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Military would be better to focus on coastline: Layton


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What an idiot.
So now he wants us to infringe on the authority of the Coast Guard and the Dept of Oceans and Fisheries?  Is this man on Ritalin?
Good point George, I also see that he's getting unqualified support from the ummm....union
Earl McCurdy is the president of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union based in Newfoundland.  He says the Canadian Coast Guard is doing a good job of protecting fish stocks, but would welcome an expanded role for the military.

As well, what has CBT Arms troops got to do with patrolling the freaking coastal waters???, last time I checked, I didn't see any LAV III's floating around in the Atlantic or Pacific.

He's really got to get his head out of his ass.

So when MarCom comes around and says we need 4000 more sailors, 10 more frigates, 8 more DDH's... that means Taliban Jack will, for once stop beaking off about Health and Housing (both Provincial jurisdictions IIRC) and co-sign the cheque eh?

George Wallace : Ritalin..perhaps.. I venture CRACK!


I used to have some respect for this man. After what the NDP has been blabbing in the media over the past couple of weeks and their recent convention in Quebec this doesn't surprise me. Jack Layton has no more shock value.
Maybe I'll print this article out and clean something with it.

Rant over


Well I think after he gets back from Afghanistan, we can send him to CFS Alert for the winter.  ;D
Just ignore Layton, he's just trying to appeal to the fringes of his group, the people he almost alienated when he tried a more centerist approach during the last election. 

And besides, he's a moron with bad taste in women.

Do Toronto-Danforth and Trinity-Spadina have coast lines? I guess if you can make a LAV watertight it will float in all the shit coming from these 2 losers. 
I'm not really up to speed on this Layton character, but to me obviously he has never served in the military
from the article :

Canada's Forces aren't likely to be diverted to the Canadian coastline anytime soon, however.

Funny, i just came back from a week patrolling the north and i'm sure that we patrol the costline for 10-12 hours pretty regularly......
Just keep in mind folks that the military is not just the army.  Especially in canada, where we have elements or environments and not seperate services, for Lefty Jack to make comments about refocussing the military is both within his providence as an elected official and as a leader.

As has been previously said on this board, what is frustrating is that the media can only report on one side of this issue, because both the Prime Minister and his government (including DND) have been useless in actually providing another side to the debate.

As a civilian and as someone continuing to desire a role in our military, I welcome democratic debate. It's healthy.  The problem is that When only one side gets all the airtime (because the other side isnt saying much of anything),  its no longer a debate.

Much as I disagree with Jack, the problem is, Canadians don't care what I think. They want a leader to follow who makes sense.  Jack is appealing to old-school Canadian values, and no-oine with legitimacy is appealing with another angle.

Until someone does, Jack will keep spewing his ideas (warped as they may be to you and I), and the media will keep giving him airtime.  Noone else is asking for any.
cdnaviator said:
from the article :

Funny, i just came back from a week patrolling the north and i'm sure that we patrol the costline for 10-12 hours pretty regularly......

Well I think what was ment was that we will not be diverting resources from afghanistan to costal patroling.
Proud Forester said:
Well I think what was ment was that we will not be diverting resources from afghanistan to costal patroling.

Fair enough...so what do we have in afghanistan that can do the patrolling job here ?
Mr Layton now wants Canadian soldiers defending us against foreign fishers. He does not however make it clear how soldiers would do this on the high seas. Maybe he will soon suggest disbanding the Canadian Army in favour of creating a Canadian Marine Corps.

Military should focus on coastline, not war: Layton

CBC News: Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton says Canada's military should be focusing on domestic sovereignty issues, including protecting Canada's coastline from illegal fishing boats, instead of fighting the Taliban in southern Afghanistan...

In an interview with CBC Radio in Fredericton on Wednesday, Layton also said those troops would be more effective at protecting Canada's fishing grounds from foreign trawlers.

"We feel a big part of our role should be our sovereignty issues, such as up North, and also in dealing with the fishing with fleets off our coastline who are coming in and destroying the ecosystems," he said...

Layton says illegal trawlers are hurting coastal communities all over eastern Canada, and the nation's armed forces has a duty to stop them.

"Dealing with the fishing fleets off our coastline who are coming in and destroying the ecosystems that in many ways provide the livelihood for our coastal communities. That has a place for both the Coast Guard and possibly the military and the navy," he said...

cdnaviator said:
Fair enough...so what do we have in afghanistan that can do the patrolling job here ?

Leopard 2 and LAVIII with water wings  ;D
cdnaviator said:
So "nothing" is the answer.....?

That's why his words (Layton) are so, absurd. Lets just pull that friggate out of Kandahar and re-route it to the Pac Coast to do some interdiction patrols.... ::)
cdnaviator said:
So "nothing" is the answer.....?

Pretty much....Like was said, he is going for the fringe voters......he is making noise to make noise.....that is about it.