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BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

Wow congrats Josh.

You got in a lot earlier then I expected (from reading your other posts), but thats a good things.

I'll be in Borden too.

Best of luck!
They conduct BMQ Courses at CFB Borden? I was unaware!
Why would they bother to send me ALL the way to St-Jean (Not that I'm complaining), when it's a quick hop, skip and a jump to Borden?
They sent a buddy of mine from Esquimalt to Meaford a few years back, just to sent him back to Esquimalt for trades trg
Yeah, when I heard that I was going to Borden, I was like hmmmm doesn't he mean St-Jean?? Anyways, I should be recieving all my info in the next 1-2 weeks soo i'll see what happens..
CF_Lifer said:
They conduct BMQ Courses at CFB Borden? I was unaware!
Why would they bother to send me ALL the way to St-Jean (Not that I'm complaining), when it's a quick hop, skip and a jump to Borden?

Because theres probably a spot open in St-jean.....that spot might have a grad date that coordinates even better with follow on courses for you trade.

Where you go is not based on where you are right now, stop second guessing everything and enjoy the ride

Josh1r said:
Yeah, when I heard that I was going to Borden, I was like hmmmm doesn't he mean St-Jean?? Anyways, I should be recieving all my info in the next 1-2 weeks soo i'll see what happens..

Read above. Chances are he realy did mean Borden....i mean, he would know better than you...
I did my BMQ in Borden. I had alot of fun there and learned alot there also. Very good trainning facility.
CDN Aviator said:
Because theres probably a spot open in St-jean.....that spot might have a grad date that coordinates even better with follow on courses for you trade.

Where you go is not based on where you are right now, stop second guessing everything and enjoy the ride

Read above. Chances are he realy did mean Borden....i mean, he would know better than you...

Wow CDN Aviator, you really are sharp, I didn't think he misinformed me I was just a little bit suprized because I live 15 minutes from St-Jean. Not putting to much thought into why they would do such a thing like sending me to Borden it didn't make sence at first. But after reading your post I can now see "the light" and there seems to be other reassons to send people places besides what's on the surface.
Josh1r said:
Wow CDN Aviator, you really are sharp, I didn't think he misinformed me I was just a little bit suprized because I live 15 minutes from St-Jean. Not putting to much thought into why they would do such a thing like sending me to Borden it didn't make sence at first. But after reading your post I can now see "the light" and there seems to be other reassons to send people places besides what's on the surface.

There are always thing that go on that are above your rank. Doesnt hurt to ask why but sometimes you just have to trust that the system knows what its doing.
Borden is going to be a treat for you guys!  Think, in a few weeks you will be in Building T-115 (the shacks) getting the low down on how your Civy lives are going to differ from that of a member of the Canadian Forces. 

Trust me when i say "Never Quit".

I was sent to CFB Borden for BMQ, I never finished the course. 

There are some great Instructors in Borden, in particular... One who tried to convince me to reverse my decision to VR.  Don't look back...follow your orders!  Especially ones given to you by your Platoon Senior.  Being a team, and working together will get you through this 13 week challenge.  I look foreward to seeing how you all do!
Best of luck!

Pendant said:
i just finished my bmq up in borden, your probably gonna have my instructors. if you have any questions feel free to ask

how was BMQ in borden?? just overall... how are the instructors?
laviolette said:
just a question why did you VR?
My head was too big.  I was convinced that i could be a "model" recruit.  Got "dressed down" pretty harsh by a few instructors which is their JOB!  My skin was not thick enough to Soldier on at the time.  Thought i may loose my cool and end up the complete opposite of what i set out to accomplish.


Be a good team player, help those in need of help.  .  Soon you will find yourself needing help, the more you give...the more you get ( ya with me?)
Some recruits that i disliked and chose not to associate with ended up being good friends after a few weeks. They could have helped me when i needed help.  By then i was already on PAT platoon, and ashamed that i pussed out like that!

All things said!  I received help from the Padre, who directed me to some people in Calgary... 
One of the most enlightening things i learned from Padre was that "woundedness and devastation in peoples hearts and lives saps much of their energy and resources."
Learn to FORGIVE, especially forgiveness upon yourself, and your actions.

hopefully that answers your question Laviolette
Again, best of luck to you all!
SoF said:
Yep me and Pendant were both in Alpha in the summer, different platoons though, my platoon had easier and cooler instructors however ;D Tips; watchout for skunks while doing firepicket duty at night, I had fire picket the night before grad parade and  had to be extra careful where I walked. Also learn to eat alot and fast. You wont get much energy from sleep so it'll have to come from what you eat. Eat sh_t and you'll feel like sh_t.
Great Advice! especially about what you eat!
I just got my package in the mail. My BMQ Dates are Sept 10 - Dec 14 in Borden, ONT. . Leaving Calgary on Sept 8. I can't wait for the chance to serve my country!
justascubadiver said:
I just got my package in the mail. My BMQ Dates are Sept 10 - Dec 14 in Borden, ONT. . Leaving Calgary on Sept 8. I can't wait for the chance to serve my country!
sweet  see ya there!  so what was in the package you got ?
the "package" included:

Letter stating I will be enrolled into the Canadian forces on such and such and what my MOC and Element will be
My Security Clearance Form
12 pages of Joining Instructions for CFB Borden REG Force BMQ
A CD for Canadian Defence Community Banking
A Pamphlet for CDCBanking
A Brochure for CFPSA
A "Welcome to the Canadian Forces Family" Brochure
and A "Statement of Defence Ethics" Leaflet
