them might have split personalities so that would mean there are really more than 5 people, you are just so optically challenged not to realize this basic fact of pothood.  ;)

DUUUUUUUUUDE, yer blowin' my mind here........... ;D