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Canadian Federal Election 44 - Sep 2021

Yes i am hoping that if LNG Canada succeeds, it will invigorate someone to revive one of the projects. At one point I was reviewing 9 LNG projects simultaneously. In fact in Prince Rupert we arranged it so the Working Group sat for a day while 3 different proponents presented their project for the local area all in the same day.
Just one project (PNW LNG) alone was 36 Billion dollars.

The Asian countries can always burn coal in their thermal plants. The important thing is that BC shaves off some fraction of total global CO2 emissions several places to the right of a decimal point.
Must be hard to vote come election time when every party in parliament supports a carbon tax.
I suspect no more difficult than someone voting for a party after stating the party is full of bad people and they're glad the party fizzled out.
My opinion on the PPC has changed and I am most happy they are around getting around 5 percent of the vote
Must be hard to vote come election time when every party in parliament supports a carbon tax.

Every party has foolish planks. The aim of emissions mitigation is to reduce global emissions, not necessarily local emissions.
Every party has foolish planks. The aim of emissions mitigation is to reduce global emissions, not necessarily local emissions.
You're right.

I fully support PM Trudeau in calling for taxes added on to products produced in countries with no carbon tax.
Yeah, you and all like you win the virtue war. Enjoy the feeling; it's all you're going to get.

He might as well call for magical transmutation of methane to dollar bills. Apparently the US hit its reduction target for 2025 sometime last year (ie. 5 years early), substantially on exploiting natural gas. Whatever is going on at the conference is wishful thinking. It's fortunate there isn't really a crisis.
Yeah, you and all like you win the virtue war. Enjoy the feeling; it's all you're going to get.

He might as well call for magical transmutation of methane to dollar bills. Apparently the US hit its reduction target for 2025 sometime last year (ie. 5 years early), substantially on exploiting natural gas. Whatever is going on at the conference is wishful thinking. It's fortunate there isn't really a crisis.
not here maybe but other countries aren't so lucky. A few days of minus five and calm wind conditions this winter and England is in for a whole lot of hurt
That's not a climate crisis; that's a politically-engineered crisis.
When you have some virtue-signaling politicians pretend to take cold showers for a few days while a few Exawatts of power in global reserve circulation daily, it’s definitely politically engineered.
When you have some virtue-signaling politicians pretend to take cold showers for a few days while a few Exawatts of power in global reserve circulation daily, it’s definitely politically engineered.

I guess Russia and China left the bath running. No matter, a good old self-righteous scolding by the 'Leader of the World of Free' should help, right?

COP26: Biden attacks China and Russia leaders for missing summit​

In a speech on Tuesday night, Mr Biden said climate was "a gigantic issue" and China "walked away" - adding it was the "same thing with Russia and Putin".

Neither Russian President Vladimir Putin nor Chinese leader Xi Jinping are at the summit.

Both countries however have sent delegations to the talks, which are due to run for two weeks until 14 November.

China is the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, followed by the US. Russia is the fifth largest after the EU and India.

More than 120 leaders turned up at the conference in Scotland's largest city.

Yeah, you and all like you win the virtue war. Enjoy the feeling; it's all you're going to get.

He might as well call for magical transmutation of methane to dollar bills. Apparently the US hit its reduction target for 2025 sometime last year (ie. 5 years early), substantially on exploiting natural gas. Whatever is going on at the conference is wishful thinking. It's fortunate there isn't really a crisis.
Oh, of course pumping carbon into the atmosphere faster than it can be filtered out will have no consequences on the environment, on climate and on rising temperatures.

Of course, what are those silly scientists thinking. All the carbon just magically disappears with no ill effects. Doesn't contribute to the warming of the planet at all.

But of course, if it does, it's all china's fault.

But thankfully it's not china's fault because it isn't really a crisis.

Oh, of course pumping carbon into the atmosphere faster than it can be filtered out will have no consequences on the environment, on climate and on rising temperatures.

Of course, what are those silly scientists thinking. All the carbon just magically disappears with no ill effects. Doesn't contribute to the warming of the planet at all.

But of course, if it does, it's all china's fault.

But thankfully it's not china's fault because it isn't really a crisis.


Funny enough the people who think that climate armageddon is upon us are a mirror image of what you scorn above. Nothing is China's fault somehow, and crushing Canadians under new taxes to reduce our negligible (in the global context) carbon emissions is going to somehow save the world.
Funny enough the people who think that climate armageddon is upon us are a mirror image of what you scorn above. Nothing is China's fault somehow, and crushing Canadians under new taxes to reduce our negligible (in the global context) carbon emissions is going to somehow save the world.
You forgot tp mention while flying around in planes designed to hold 100's of passengers......
Funny enough the people who think that climate armageddon is upon us are a mirror image of what you scorn above.
Maybe, but at least they acknowledge the problem.

not say things like "there isn't really a crisis"
Nothing is China's fault somehow,
China has a very big role to play, but to lay it all at their feet is to ignore the fact that the west spent the last 150 years of the industrial revolution to cement their place in the first world and subsidize our high standards of living with high carbon output per capita and simply telling others too bad, so sad, we are ahead now and we will implement these climate restrictions so that you can never catch up won't lead to a global consensus that everyone can agree on.
and crushing Canadians under new taxes to reduce our negligible (in the global context) carbon emissions is going to somehow save the world.
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.”

~Edmund Burke

Canada has always been a middle power. That didn't stop us from participating in WW1 or WW2. It didn't stop us from playing a part in Afghanistan. Were we more than 2 percent of allied soldiers at the time?* That didn't mean we didn't do our part.

This fallacy that we should do nothing because we are small is such hogwash. How dare we ask others, including China to stop their emmision growth if we cannot do it ourselves? What kind of next level hypocrisy is that? Or to put it another way, how can we a first world nation with the technological and fiscal capacity to go more green ask the developing world in China, India, to some extent Russia, to cut their emmisions if we cannot with every advantage we have?

Will Canada save the world by itself? No, we never have, and likely never will. Should we do our part to collaboratively save the world? We always have and we always should.

* some arse is going to drag out that we had the 3rd largest navy after ww2 to which I say sure, but our army was still puny in comparison to everyone else so my point is still valid.
Oh, of course pumping carbon into the atmosphere faster than it can be filtered out will have no consequences on the environment, on climate and on rising temperatures.

Of course it has consequences.

A warmer climate will most likely be a net benefit. Longer growing seasons, more precipitation (more water vapour, which can't just hang around in the sky indefinitely - it circulates). Also, more CO2 is good for plants. Deforested and de-vegetated lands will recover more quickly.

We are living during an interglacial (period between massive glaciations) of an ice age. A warmer climate might be a helpful buffer to stall the resumption of extensive glaciation.

All the bullshit from people clamouring because they are suffering from erosion, land subsidence, water shortages, etc due to mismanagement of land and waters has to be squarely set aside under "politically engineered crises". Then the pros and cons of whatever is left over can reasonably be debated.
simply telling others too bad, so sad, we are ahead now and we will implement these climate restrictions so that you can never catch up

Yes, but we should help them to burn cleaner fuels (eg. LNG) instead of giving ourselves an economic wedgie and militating true global emissions reduction.
Of course it has consequences.
So you do see that carbon emmisions have an effect, good.
A warmer climate will most likely be a net benefit.
oh boy, not really.
Longer growing seasons,
with less rain.
more precipitation (more water vapour, which can't just hang around in the sky indefinitely - it circulates).
One of the sad things about increased global temperatures is the melting of glaciers and snow peaks on mountains, which usually filter into rivers and underground aquifers.

Now with lower temperatures these used to bounce back every cold season or winter , but not so much anymore. It's going to lead to a lot more of the water that should be stored inland ending up in rivers flowing into the ocean. As you know, water in the ocean does little good for people living inland. It also does little good for people living closer to the oceans. Increased sea levels threatens to completely submerge cities, island nations, and a large amount of low lying areas of the globe. Netherlands, Florida, New Orleans, Virginia, New York city, the Po Valley of Italy, including Venice, Bangladesh, the Mekong delta of Vietnam and Myanmar, the yellow river valley of China, the Nile River delta,all are around sea level.

So unless you think needing to find New homes for 1 billion people is a net benefit to humanity....
Also, more CO2 is good for plants. Deforested and de-vegetated lands will recover more quickly.
Good for the plants, but they already have enough carbon. It's like giving someone stuffed at dinner a 4th course. It doesn't do them much good.
We are living during an interglacial (period between massive glaciations) of an ice age. A warmer climate might be a helpful buffer to stall the resumption of extensive glaciation.
A lot of the world's glaciers are dying as we speak. The same glaciers that fuel our rivers.
All the bullshit from people clamouring because they are suffering from erosion, land subsidence, water shortages, etc due to mismanagement of land and waters has to be squarely set aside under "politically engineered crises". Then the pros and cons of whatever is left over can reasonably be debated.
The world gets warmer, the droughts get worse, rivers and lakes dry up as glaciers melt away, sea levels rise, lowland regions get flooded and submerges, longer and more deadly heat waves, and warmer water leads to more destructive hurricanes and storms.

What is good about any of that?
Yes, but we should help them to burn cleaner fuels (eg. LNG) instead of giving ourselves an economic wedgie and militating true global emissions reduction.
And then China takes our LNG, opens more factories, pollutes even more and when we complain their emmisions haven't gone down, they point at us and say ours have not either, and humanity suffers.

Good plan.

As someone who wants a habitable planet for the 50 or so years I may have left and for the 80 or so years my children may have, this plan is not so great, but for the economy of LNG producing nations its going to be a great few decades before climate change really kicks into gear and causes massive social upheaval
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