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Extended BMQ?

This is from the horse's mouth. BMQ will be extended from 11 weeks to 13 weeks as of fall 06. Two platoons just completed the pilot R0216E and R0217F, which will have their end course ceremony tomorrow.
I just finished the pilot course which is 13 weeks, the instructor asked the class if they felt that the course could be shortened to twelve weeks however I have no idea on how long they are going to make it and what changes will be made if the plan goes ahead. I found that the course was good, some changes might have been made that could make it better. But once again I am just a recruit and don't have all the specifics on what the new course will be like come fall as changes could be made.
I was told they're extending it to 13 weeks to. I'm doing the 9 week bmq this summer.
what are they addding(classes,training,etc..) to the extra weeks?
I'm currently in BMQ (but for the reserves) and it is 12 weekends...maybe you're just getting that mixed up because I believe it used to be shorter (there's even an 8 weekend one in January)
I am in Bmq right now i am on week 10 of 11,  they are extending the bmq to 13 weeks as of some time in jan to try it out
Well its not rumour its fact.......Starting Aug 06 BMQ will be 13 wks long...they did a pilot course in Sept 05 and it all went well so all the BMQ courses starting after summer block leave will be 13 wks long....Its a slight combination of SQ but it will not be replacing the SQ course..All field trades are required to do SQ...no matter the element u have chosen its the trade. Which makes sense that any new member of the CF should be field ready...Not taking time away from ur new unit for them to take the time on your first exercise to teach you about doing sentries and all that Jazz...Its not rumour couse my home unit is still CFLRS...doing OJT now in Petawawa and returning to St Jean and doing a 13 wk BMQ course.... :salute: :cdn:

Lead Follow or get the Hell outta the way  :cdn:
Curious if anyone knows if the army reserve BMQ is supposed to be extended as well? It's currently mandated for 20-22 days of training (IIRC). Could have an impact on the part-time weekend BMQ lengths.

cheers, mdh
I think above it was said that it will be extended by two (2) weeks in the fall of 2006.

a question out of the blue (pun intended) do they tend to mix everyone Air, Navy and Army in to the same BMQ because it is the 'same' thing or do they try to keep it to the individual elements?
Reg Force BMQs are mixed, don't matter what your branch an trade are.

In the Reserve, the Navy an Air Force do theirs together in Borden, and each Army Brigade runs its own Basic courses.
Since when has the NavRes and AirRes combined their BMQs?  Is this a recent merger? I know they are both in Borden, but they were separate.
Heres the deal  troops as best I know when I was on my SQ the Sgt. there told me they were phasing ou the SQ and implementing it into an extende basic, as far as you soon to be infantry are concerned dont worry about coming up short on a slightly shortened SQ the boys will teach you everything you need to know on your BIQ, again this is only word to mouth so take it for what its worth.
Guy. E said:
I think above it was said that it will be extended by two (2) weeks in the fall of 2006.

a question out of the blue (pun intended) do they tend to mix everyone Air, Navy and Army in to the same BMQ because it is the 'same' thing or do they try to keep it to the individual elements?

In the Reg F BMQs are run with a mixture of all three elements and different trades.