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1)Stuying Cold war;
2)Wandering around old Canadian Forces Bases (La Macaza, Val D'Or, St-Hubert...)
3)Aircraft/tnak modeling
4)My fiancée
5)School (I love it)
I LOVE trail riding ( with my bicycle ), videogames, hockey, working out ( feels like I'm coming at work, coming in the shower, I am coming all the time!  - Oh Arnold!) just getting into rock climbing ( hey if anyone knows good spots in the GTA email me please bry_182@hotmail.com), and pretty much just hanging with good friends. OH, also becoming a big fan of UFC, that stuff is classy.

I like to hold my breath until I turn purple and see spots and pass out, It's kinda my "Thing"
I also play alot of Counter-strike but my "Hand-eye" isn't what it used to be (See Hobby #1)
Future Unknown said:
I like to hold my breath until I turn purple and see spots and pass out, It's kinda my "Thing"
I also play alot of Counter-strike but my "Hand-eye" isn't what it used to be (See Hobby #1)

People will only take you seriously if you don't act like a clown...
Black Watch said:
1)Stuying Cold war;

Ah crud now I really feel old. :'(

Forgot two earlier, Binge drinking and chasing loose woman. Oh sorry those aren't hobbies really, more like a calling. 8)
Surf as much as possible (Hurricane season is here  ;D), fish, gym, travel, all sports, drink like a fish, feed my interent addiction, read.
My hobbies??  That would require spare time, wouldn't it?

When I get a chance I snowboard, practice martial arts, backpack, back country camp, work-out and read (mostly the Bible as well).
In order to keep this thread going and not make another one seeing as I was searching for something along hobbie lines; and to show the general populace that we're not all a bunch of paintballing-camo wearing-neo whatever bunch of poopheads.
I include many pastimes in my sparetime. I learned how to woodwork when I was away and enjoy making things from wood for my friends.  I take time to pass on to the next generation as a member of Scouts Canada.  We like to go camping as a family whenever the time permits and the weather agrees.   I'm now becoming interested in radio controlled flying, or should I say, I revisiting that subject.  When I was in Air Cadets, I always wanted to fly and do RC.  The urge fell away over the years and I now find myself in a spot to revisit and go buy an RC helocopter and learn to fly it.
Cheers All, BYTD
Good on ya' BYT Driver.

You're right - hobbies are very important.  They take your mind off "things", provide you with an opportunity to relax, and sometimes lead to a second career.

In my own case, I was an RMS Clk, who spent most of his free time woodworking.  Since retirement I attended a trade school, and I am currently profitably self-employed as a furniture maker.  I love what I'm doing, and I've never been more "fulfilled" in my life. 

The work ethic we take away from the CF is indispensable in whatever career we pursue in the "afterlife".  Hobbies are good things.  (I also enjoy model rocketry and RC aircraft - just haven't made a living out them, yet!)


Danjanou said:
Ah crud now I really feel old. :'(

...and chasing loose woman. Oh sorry those aren't hobbies really, more like a calling. 8)

Is there "any higher" calling?  ;D

I'd better make myself scarce before Trin talks me down for possibly belittling the "Men of the Cloth".

i collect old coins as well. not for value but just to hold and look at them once in a while. its nice to have something that you dont seen around too often.
I'm into music as a hobby. I play trombone in a community band, and am looking to buy a nice, cheap guitar too. I'm also into camping, canoeing, and sailing. I would love to get into both kite-surfing and diving when I get the time.
NavalGent said:
when I get the time.
Time ~sigh~
Let's see...
I'm an avid reader, usually have 2 books going at the same time.  I like fiction but tend to gravitate towards historical fiction or novels whose settings and culture I am not familiar with.  Have recently joined a book club which is forcing me to read books I might not necessarily have chosen myself.  We're currently reading Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali (non-fiction) and...Jane Eyre   ::)  Oops, the first rule about Book Club is don't talk about Book Club!
I work out at a gym at least 3 times a week and am currently trying to "get up to speed" with my running (it hurts!).
I do calligraphy and other paper crafts when the occasion presents itself, ie. it's Christmas, or somebody's birthday.  However, if you saw my "studio" set-up you would think I do this full-time.
I make jewellery (explanation as above).
Computer graphics is something I dabble in as well;10 years and 3 versions of Photoshop later, I'm still having to constantly refer to my books or look at tutorials. 
I  am involved in some ministries at my church do some volunteer work for the Canadian Paraplegic Association.
I love to hang out with my dog, and my friends & neighbors, especially if the fruit of the vine is available.  Now that the summer season is upon us my friends with pools will see me A LOT.
I like listening to music, especially, but not exclusively, classic rock, Celtic, the odd aria.  But, I am a HUGE CBC Radio fan.
I intend to join my local curling club come the Fall.
Hockey Night In Canada, of course and, my dirty little secret, The Y&R. 

I have lots of "catching up" to do because Army.ca has seriously cut into to my spare time!

Just a little bit about me  :)


Shocking D2  :D

Here's mine:

-listening to tunes (all types except country!!);
-tole painting;
-cross stitching;
-flower arrangements (yes, that's right I do flowers, wedding bouquets, etc, the whole 9 yards - who'd have thunk it eh?); and
-now that the summer is here...I'd usually be found rolling around in the garden, planting, splitting, weeding, whatever.

-No garden here in PEI so I'll have to come up with something else to occupy my time.
Vern, you're such a girl !
I'm with you re: country  :-X
Maybe we could make the next M&G a quilting party, tess would be up for it I'm sure.

The Librarian said:
I'd usually be found rolling around in the garden

D Squared said:
Vern, you're such a girl !
I'm with you re: country  :-X
Maybe we could make the next M&G a quilting party, tess would be up for it I'm sure.


Well, I also do boxing. Shall we have a boxing party?   ;D

PS...I don't quilt and Tess only shows 1 out of 10 times!! Good luck with that!!  >:D
The Librarian said:
Well, I also do boxing. Shall we have a boxing party?   ;D
Only if I can wear my pink boots  :D
PS  I don't quilt either
Well I do quilt... so I could show you all how...we could have an army.ca quilting bee. :)

In my younger years, I raced motorcycles - now I am content to just teach people how to stay upright on them.  I also teach Highland Dancing and play in a pipe band.  I race dog sleds or mush as we call it.  I make beer and wine.  I crew racing yachts and like to totter around the bays in my dinghy - one day I will have the time (and money) to rebuild my dad's J class sloop.  I hunt, fish and trap.  I like to design clothes and make upholstered furniture.  I breed and show dogs (although I took a year off from my breeding program and my show dogs are with handlers now).  I own a film production company and my first love is photography and films.  I volunteer at a number of agencies - mostly women's and Vet organizations but I do 50 hours a month working with Vets and helping them with their VAC appeals and personal paperworks/documents.  I mentor 3 students each academic year.  I collect female action figures.  I paint and my medium is acrylic or watercolour. I'm working on a Canadian suite right now...6 canvases done. I like to bead as well.  I adore reading and my favourite topic is mil history.  I just hope I have more time to be able to do a lot more with the rest of my life. 
niner, WOW
you are unbelievable!
Sounds like you are fulfilled and blessed (as are others around you).
Good for you and keep up the good work.
PS  I may not quilt, but I do bead  :D
My hobbies, one that I've mostly taken up in the last year or so is photography. One hobby that I do have, though it's one that has been forgotten (that I have been thinking of taking up again) is playing guitar and writing music. Generally, most of my hobbies these days though, when I am not working and home with my daughter is pretty much geared toward her. Playing frisbee, soccer, going to the park, reading together, and painting.
