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I came across this today thought it looked cool and I know everyone here is all aboot the LCF. I guess it's for Airsoft or something. Oh yeah while you're there check out his rank...pretty cool lol.

If this belongs in a different box my bad.

Just realized I forgot the link. -----> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://members.shaw.ca/eggman51/MG36_project/images/G36_mark3-6_cadpat_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://members.shaw.ca/eggman51/MG36_project/MG36Project.html&h=768&w=779&sz=228&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid=ULmQuwP9bQSv-M:&tbnh=140&tbnw=142&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCADPAT%2B%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1B3GGGL_enCA238CA238%26sa%3DG

Fat guy with "2 JTF" on his slipon -- yeah I'd safely say even without the fake PEQ2 that its airsoft...
Yeah, it's definitely Airsoft, if you scroll down the page you'll see the specs for a motor. As far as I know, the MG36 doesn't use a motor. ;D
I didn't take much time to look at it the first time over. When I went back I read all that and laughed (mostly at myself lol). Some people just have waaaay to much time and money on their hands. Hey maybe the army will use this guy to help the CF with its LCF lol.
Infidel-6 said:

Fat guy with "2 JTF" on his slipon -- yeah I'd safely say even without the fake PEQ2 that its airsoft...

2 JTF, holy crap that's funny. I'd like one of those to wear around my unit. I'm sure no one would say anything....
I just noticed how shiny the paintjob on it is... Completely counteracts the point of painting in CADPAT when it glows like a beacon.
Snaketnk said:
I just noticed how shiny the paintjob on it is... Completely counteracts the point of painting in CADPAT when it glows like a beacon.

It's Airsoft.  Getting people to look at it *is* the point.